Tag Archives: Islamic fundamentalists

Father explaining Paris attack to young son

A father in Paris was caught in a heartbreaking interview explaining to his young son what happened during the recent terrorist attacks.
This video is sure to break your heart. Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian of The Young Turks discuss.


The child thinking rationally “Bad guys are not very nice.”

But there are bad people everywhere.

It is true they might have weapons but we do have flowers, (representing love, beauty, tenderness all the things terrorist want to take back from us, flowers are affection for the ones we care about) = to fight guns + to protect => war does not end war.

Candles to remember people who are gone.


We don’t need to move out.

France is our home.

We stick together + they can’t break our spirit.

Most important is that we stay united and share the same spirit.
Staying united and who we are.




Paris Attack and Ranting

Spike In Anti-Muslim Attacks Casts Spotlight On Government Policies

Human tragedy need to be addressed at source

Before you blame All Muslims for the terrorist attack in Paris


Find also to read:

  1. Religion, fundamentalism and murder
  2. Do we have to be an anarchist to react
  3. Wrong ideas about religious terrorism
  4. Massive police operation in northern Paris suburb of Saint-Denis
  5. French Muslims under attack



Filed under Activism and Peace Work, Being and Feeling, Crimes & Atrocities, Headlines - News, Religious affairs, Video

Before you blame All Muslims for the terrorist attack in Paris

The attacks in Paris and the terror in Brussels made many finding themselves more justified to hate Muslims. Many forget that the attackers are radical Muslims but that many of the victims are also Muslims.

Between 2004-2013, the UK suffered 400 non Muslim terrorist attacks, mostly in Northern Ireland, and almost all of them were non-lethal. The US suffered 131 non-Muslim attacks, fewer than 20 of which were lethal. France suffered 47 non Muslim attacks. But in Iraq, there were 12 000 attacks and 8 000 of them were lethal. {BBC}

The easy thing is to say “Muslim did it”, but when we look at the majority of terrorist attacks all over the world they are non-religious related and not done by active Muslims or active Christians, but more by non-religious people and most important by anarchists.

When we look at the terrorist attacks from Muslim side it are the radical and fundamentalist Muslims who bring terror over non-believers, Jews, Christians but also over faithful Islamic believers. today we see many lashing out at the Muslims, but they were already hurt first and hove to face how their religion is used in a horrible degrading way by people who say they are Muslim, but are not real Muslims.

Before you blame All Muslims for the terrorist attack in Paris watch this incredible interview from a survivor of the attack. Cenk Uygur host of The Young Turks asks you not to give into temptation, stop and think about the Muslim victims before you lash out against the entire religion.



Please let us not generalise and be careful by whom we want to blame and how we want to react.


We are all inhabitants of this planet, by the Grace of the Divine Creator,
and we need to fight one for the other and help each other.


We are all in the same boat.


Preceding articles:

Paris Attack and Ranting

Problematic Or Patriotic? Two Ways To Talk About Muslims

Don’t be Muslim

Spike In Anti-Muslim Attacks Casts Spotlight On Government Policies

Tolerance Ends When There Is No Tolerance Shown Towards Us

Christians at War? Christians using violence?

Responses to Radical Muslims and Radical Christians

The World Wide Refugee and Migrant Crisis and a possible solution for it

Migration not something to fear

What we don’t say about the refugee crisis?

Social media and asylum seekers

Human tragedy need to be addressed at source

Real progress leaves nobody behind

Children of Men

My two cents on the refugee crisis

Listening for the Language of Peace


Find also to read:

  1. 2014 Religion: with a.o. Global war against Christians
  2. Syrian but also Belgian connection to French attacks
  3. Brussels-born Salah Abdeslam key suspect Paris terrorist attacks
  4. Paris attacks darkening the world
  5. Refugee crisis, terrorist attacks and created fear
  6. Massive police operation in northern Paris suburb of Saint-Denis
  7. French Muslims under attack
  8. Wrong ideas about religious terrorism
  9. Propaganda war and ISIS
  10. ISIS cannot be presenters of the real Islam
  11. Do Al-Qaeda, Islamic State, ISIS and ISIL belong to true Islam
  12. Not true or True Catholicism and True Islam
  13. Religion, fundamentalism and murder
  14. Condemning QSIS or the self-claimed Islamic state ruler, al- Baghdadi their extremist ideologies and to clarify the true teachings of Islam 
  15. ISIL will find no safe haven
  16. Islamic State forcing the West to provide means for Kurdistan
  17. Women their education and chances to become a parliamentary
  18. Christian clergyman defiling book which did not belong to him
  19. More Muslim children than Christian children growing up in our cities
  20. Being Charlie 10
  21. Being Charlie 11
  22. Do we have to be an anarchist to react



Filed under Activism and Peace Work, Crimes & Atrocities, Headlines - News, Religious affairs, Social affairs, Video, World affairs

Christians at War? Christians using violence?

