Tag Archives: Car-home

Why choose? And can you choose?

Any adventure lies in a small corner. Sometimes, what begins as an adventure can turn into a disaster or a nightmare.

When there is no security or control, the adventure can become like a bowling game or Jeux de boulle.

We all are destined to make the best out of our life. Living in a certain way is for many already a sort of adventure. There is a guidebook for life, but lots of people do not want to know about that Book of books. Many also have difficulties following certain safe roads and dare to try out certain things that bring them more difficulties than bringing them in good, safe circumstances.



A bird’s eye and reflecting from within

The self and the other in times of insecurity

The Culture of Excesses- Losing Humanity

Silence: The language of Chaos


Additional reading

  1. God has not destined us for wrath
  2. Feeling-good, search for happiness and the church
  3. About the rate of confidence
  4. Loving adventure, but facing a fearful adventure
  5. Sharing a common security and a common set of values
  6. The first boy to conquer my heart #2 The Russian boy’s upbringing

The Fallen Lady

Are you seeking security or adventure?

Sunday, July 16th. 2023

“Are you seeking security or adventure?”

I firmly be live that as humans we are programmed to seek both security and adventure, and that without security in our life the adventures turns into “trials!

Offcourse a positive mindset can
deceive you into thinking that, for an example “living in your car” is an
adventure, but if you don’t have the economic security to know where your next meal will come from, the adventurous “car-home” turns into hardship and the reality is that you are not on an adventure, you are homeless.

I speak from experience here.

I did live in my car for a while, and though it was fun to begin with,
the winter came and the fun part was replaced by freezing nights
and a body that did not function properly.

I love adventures, and I used to…

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Filed under Being and Feeling, Lifestyle, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Welfare matters