Tag Archives: Meeting people

At the beginning of this week: Embrace the day fully

Text and image source: Mitra Shahidi

A new day, of a new week. A day to start afresh and to make the best of the week.
Beginning the week with a prayer to God, to thank Him you are still alive and that you may face beautiful nature again and meet interesting people.

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Filed under Being and Feeling, Lifestyle, Positive thoughts, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Welfare matters

That what we do and those we meet

I truly believe
that everything that we do
and everyone that we meet
is put in our path for a purpose.
There are no accidents;
we’re all teachers
– if we’re willing to pay attention
to the lessons we learn,
trust our positive instincts
and not be afraid to take risks
or wait for some miracle
to come knocking at our door.
Marla Gibbs

Dutch version / Nederlandse versie > Reden van hen die wij tegen komen op ons pad


Filed under Being and Feeling, Lifestyle, Positive thoughts, Quotations or Citations, Reflection Texts, Social affairs

Witnesses of Christ and of his gospel

At the beginning of this Summer we made a call to all our readers to open their ‘heart and soul’ to those they are going to meet on their holiday trips. Now having not to go to work lots of people have much more time to talk to their neighbours and to meet other people. When on holiday we can show others we are of the world or we can show them we are not from this capitalist materialist world but partakers of a world of loving people striving for a better world and spreading the hope for a peaceful world.

It can well be that several people – now having more time to relax – love to enjoy more the extravaganzas and want to look for receiving kicks by doing dangerous things or just by exaggerating the ‘moments of fun’ in entertainment parks. Several people also shall love to talk in a bad way about others, finding more time to gossip and to give negative critic on others. Lots shall not mind to show their ungodly attitudes . Perhaps not much has changed with previous times. Jeremiah also complained already that people “love to have it so” (Jeremiah  5:31). Many do not want to think that their world shall pass. Though we can be sure and must take it serious and can wonder “what will we and them do when the end comes?”

When we do have a personal knowledge of Christ, and continually love to feel that we are sincere partakers of the Body of Christ we do know we are coming closer to the end-times and that we should not find any excuse to withdraw from the task Jesus has given to not only his close disciples, but to all his followers.

Though many people around us may already know about Jesus, having heard about him, having different impressions about him, but not really knowing him and not believing in what he might mean for the world.

Therefore we should take up our task to let them know its getting time to really coming to know Christ. For us that also means

knowing Christ and not just knowing about Christ.

A passionate pastor, teacher, author and academic who believes in ‘Preaching‘ as the means of translating God’s timeless truth in scriptures across the globe, writes

You must know Christ in order to be his witness.
You must believe in Christ, that he is the Son of God, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world, that he is the way, the truth and the life.

Not forgetting that

Knowing Christ, having a personal relationship with him to be his witness is very important because to witness for him is not by human knowledge or power.

When we go out in this world and feel the necessity to make Christ to be known, we too may count on the helper Jesus has asked his heavenly Father to send to this world. Also today the Power of God is available for those who want to receive that Power. The Holy Spirit is ready to enter each heart that is willing to open for It.

It was not only for the time of the prophets and of the apostles that

Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions. Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days (Joel 2:28-29).

In our days too we may find people being blessed with the power of God, having the Holy Spirit providing them with the necessary words to tell others about the Work of God and the Work of Christ.

As Christians, we need the enabling power of the Holy Spirit to live our Christian life, we need the Holy Spirit to empower us to be witnesses for Jesus Christ our Lord, we need the holy Spirit to empower us in making decisions; we need the Holy Spirit in all of our lives. We are like plants that needs to bear fruit, as plants can but only bear fruits if well supplied with water and minerals; we can also but only bear fruit when full of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit helps us produce this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against these things! (Galatians 5:22-23 NLT). {Following Jesus’ example through Prayer – I}

The Holy Spirit empowers feeble men to bold men, he strengthens the tongue of the stammer to proclaim his good news. You don’t have to worry of what you will say or how you will witness, only avail yourself to be a witness and the Holy Spirit will empower you to witness in ways known to him. And you will be a

Witness for Christ everywhere and every time

There is no particular place and time to witness, witnessing for Christ should be everywhere and every time. Witnessing for Christ is by both word and deed. We must not reduce witnessing for Christ to either of the two, they are sides of the same coin. We must live like Christ, in this way, the world will know that we are his disciples and we shall make him known to the world. {Witnesses for Christ: everywhere and every time}


Earnest prayers yields miraculous results

Witnesses for Christ: everywhere and every time


Preceding articles

Go and make disciples of people of all the nations

What Should I Preach ?

