Tag Archives: Transition


Sea turtle hatchling racing to the safety of the ocean. Photo by Christopher Farrugia from Unsplash. {I Am the Moment}

Roth Poetry

Life is such a short span when viewed from this end

Seems like we started out together just yesterday

And then I look in the mirror and wonder who that is

staring back at me and looking like an old man


For years we struggled to make a living and raise a family

We passed through several lifetimes it seems

Now, in retirement, looking back, the joys and difficulties

passed so quickly and the things we worried about are forgotten


Now that we are at the ebb and flow we begin looking forward

again to where we are headed and what it all might mean

Time it seems is that stretch of sand between the dunes and the ocean

where we wait for the Light to show us the way to the next paradigm


“We are all just baby turtles

scrambling through the sand

to the ocean

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Filed under Being and Feeling, Lifestyle, Poetry - Poems, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs

Early Morning (Poem)



Early morning, a liminal time,

When the tenebrific skies seem poised

On some obscure threshold.

The air is quiet;

No birds yet sing to herald the day;

No wind or rain disturbs the transitory stillness.

The moment awaits any assignation of meaning.

For a brief few breaths,

The world is simply as it is.

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Earth’s Unwinding

At the time of Elul and entering a new academic year it is good, looking forward to a new season, the transition time should make us to relax, unwind and take time to resource, certainly now the nature is going over to the time of sleep, where plants shall change colour and let us think of death and life, past and future.


Friends, a poem from a year ago that seems fitting today.

This is the season of earth’s unwinding – finding
soil’s Sabbath.
You can hear terra firma
exhausted, she
sleeps and with sleep
comes a dreaming –finally
ease frees earth’s form to reframe:
subliminal luminosity obtains.
The sun lays low and so
bestows on the earth – that I am –
a softer glow
a kind of light that sees shade
not as harbinger of dark dangerous design
but as foreshadows of my resolve:
I will stop. I will pray. I will stay distraction.
I will dare that dying
that is life, that is wealth, that is
repose, reward, renewal.
I will be late Autumn.
I will be November.

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