Tag Archives: Looking like an old man


Sea turtle hatchling racing to the safety of the ocean. Photo by Christopher Farrugia from Unsplash. {I Am the Moment}

Roth Poetry

Life is such a short span when viewed from this end

Seems like we started out together just yesterday

And then I look in the mirror and wonder who that is

staring back at me and looking like an old man


For years we struggled to make a living and raise a family

We passed through several lifetimes it seems

Now, in retirement, looking back, the joys and difficulties

passed so quickly and the things we worried about are forgotten


Now that we are at the ebb and flow we begin looking forward

again to where we are headed and what it all might mean

Time it seems is that stretch of sand between the dunes and the ocean

where we wait for the Light to show us the way to the next paradigm


“We are all just baby turtles

scrambling through the sand

to the ocean

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Filed under Being and Feeling, Lifestyle, Poetry - Poems, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs