Tag Archives: Fake people

What to change about modern society

Daily writing prompt
What would you change about modern society?

When we look at humanity‘s actions, we may well wonder if it wants to use its brain enough and would not be better off employing its ambitions and goals with more insight. We should not be proud of what mankind made into the 21st century, with an immensely growing wealth gap, social disparities, and systemic inequalities that exist in various aspects of society, such as income, education, and opportunity.

If we look around us we also see a lot of “fake people,” people who do not dare to be themselves but pretend to be this or that.

As the world begins to turn square, we see the far right gaining more ground in industrialised countries, with citizens clearly indicating that what matters most to them is their own self. For the majority, the law of the strongest applies but also the law of money, sparing nothing or no one. In the process, nature seems to be losing out for the common good. The industry is given priority over the general welfare of Mother Nature.

Sometimes we can seem like loners, yet I believe that several crazies like me, if we band together enough, can make a difference. Even if our voices sometimes seem to echo in thin air, the echoes will continue to reverberate and touch other souls.

Therefore, it comes down to those who believe that we should take more care of Mother Nature, to join hands and continuously push their representatives in government to work towards a better environment, where people are also allowed to live more equally with each other.

Many think they can do little to change what happens in the world. But if everyone thinks this way, not much will change. People must realise that no matter how small the change, no matter where it takes place, if more people work to create a better environment, it will become possible for more people.

In the area of human relations, there is also much to be done. Here we can only hope that we will gradually evolve into a more tolerant or more tolerant world where people will come to realise that the differences between them are an enrichment rather than an impoverishment.
My hippie years may be far behind me, but the reasons we protested then have not disappeared. In fact, today they have become even more important and high profile. Even more than then, people should now rise to the occasion and raise their voices to protect animals, plants and humans alike.




High time to show the way to peace



Additional reading

  1. Also small changes made by blogging can be useful
  2. A change to be made by a blog
  3. Capitalism and Inequality
  4. Poverty a European Issue
  5. Inequality, Injustice, Sustainability and the Free World Charter
  6. 2014 Human Rights
  7. How willing are people to stand up for their values and beliefs
  8. Involvement and implementation of European Pillar of Social Rights
  9. Subcutaneous power for humanity 1 1940-1960 Influenced by horrors of the century
  10. Subcutaneous power for humanity 3 Facing changing attitudes
  11. Subcutaneous power for humanity 5 Loneliness, Virtual and real friends
  12. An answer to gun violence according two American pastors



  1. What would you change about modern society?
  2. Modern Society: The change that should be required!
  3. Transforming Modern Society: Environmental Consciousness,
  4. What changes are required in modern society?
  5. Modern Society
  6. Change…in modern society…
  7. Prompt: Modernity
  8. ~modern society~
  9. The Modern Society
  10. Modern Society in a Simple Person’s Perspective
  11. Daily Prompt – There is A Lot of things I would change
  12. Change I want to bring to this modern society
  13. What would I change about modern society?
  14. WDP — FUD
  15. One change to affect all others – let’s ditch expectations
  16. A hopeful thought
  17. A Lack of Empathy
  18. Life energy and enthusiasm….
  19. After 1000 years human look …
  20. “Empowering Change: Unmasking the Hidden Injustices of Modern Society for a Progressive
  21. Where did Modern Women go wrong?| love factual
  22. The Limits of Reason & Necessity of Faith
  23. The Moses Generation
  24. So much…
  25. Get Woke, Go Broke?
  26. Balancing the Benefits and Drawbacks of Modern Society:
  27. Trapped in Society: Breaking Free and Chasing Your Dreams

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Filed under Being and Feeling, Cultural affairs, Ecological affairs, Economical affairs, Educational affairs, Lifestyle, Nature, Political affairs, Questions asked, Social affairs, Welfare matters, World affairs