Tag Archives: Shifting the mind

Influencer in and for life

It is always nice to find people on the net who are influenced by Jesus Christ, the sent of God.

Throughout our lives, we are often first guided by things we think are important, but are not so important in our own right.
It is only later in life that many learn to see the true facts of things and begin to understand that they are better to follow the master storyteller from Nazareth.

In addition to the teachings of that Jewish Nazarene teacher Jeshua ben Josef, better known as Jesus Christ, the teachings of his heavenly father are even more essential. But with that teaching and with that Heavenly Father, many people still struggle in this world.
Fortunately, for us there is that son of God who shows us the way to his Father. If we listen to him carefully and think further about what he said at the beginning of our era, we will be able to grow further and really change in the right sense.

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