Tag Archives: Dead animals

Man lives in some wrong, mistaken way…

* “….. Man lives in some wrong, mistaken way-the real joy of life must be to dwell on earth like a ray of light, warming and fructifying all things …

Man lives in some wrong, mistaken way…

Lots of people have chosen to live the way they want to live, without giving to much attention to others around them. Their selfishness has made them not to worry about mother earth, and lets them be deaf for the cries of that earth in need.

Lots of people do think they have an other opportunity to make the best of their life, in an afterlife. They ignore the writings of the men of God, who did their best to warn mankind for their position and limited time.

The Bible makes it clear

“It is here and now we have to make it!”

We are having only one life. We are born, and then we can use the given time as good as we can. But at a certain point, we shall have to face death in the eyes. When we die, everything shall be over and out for us. We shall not be able to do anything. Life shall leave us, leaving our bodies to deteriorate and become dust.

In death, no way to act or think anymore, we are just like dead animals, having come to our end, to deteriorate or by decay ending up in dust.

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