Daring to speak in multicultural environment

Crisis man needed in this world

Refusing to Be Silent

Go Ye!

To proclaim the day of vengeance

Proclaiming: a task given to Christians

Go! Proclaim! Testify!

Scriptures and Thoughts about: Proclaim

Summer holiday time to knock and ask, and time to share


Additional reading

  1. Looking to the East and the West for Truth
  2. Positive Preaching Day 2015
  3. Germinating small seeds, pebble-stones, small and mega churches and faith
  4. Being in isolation #7 Mission work



Filed under Activism and Peace Work, Knowledge & Wisdom, Lifestyle, Religious affairs

October 2016 New academic year and Start for inspirers

Yesterday, after some silence, the Sumer-holiday, the new academic year started with a weekend, i.e. for many giving an extra free 2 days and brought again some writings on this site.

on his Your success inspirer WordPress.com site at his 2016/09/30/ Solidarity-support-challenge asks his members to keep going in the belief that

As time goes on, we who are serious will stand out of the crowd.

Like on this site at his are different blogwriters presented, though only in a listing and not with some of their articles. In future we shall have a closer look at the presented websites there and make a selection for you to look at. As such we do hope, like Romanus to crusade for a more connected world of people willing to share the hope for a peaceful world. We do hope we’ll be able to find enough writers trying to build up an excellent world in a beautiful environment where positive thoughts are shared.

You will find ‘good will messages’; ‘messages of love’, ‘messages of kindness, solidarity, tolerance, understanding’, etc. But we also want to share poems, songs, articles, and much more all aimed at helping make the world an excellent place for all.

If you feel inspired to join us or to join ‘Your success inspirer‘ let your e-mail address be known, so that we can send you an invitation to become a contributor or co-author.

This weekend is a “Meet and Greet” week-end, where we give ourselves the opportunity to dream big.

Dream Big Dream Often


It’s the Meet and Greet weekend everyone!!

Let not everything just turn out a dream. Be sure it does not have to turn out to be a dream, when you are willing to make things happen they can happen. You just have to go for it. And going for it with more than one person, more is possible.

When “Great inspirers”, people “Passionate about inspiring others” are willing to “bring out the best in themselves” and “like to write posts to inspire, or to post anything inspiring”, this with Success inspirer’s World is a place to join.

Tell us in the comment box below
You are in;
Then send us an email
To confirm you want to join the team.
Be the star you were meant to be;
Join us and shine with us!

Together we can accomplish so much more!


Give Peace a chance

Give peace a chance to inspire many in this world of materialism and let them see that there is so much more important stuff and such a more interesting world in reach of us all.



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Filed under Activism and Peace Work, Announcement, Introduction, Lifestyle, Spiritual affairs, Welfare matters, World affairs

Go outside. Let the world in.

Ask any traveller about his strongest experience and a story of an encounter invariably follows. When we meet people not only face to face , but ‘heart to heart’, we experience this as something special.

When travelling, each one of us recognizes the feeling of being out of one’s comfort zone.
Far away everything is different. Also the people. When we position ourselves at eye level of the ‘foreigner’ , we come to know him with an open mind , we enter his world and everything becomes different.

Trust that we give, we also receive.

Margot Kässmann responding to a question from ...

