Tag Archives: Timothy Keller

The Necessity of Rest


To remember

  • time physically away = luxury
  • sabbath in rhythmic rejuvenation sense = regular rhythms of rest > to make space one day a week
  • Our society = a go-go-go society
  • we work best when we take the time to rest
  • choosing to rest one day a week = don’t keep pace with others who are willing to prioritize work over all else
  • life = marathon
  • no end > tasks to be done
  • we are the ones to protect quality of our rest
  • digital world cannibalizes time
  • Freedom =/=  absence of restrictions as finding the right ones > those that fit with the realities of our own nature and those of the world

Grace Begets Beauty

“Now I know that the best thing I can offer this world is not my force, but a well-tended spirit, a wise and brave soul.”

Shauna Niequist, Present Over Perfect

The dust has just settled from some glorious time on a vacation away from my phone. It was the kind of magical family affair out in the forest, miles from town, without cell service. The kind where the windows are perpetually open to let in the mountain breeze, and there was not the same frenetic keeping track of others as we so often have in our perpetually connected society. If someone wanted to go out, they went out – to run, walk, fish, hammock, or otherwise. Or if they wanted to stay in, they read on the porch, played a board game, puttered in the kitchen, or took a nap. There was no checking in, no “where are you’s”, simply …

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Filed under Health affairs, Lifestyle, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs