
In the Holiday time we may think of all those travelling in a world of fantasy and magic, but we must also remember those who can only have such travels in their dreams and imagination.
In this world full of contrast we can find many who are not aware of what a luxury they really have. They are blinded by all the material stuff around them and do not see the real richness of life, what it has to offer and where it can bring us.
Many of them, find their death still frustrated they could not have this or that. they assembled so much only for themselves, so that they could not see others around them. They have forgotten they can not do anything with all that material stuff when they die, and how there are much more important matters in life to give a better life money cannot buy.
Those who seem poor perhaps are much richer in spirit and shall find a better and endless life in the future. Bless their souls.


  • Don’t Be Afraid to Die (
    You have no idea how long you are going to be on this planet. You might think you can make a reasonable estimate based on your current health status and your age. But the reality is that God could kill you at any moment. Now if you don’t know Jesus as your Lord and Savior, then this should scare the daylights out of you.
  • The Cover-Up (
    As women, we love to shop for shoes, clothing, and make-up, not to mention the latest trend….hair! We get so caught up in our appearance and the material things that we have forgotten to tend to our emotional soul and dying spirit. A spirit that is dying is usually depressed, angry, sinful, unsatisfied, unashamed (of their actions or words) and without restraint.
  • Acedia: The Noonday Demon (
    St Gregory the Great identified the capital sins as superbia (pride), invidia (envy), ira (anger), avaritia (avarice), tristia (sadness), gula (gluttony), and luxuria (disordered desire or lust). Over time tristia was replaced by otiositas or dēsidia (sloth, indolence). In Dante’s Divine Comedy, for example, sloth is described as tepid love, the failure to love God with all of one’s being (lento amore).
  • Depression (
    When you saw Robin Williams you felt happy, you laughed until you cried with cramps in your stomach and there was always joy because God blessed him with the ability to make others laugh despite what was internally going on with him. I don’t remember when he bravely came out and admitted he suffered from manic depression but he did. A person that can make you laugh and feel good despite having inner turmoil is truly talented and gifte
  • Why I believe Everyone is, or should be, a Traveler. ~ Olivia Wood (
    I believe that this need for stability, security and comfort is largely down to social conditioning and the culture of fear that it arises from.

    I refer in particular to modern-day Western society that dictates that we must endeavour to own property, get a full-time job and start paying toward a pension, health insurance et al from the moment we become an adult (in most countries, age 18).

  • Has Europe lost its soul? (
    As the political leaders of Europe come together to try to save the euro, and with it the very project of European Union, I believe the time has come for religious leaders to do likewise,
    If Europe loses the Judaeo-Christian heritage that gave it its historic identity and its greatest achievements in literature, art, music, education, politics, and as we will see, economics, it will lose its identity and its greatness, not immediately, but before this century reaches its end.

    When a civilisation loses its faith, it loses its future. When it recovers its faith, it recovers its future. For the sake of our children, and their children not yet born, we – Jews and Christians, side-by-side – must renew our faith and its prophetic voice. We must help Europe recover its soul.

  • Self-made or Self-lost (
    A man who lives in a shack, which he built with his own hands, working the streets by the sweat of his brow collecting cans has gained the whole world in his pride of proficiency, however the man who is a lawyer, bilking the poor by the necessity of his knowledge in a corrupt system and world, has done the same things. The houses they live in are different, the amount of wages are contrastive expressed in the variance between one who rides a bike and the other who drives a BMW, yet the worldly gain that they have set over the virtue of growing one’s spirit is the gain of their world and the prescribed loss of the soul.
  • On Selfishness and Stuff (
    There is a virtue to being selfish. I think there is a certain amount of soul-care that everyone needs, and it requires that we engage in a certain amount of selfish thinking and activity in order to provide our souls with the nourishment they need. I think it’s fairly easy to fall into a pattern of being so completely unselfish with our time that we neglect the vital work of soul-care, just as it is easy to fall into such a pattern of selfishness that we neglect everyone else. There is a need for balance.
  • How Awake is Your Heart? (
    They had the best of everything… the latest technology, the coolest gadgets, the nicest stuff. God had obviously blessed them with material prosperity.
    God speaks through dreams, but not every dream. Actually the thing I think He does the most beautifully for us while we sleep is simply to press the “Reset” button to our spirits. But only an awakened heart can see that.
    Maybe it’s time to re-think your ambition or your loneliness. Maybe it’s time to re-examine that restless feeling that nags you, and this time use a little discernment.  Maybe what you’re restless for, lonely for, or ambitious for is God. Awakened hearts can discern that.
  • The Dark Sides of Thing-driven Life, By Omozuwa Gabriel Osamwonyi (@omozuwaspeaks) (
    The ongoing effort by some religious leaders to idealise the opulent lifestyle has done society more harm than good. It indicates a failure to appreciate the fact that idealism and materialism hardly coexist. Anyone engaged in the single-minded pursuit of material prosperity can hardly live by high ideals. Where materialism rules, awe-inspiring pietism is bound to be sacrificed on the altar of hedonism. The core values of Good Samaritans will be thrown into the bin of exploitative capitalism, and hawk-like dispositions will be Christianised.

Source of Inspiration

ocean liner

Ocean liner sails the seas
people wallowing in luxury
while others are dying
of hunger and war
still others are buying
more and more

There’s great wealth
to be had
but its not shared
and that is sad

There is a simple solution, folks.
If you have more than you need,
share it with others!

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