Margot Kässmann responding to a question from the audience following her lecture on “Multicultural Society – Roots, Resistance, and Visions” at the University of Freiburg. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

When we accept that someone is different, a certain chemistry is created. We should not only look at the exterior, but we should keep listening. In this way prejudices and predispositions do not get a chance and the ‘foreign exterior’ will make place for a ‘recognizable interior’. We will experience that wealth is to be found in being different, exactly within the differences. In this sense, people we called ‘foreigners’ at first, are in fact a blessing. The only condition is that we open our heart and allow ourselves to be moved.

In this way foreigners become friends
If our society feels strongly about pluralism we should not be satisfied with an ennobled form of permisiveness that preaches tolerance. In our multicultural society pluralism only has a chance of survival if we go towards the other person and if we are really interested in who he or she is , regardless of whether he/she is a foreigner , of another religion or conviction.

Intercultural dialogue depends upon authentic pluralism
It is essential to allow the other person’s truth , in which a ‘ heart to heart’ encounter is the golden key. In this way a meeting close to home can become a rich experience worth telling. We are only asked to go outside and to let the world in.

BzN-Mov Without a Name-Logo_EN

Dutch version / Nederlandse versie: Ga naar buiten. Laat de wereld binnen.

Are you right down in the dumps? Stop digging!

Responses to Radical Muslims and Radical Christians

Tolerance Ends When There Is No Tolerance Shown Towards Us

My two cents on the refugee crisis

Stabbed victim parent’s hope for less hatred and more tolerance


About going outside

  1. “Sometimes our stop-doing list needs to be bigger than our to-do list.”
  2. It’s Simple, Really, We Don’t Need Much
  3. Going Outside: The Sunrise Edition
  4. A wee tail
  5. Learning to Longboard – Novice Shred Spots


About meeting people

  1. We are strange
  2. Striving To Connect
  3. Meeting new people, Amazing Experiences & Giving help
  4. unexpected tips: ways to meet people
  5. How can I start meeting friends
  6. 5 Places To Meet People Offline
  7. 10 Ways to Meet People in the London
  8. 25 Small Ways You Can Bless A Stranger’s Life
  9. A person worth knowing
  10. Some Relationships Are Just Blips On The Radar (But They’re Still Beautiful)
  11. The type of people you Do Not want to meet in life Again!
  12. meeting horrible people and you’re complaining about it
  13. No makeup – One-liner Wednesday #1linerWeds
  14. Pumpkin Munchinskaij 🙂
  15. Men with Machetes!
  16. Moms have enough to worry about, let’s not make friendships one of them
  17. Conversation, Where Are You?
  18. Coincidental
  19. Good date 8/10
  20. Some Wine, Some Words, and Some Confusion
  21. Another Source
  22. Workshop # 3 – We are all the same
  23. Being Religious and Spiritual 8 Spiritual, Mystic and not or well religious
  24. Some one or something to fear #5 Not afraid
  25. A participation in the body of Christ
  26. Justification – salvation is by grace through faith – JI Packer
  27. Disciple of Christ counting lives and friends dear to them
  28. A Holy week in remembrance of the Blood of life
  29. Atonement And Fellowship 3/8
  30. What’s church for, anyway?
  31. Gathering or meeting of believers
  32. Vergadering – Meeting / Meeting – Vergadering
  33. Congregate, to gather, to meet
  34. Why we do not have our worship-services in a church building
  35. Not trying to make the heathen live like Jews #2
  36. The Magic of Books
  37. Summertime Blues
  38. Good Vibes
  39. Thought Positions
  40. Police Visit
  41. A Stop In Mamou To See Fred’s and Tante Sue
  42. in which we update our dating status, and talk about tinder
  43. Dating Again After Divorce
  44. Collective Dating
  45. Better late than never
  46. Met a new pagan group last night
  47. Wading in the Sea
  48. It’s all in my mind…