Many Christians do want the world to believe that the war ISIS is preaching is a war against the Christians. Their war is not just a war against unbelievers in God or against believers in a wrong God (for them Christians believe Jesus is God, though not all Christians do believe that). The issue of the ISIS terror is to create fear fro their agenda of an Islamic State where all the power has to go to them and nobody else. It is a matter of “Power” and not so much about religion.

In case ISIS was really concerned about the faith of the followers of the prophet Muhammad then they would not kill other Muslims, certainly would not burn any Quoran, because that is considered to be a holy book and also would not destroy mosques, all horrible things they do.

Today having Terror Alarm 4, for the Region Brussels, Belgium becomes more a country at the beginning of war, having the shopping centres closed and all big events cancelled. Last night again four places found where terrorists prepared several attacks to be executed at around the same time all over Belgium. Lots or armoury was found.

Yesterday again two Belgians were killed by Al Qaeda terrorists, this time in Mali‘s major city Bamako.

There might being lots of people who call for revenge and would love to see our forces to go into combat and to have a stronger force in the warfare against ISIS.
It is not only the Bible that in many instances condones the act of war and the use of deadly force for protection. Torah, Kethubim Aleph, Kethubim Bet or Messianic Scriptures (the New Testament) and the Quran demand that we respect the creations of the Most Divine Allah, the God of gods, Master of heavens and earth, the Elohim Hashem Jehovah.

Real lovers of Allah will respect His Words given to us in the Holy Scriptures and shall know that our force must be in a spiritual battle, taking on such an attitude which is so much in-breath of love that it destroys the hate of others.

The adversary of God (Satan) is calling to go into the battle. The adversaries of Allah, ISIS, al-Qaeda and many other  networks of Islamic fundamentalist groups, would love to see the world going into the battle and providing more reasons why to attack others.
We do have to be very vigilant not to fall into the trap.

The Bible has warned us about the signs of the end times and we should be more concerned about these: having a war starting at the land of Euphrates and Tigris (Iran & Iraq), having children revolting against their parents, having more earthquakes and tsunamis, having religions fighting against other religions, all signs which we could notice to happen the last few years. This should worry us more. This should have us to prepare for the coming times of agony and make us so that our spirits (our minds) shall be strong enough to withstand.

We always should be very attentional to take on the right attitude and not to fall-into the booby-trap of the satan (adversary).

That there might be a time for everything, should not mean we do have to be partakers in such a killing act. Let others fight their war and let us try to spread peace. We should know that joining hand to force the peace by peaceful actions is much more worth than spreading hatred.


To remember

  • 1st sight when reading the Bible=  appear  Christian should never contemplate killing of another fellow human being > no matter what the circumstances.
  • Jesus tells people around him + turn other cheek == biggest problem that seems to plague people and specifically Christians
  • human tendency to partially remember verses taken out of context + turned into doctrines
  • 2nd problem = ability to efficiently and accurately study the Word of God in 1st place.
  • focus on concept of Christians at war or protecting themselves even with deadly force
  • social, religious, & political issues at the time the book was written + What was intended purpose of the book + does each book line up with the whole spirit of the bible itself?
  • look around at this time in global history = realize potential for war + violence toward Christians on a global scale
  • topic of war + taking life of another human even outside of a war = repugnant to teachings of Christ and his apostles
  • New Testament = Christ focuses attention in  primary sense on principle of love and respect = govern the actions of men + expressing love toward one’s enemies
  • Jesus’ life on this earth was to fulfill the Law of Moses, draw all sin to himself, + die on the cross for our spiritual salvation = purpose on earth = not to engage in a physical fight
  • not mean to stay physically weak + disengaged
  • He actively encourages His servants to fight when the time arrives (John 18:36). Certainly, Christ Jesus = no pacifist in any of his teachings.
  • Jesus did not want his Disciples to interfere with his capture = result in his taking stripes for our healing and dying on the cross for our sins.
  • Jesus to go peacefully + without blemish > lamb led to slaughter


