The Existence of Evil

Evil is often there where we do not see it. Often it is hidden until it blinds us in the darkness. All of us have the free choice to let good or evil being the stronger over the other. It is a choice we all have to make our selves. We can not blame an other, for the evil which is in us.


Please do find also to read:

  1. Stronger than anything that wants to destroy
  2. Christendom Astray The Devil Not A Personal Super-Natural Being
  3. A world in denial
  4. It is a free will choice
  5. Satan the evil within
  6. Creator and Blogger God 3 Lesson and solution
  7. Condemnation of the World and Illustration of Justification
  8. Trusting, Faith, Calling and Ascribing to Jehovah #15 Exposition before the Creator
  9. Fear and protection
  10. Angry but not sinning
  11. A love not exempting us from trials
  • Everyone Is Seeking God (
    God is ever trying to draw His children back to their inherent perfection. That is why you will see even in evil people there is a search for God, though it may not be pronounced as such.
    Ultimately, everyone who seeks happiness or pleasure in any form is seeking God. Unless they do so with conscious awareness that only God-communion can bestow true soul joy, they are destined to discover that the object of their seeking is an inferior substitute that inevitably leads to disappointment, anguish or sorrow. It cannot be otherwise.
  • Seeing evil, hearing evil, feeling evil (
    Evil was also something I was taught at a young age was synonymous with the Devil and with hell’s raging inferno beneath the ground – where anyone doing wrong would live out their afterlife. There was certainly a feeling of everlasting condemnation and punishment for being ‘evil’, and that this sentencing would be at God’s hand. I was told that God would stop loving us if we were imperfect and did wrong. It never made sense to me how God, who ‘loves us unconditionally’, and is ‘all-knowing’ and ‘all-loving’, would ever be able to punish, judge or condemn.
  • Evil is Evil: An Observation (
    Evil is evil whether it’s the doing of a Palestinian radical hiding behind a black facemask or an Israeli Prime Minister hiding behind a claim to land.
  • Are Demons Stronger in the Dark? (
    Humans were designed to function best in the day, not the night. God didn’t equip us with night vision, instead He gave us eyes that have a difficult time detecting movement in shadows. We feel more vulnerable in the dark because we are.

    In the Bible we find a figurative association being made between darkness and evil.

    “This is the judgment, that the Light has come into the world, and men loved the darkness rather than the Light, for their deeds were evil. For everyone who does evil hates the Light, and does not come to the Light for fear that his deeds will be exposed.” (John 3:19)

  • Evil (
    I lay beaten and bloodied,
    On the cold floor of this world,
    Provoked by human bigotry,
    Riposted by human lies,
    Cut open by human greed,
    Mankind struck me down.
  • Magic & Fantasy: Part 2 – Good vs. Evil (
    One thing I love about fantasy is the ability to show the battle between Good and Evil in a more vivid and clear way.  In fantasy there are shinning heroes vs. great monsters, hobbits vs. dark lords, light vs. darkness, etc.  Fantasy allows you to show Good and Evil in a form everyone can easily recognize.  As a Christian, I want to tell stories that show the stark contrast between light and dark, freedom and slavery, death and salvation, fantasy allows me to do this as no other genre does.
  • Can Joy be found in Suffering? (
    When Eve partook of the Tree of Good & Evil she called the experience “good,” “pleasant,” and “to be desired.” Since you are to get off this tree, you must reverse her assessment. You must call the earthly realm, “vain, unpleasant, and undesirable.” These are the opposites of Eve’s responses. By this formula you can reverse her actions and be separated from your carnality.

    This is “metanoia,” a change of mind, and this change is initiated by suffering. Without suffering this change would be impossible. Only suffering can desecrate the earthly realm, and only then will you be empowered to call it vain and unprofitable. The suffering that comes to your life will be prescribed by divine wisdom to kill your carnal mind. This suffering will end your affection for the earthly realm. Those things that you loved and enjoyed will become wearisome and unsatisfying. By this process your carnality will die and the Mind of Christ will be birthed in you.

  • The Eternal Influences of Spiritual Cleansing (
    During times of spiritual cleansing we may need to do a little more than just dust behind our book shelves. We may also need to dust off some of the books on those shelves, in particular our scriptures, and allow the glorious Light of the teachings found there to illumine our lives as its rays shine through the windows of our life.

    It is impossible to clean anything in the dark. We need to have some light to see what we are cleaning. Therefore, we need to let the Son shine in by making the Savior an absolute part of our daily lives. Without Him we could do nothing. Without Him we would surely fail. Without Him we would be like a ship drifting without a sail. He wants to be involved in the big, as well as, the small moments of our lives. If we allow Him to rule and reign in all areas of our lives – in every room of our spiritual houses – we will not have a need for a continual spiritual cleansing, but instead we would experience a daily, moment-to-moment refreshing of our spirits. “God is faithful, by whom [we] were called unto the fellowship of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord” (1 Corinthians 1:9).

  • Treatise On Jealousy and Envy. (
    To be jealous of what you see to be good, and to be envious of those who are better than yourself, seems, beloved brethren, in the eyes of some people to be a slight and petty wrong; and, being thought trifling and of small account, it is not feared; not being feared, it is contemned; being contemned, it is not easily shunned: and it thus becomes a dark and hidden mischief, which, as it is not perceived so as to be guarded against by the prudent, secretly distresses incautious minds.
  • Can you say yes Lord regardless of cost? (
    Without “crisis,” there can be no “way of knowing” God. Without travail, there can be no birth. Without a birth, you cannot become a Son. If ye be without chastisement, whereof all are partakers, then are ye bastards, and not sons.


Source of Inspiration


Evil exists as a separate force
It captures the souls of men
luring with promises of power
wealth, unlimited carnal pleasures.
It springs its trap
dragging its willing victims
to the pit of darkness

Avoid these forces at all costs
calling up the Divine Light
of protection. If it feels
wrong, it is! Trust your inner
guide. Do not be with those
who seek your downfall.
Call for the Light,
mighty is the Lord
of All Goodness and Love.

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Filed under Being and Feeling, Lifestyle, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs