Tag Archives: Negative stress

When in doubt, Walkabout

It is known that walking is a good way to reduce stress and to get depression out of the way.


French verb ‘resource’ = to refresh + replenish oneself, to re-source ourselves.

> feeling empty, a little down-in-the-mouth, => a nice long walk out amid the flora + fauna of Nature= kind of re-sourcing we need < connect to own source of life, true source

peripatetics‘  walked + thought, working out philosophical reasoning

Druids = philosophers of their tribes

==> walk on your own two feet from time to time = you won’t regret it!

Chaos Druidry

Artwork by seeker273 on DeviantArtArtwork by seeker273 on DeviantArt

In French the word ‘resource’, used as a verb, means to refresh and replenish oneself, to re-source ourselves.

When we’re feeling empty, a little down-in-the-mouth, a nice long walk out amid the flora and fauna of Nature can do just the kind of re-sourcing we need, as we connect to our own source of life, the true source, and no foot rub or spa or pots of facial creams will do exactly that.

But there’s more too. The ancient Greek philosophers had a ‘school’ of philosophy that called themselves the ‘peripatetics‘ since they walked and thought, working out their philosophical reasoning as they ambled around. A bunch of ponderous old guys in white robes…. sounds pretty druidic doesn’t it? Druids were the philosophers of their tribes. They were the judges and lawmakers – and to do that you have to be a careful…

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Filed under Being and Feeling, Health affairs, Lifestyle, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Welfare matters

Converting a negative stress into a positive one

Adopting the right attitude
can convert a negative stress
into a positive one.
Hans Selye

Dutch version / Nederlandse versie > Negatieve stress omzetten in positieviteit

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Filed under Being and Feeling, Lifestyle, Positive thoughts, Quotations or Citations, Welfare matters