  • Matthew 26:52 = referencing those who chose to live a violent way of life =/= Christians to stand still + be killed in the name of Jesus => work to do here on earth + dead people cannot do their work
  • Luke 22:35 = we are to go out into the world + teach that the kingdom of heaven is here => to take gospel of Jesus Christ to all people who will listen + dead Christians cannot talk.
  • meek =/=  similar to being timid + non-violent
  • meek =/= being weak
  • great spiritual power
  • no killing out of anger, or aggression such as murder
  • allowance to execute criminals for capital crimes = shown by apostle Paul when he stated that even Gentile governments had divine authority to use the sword against evil doers (Romans 13:1-4).
  • sword = instrument of authority
  • Jesus told disciples = time had come to sell a garment + buy a sword (most proficient weapon to carry for self-defense)
  • self-defense = Jesus referencing
  • to follow the laws of the land providing the laws are not turned against us
  • no authority except from God + to resist authority is to resist God
  • ruler who chooses to do evil against Christians cannot be from God
  • meek Christian = you do not have to prove yourself not force your beliefs on another person
  • to protect oneself, family, + close friends from someone who tries to do evil, falls well within the approval of God even to the point of taking a life
  • for a Christian to go on the offence is to stand on the side of evil + against God’s will


Preceding articles:

Of old and new ideas to sustain power and to feel good by loving to be connected and worship something

Autumn is in the land

Don’t be Muslim

A last note concerning civil rights

The Existence of Evil

Getting fate in your change to positiveness

How to Find the Meaning of Life and Reach a State of Peace

What I Hope For Is What You Hope For


Additional reading:

  1. Between Alpha and Omega – The plan of creation
  2. Necessity of a revelation of creation 4 Getting understanding by Word of God 2
  3. Our relationship with God, Jesus and eachother
  4. Certainty in a troubled world
  5. Not making any remarks based on the intellect or logic
  6. A world with or without religion
  7. Because men choose to go their own way
  8. Our way of life
  9. A world in denial
  10. The famine of the word
  11. Bad things no punishment from God
  12. Gaza in Bible Prophecy
  13. Hamas the modern Philistines
  14. 2013 Lifestyle, religiously and spiritually
  15. Propaganda war and ISIS
  16. ISIS cannot be presenters of the real Islam
  17. Wrong ideas about religious terrorism
  18. Do Al-Qaeda, Islamic State, ISIS and ISIL belong to true Islam
  19. Not true or True Catholicism and True Islam
  20. Religion, fundamentalism and murder
  21. Condemning QSIS or the self-claimed Islamic state ruler, al- Baghdadi their extremist ideologies and to clarify the true teachings of Islam 
  22. ISIL will find no safe haven
  23. Islamic State forcing the West to provide means for Kurdistan
  24. Women their education and chances to become a parliamentary
  25. Christian clergyman defiling book which did not belong to him
  26. Being Charlie 11
  27. Do we have to be an anarchist to react
  28. Peace Takes You
  29. Beginning of times
  30. End Times
  31. The Conclusion of the System of Things
  32. Signs of the times
  33. Signs of the Last Days
  34. Zion, Flames, Terror, Signs and Games of Peace
  35. Syrian capital facing total destruction in the coming months
  36. Swallowing up Crimea, who is next
  37. Turkey and Pictures for the times coming
  38. The Rapture Wars
  39. Shariah and child abuse – Is there a connection?
  40. Commemorating the escape from slavery
  41. Dealing With the “Silence” of God
  42. What Jesus Did – Misleading around the Messiah and the final assessment
  43. The days are coming
  44. Babylon is fallen
  45. How do we know the coming of Jesus is very near?
  46. Secret or public return of Jesus
  47. Preaching Christ Is Not Enough
  48. In a world which knows no peace sharing blessed hope
  49. Evangelisation, local preaching opposite overseas evangelism


Further reading:

The Power of Grace Ministries

At first sight when reading the bible it would appear that a Christian should never contemplate the killing of another fellow human being no matter what the circumstances. Most Christians and even many non-Christians can partially quote the scripture where Jesus tells the people around Him to turn the other cheek when your enemy strikes you, Matthew 5:39 & Luke 6:29.

Here in lies the biggest problem that seems to plague people and specifically Christians and has for centuries; the human tendency to partially remember verses which are taken out of context and then turned into doctrines. Whether the scriptures were taught in their fullness or taken out of context makes a huge difference. Not to mention the limited time people spend studying the Word of God for themselves. Which brings us to the second problem which is the ability to efficiently and accurately study the Word of God in…

View original post 2,422 more words


Filed under Activism and Peace Work, Crimes & Atrocities, Headlines - News, Knowledge & Wisdom, Lifestyle, Political affairs, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Religious affairs, World affairs

Children of Men

It is very easy to find a scapegoat. When terrorists shock the population many politician get an extra weapon in their hand to help them in their particular course, to perform their already preconceived plan.

Islamic fundamentalists are not afraid to kill other Muslims and enjoy the fear they can bring over man. those giving in to that fear make the terrorists win in their aims.


Last Friday night, Paris attacked by three cells affiliated with the terrorist organization ISIS => country’s worst wave of violence since World War II.

Source: Gregorio Borgia/The AP

  • many GOP presidential candidates intensified their rhetoric for the U.S. => cease accepting Syrian refugees.
  • Donald Trump, Ben Carson, Marco Rubio + Ted Cruz called for a halt to accepting Syrian refugees.
  • leading GOP candidate Donald Trump told refugees could be ISIS >migration >Trump has seen > all men = all strong-looking guys > not that many women.

UN Refugee Agency, over half of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) registered Syrian refugees = female (50.2% as of this writing).

Nearly 40% of the refugees = under the age of 12.


  • Trump’s “take in 250,000 from Syria” = higher from 10,000 Syrian refugees White House would accept

That the United States has a far more superior security process in place than that of Europe may be that with such an amount of people entering Europe, it is nearly impossible to have straight ahead a thorough check. they must account or hope for a next and better control when those refugees enter their new domicile.

0111For United States of America: Before entering the country > refugees must have an in-person interview with a Department of Homeland Security representative, pass security checks + a medical exam (including testing for tuberculosis = can take possibly 8 weeks) => can take up to 24 months before process completed for a refugee to even be allowed in the .

very expensive screening procedures for all Syrian refugees who have come to the United States + very careful vetting process (including intelligence community, national Counterterrorism Center, Department of Homeland Security).

  • Dealing with people who’ve suffered horrors of war, women,children, orphans => can’t just shut our doors to those people => sort out how to focus on terrorists to keep out of the country


We can’t make the mistake of identifying refugees as very terrorist threat they are running from.



Preceding articles:

Paris Attack and Ranting

Problematic Or Patriotic? Two Ways To Talk About Muslims

Migration not something to fear

What we don’t say about the refugee crisis?

Human tragedy need to be addressed at source

Real progress leaves nobody behind

Spike In Anti-Muslim Attacks Casts Spotlight On Government Policies

Don’t be Muslim


Additional reading:

  1. Between Alpha and Omega – The plan of creation
  2. Economic crisis danger for the rise of political extremism
  3. Wrong ideas about religious terrorism
  4. Europe and much-vaunted bastions of multiculturalism becoming No God Zones
  5. Is ISIS a product of American in-action or a product of direct action
  6. Islamic State forcing the West to provide means for Kurdistan
  7. Paris attacks darkening the world
  8. A sleeper cell of militants was said directing attackers sent back to France from Islamic State’s de-facto capital in Raqqa, Syria
  9. Refugee crisis, terrorist attacks and created fear
  10. Islamic State pushing at an open door to divide Europeans
  11. Brussels-born Salah Abdeslam key suspect Paris terrorist attacks
  12. Massive police operation in northern Paris suburb of Saint-Denis
  13. Islamophobic hate crimes rise in UK following terror attacks
  14. Trump brand of migrant demonization #1
  15. Trump brand of migrant demonization #2
  16. Are people willing to take the responsibility for others
  17. Schengen area and Freedom for Europeans being put to the test as never before
  18. Asylum seekers crisis and Europe’s paralysis


Further reading:

  1. How the terror attacks in Paris unfolded
  2. Paris attacks: Suicide bomber identified; ISIS claims responsibility for 129 dead
  3. The Paris attacks: What we know now
  4. Paris terror: Video captures terrified customers fleeing café amid fears of another attack
  5. Salah Abdeslam: Police stopped Paris attack suspect near Belgian border hours after killings – but let him go
  6. Salah Abdeslam: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know
  7. After Paris attacks, fugitive slipped through police dragnet
  8. Brussels Connection Under Spotlight After Paris Killings
  9. The Nihilistic Assaults On Paris – OpEd
  10. Paris attacks: Anonymous launches its ‘biggest operation ever’ against Isis, promises to ‘hunt down’ attackers
  11. Paris attacks: How the minute’s silence was held around the world
  12. Socio-Political Ethics In Islam And The West: A Comparative Perspective
  13. Search continues for Paris attack suspect as France launches airstrikes on Islamic State targets
  14. Paris on edge as panic erupts among crowds of mourners
  15. Paris attacks: Isis threatens strike on US capital in ‘new video’ – live
  16. Suspected terrorist cells in 2 European countries raided; 2 killed
  17. US, French Defense Ministers Discuss Campaign Against Islamic State
  18. The Nihilistic Assaults On Paris – OpEd
  19. Ordinary peace-loving person tries to make sense of terrorism
  20. The Liberal Islam Problem
  21. The France theater Attacks
  22. Paris attacks: What we know so far about the victims
  23. In Photos: As France mourns, Europe holds moment of silence in honour of Paris victims
  24. Post About it, Be About it: thoughts on social media activism
  25. Terrorists Infiltrated Europe Disguised as Refugees
  26. The Islamic State’s trap for Europe
  27. Paris attacks could shift US presidential race
  28. Syria’s civil war now Europe’s war after Paris attacks
  29. US, French Defense Ministers Discuss Campaign Against Islamic State
  30. The Nihilistic Assaults On Paris – OpEd
  31. Ordinary peace-loving person tries to make sense of terrorism
  32. The Liberal Islam Problem
  33. The France theater Attacks
  34. Paris attacks: What we know so far about the victims
  35. In Photos: As France mourns, Europe holds moment of silence in honour of Paris victims
  36. Post About it, Be About it: thoughts on social media activism
  37. Terrorists Infiltrated Europe Disguised as Refugees
  38. Reuters: Islamic State threatens attack on Washington, other countries
  39. Making ☮ : Where does the peace symbol come from?
  40. Paris, Pussies And Pinterest
  41. A Moment of Silence
  42. Passport found near Paris suicide bomber shows few security checks exist for migrants in the Balkans
  43. Facebook defends using Safety Check after Paris attacks
  44. “We The People Speak” Marketing Campaign
  45. When Compassion Imperils our Security
  46. TV Quiberon 24/7 WORLD – Minute’s silence for Paris victims
  47. I’m with you
  48. Celebrities mourn Nick Alexander, merch manager killed in Paris attack
  49. Anonymous declares war on Islamic State after Paris attacks
  50. BidenJam Returns: Lame-Duck VP Brings L.A. Road Closures Monday & Tuesday
  51. A Message About The Paris Attacks, And Also Peace
  52. French fighter jets bomb ISIL capital in Syria as ‘massive’ retaliation for Paris attacks
  53. Make no mistake, the Paris attacks were a result of Religious Fundamentalism
  54. Paris attacks deepen Republican opposition to Syrian refugee influx
  55. On the attacks in Paris.
  56. Disturbing comparisons
  57. Investigation on Paris attacks continues as authorities look for suspects
  58. Feelings on Refugees, Post-Paris Attacks
  59. The other side
  60. So many women stand waiting behind fences…
  61. Hello from the other side…
  62. The Migration of the Irish to Newport in the 1800’s.
  63. America, the Not So Promised Land – The New York Times
  64. Walter Noteboom’s Emigration Record from the Netherlands
  65. San Marino and Paris
  66. Beach Bound
  67. Poll: Third of Jewish Israelis favor urging Arab Israeli emigration
  68. The Feld family – part two
  69. Dithane and Doodlebugs
  70. Jews Leave Europe as Arab-Muslims arrive
  71. Armenia’s independence generation
  72. Leaving on a jet plane, don’t know when I’ll be back again!
  73. Moving Home, Moving On
  74. Looking for emigrants from the Rhineland?
  75. I Need to share…


Drinks and Wings

Last Friday night, Paris was attacked by three cells affiliated with the terrorist organization ISIS, resulting in the country’s worst wave of violence since World War II.

As we learn more of the tragic events and the perpetrators themselves, many of the GOP presidential candidates intensified their rhetoric for the U.S. to cease accepting Syrian refugees.

The candidates’ comments blur the line between what you would expect from a presidential nominee and memes your crazy uncle posts on Facebook.

1 meme

View original post 758 more words


Filed under Activism and Peace Work, Crimes & Atrocities, Headlines - News, Political affairs, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Religious affairs