About prejudice

  1. Want to Stop the Contempt, Hate, and Violence?
  2. Prejudices and Stereotypes
  3. Arrest the prejudices
  4. Things are rarely what they seem :: Why I scrambled to offer food to a stranger
  5. Dirt Daubers, Humans, and Other Pests
  6. Bias, stereotypes, and prejudice. Oh my?
  7. Are You Contagious?
  8. Dissolve The Barriers You Created
  9. Why Is It Important To Have Opinions And Communicate Them?
  10. Dealing with love burden
  11. “Nowhere to Go”
  12. Suicide blond
  13. What is True Compassion?
  14. our own guru
  15. The Enemy Camp: Creativity vs. Logic
  16. But You Can’t Shoot Them
  17. The Kind of Christian I Am Today (with an addendum on Orlando)
  18. Exceptions never ‘prove the rule”
  19. Strip Yourselves from Social Masks
  20. Heart for sale


About tolerance

  1. Religious Practices around the world
  2. Christmas in the 1950s
  3. Migrants to the West #10 Religious freedom
  4. More Muslim children than Christian children growing up in our cities
  5. Quran versus older Holy Writings of Divine Creator
  6. Back from gone #3 Giving worries to God and believing in His promises
  7. Where is the USA wanting to go with the freedom of their people
  8. ISIL will find no safe haven
  9. Holiday tolerance
  10. If you have integrity
  11. Integrity of the fellowship
  12. If you want to go far in life
  13. People who are always making allowances for themselves soon go bankrupt
  14. God let my compassionate affection be tolerant and kind
  15. Diversity
  16. A social experiment
  17. A Musing on Discerning Tolerance
  18. Introducing Students To Disability- Year 2
  19. Love
  20. Making Peace with the Middle East
  21. Learn and Live
  22. Republican vs. Democrat “Tolerance”, Compare And Contrast
  23. How religion can lead to violence – Gary Gutting



Filed under Being and Feeling, Lifestyle, Movement Without a Name, Social affairs

Justification – salvation is by grace through faith – JI Packer

Today there is still lots of commotion about works and faith. Still too many Christians do think they do not need any works.
The Catholic church, we must say, has from the beginning seen that certain works were necessary. One can not become a Christian without putting the previous life of sin away by having regret, asking for forgiveness of sins and taking steps to show regret (an act to be taken), opening oneself for remission by going for a baptism (a work).

Not only Rome sees baptism as a channel of sanctifying grace, as the primary instrumental cause of justification, and the sacrament of penance, whereby congruous merit is achieved through works of satisfaction, as the supplementary restorative cause whenever the grace of God’s initial acceptance is lost through mortal sin.

Not only for the Roman Catholics believers save themselves with the help of the grace that flows from Christ through the church’s sacramental system. Several other denominations request that people change their life once baptised (which sometimes demands lots of works). Other protestants groups do forget that it is impossible that a Christian would keep living the same sinful life as before his or her baptism. It is an illusion to believe that we are saved by the blood of Christ and would not have to do any works any more because we would go to heaven or always will be allowed to enter God’s Kingdom.

First of all the Kingdom will be here on earth for most of us. And Jesus showed us with his parables the danger of loosing the entrance through the small gate of life in eternity.

Justification may be given free, like people can win a lottery, but if they do not do anything with the price, they will be nothing with it.

For example if I would give you a limousine you are nothing with it if you do not use the key and turn the motor on (a work). Before you can go into the traffic you have to learn the road code and have to learn to drive. Then you will have to drive (doing a job) and shall have to be careful in traffic (taking attention), going to some place (trafficking).

Also with faith we do need to come into the faith (a work), trafficking, having to keep our faith (demands work), read the Word of God regularly and study it (demands work) we have to be careful to keep the code of God, His regulations and ordinances (keeping to the commandments requires work). Jesus also gave the order to go out in the world to proclaim the Gospel of the coming Kingdom (which demands a work) and to come together regularly, i.e. meeting with each other, which demands also some work.

For those who think they do not have to have self-control (which demands work) we must disappoint them. If they keep lying, bullying, stealing, fornicating, murdering, they shall miss the entrance of the coming Kingdom.
If they think it will be so easy in this system of things, we also must disappoint them, because also when baptised there shall be temptations, suffering and so on, which demand stamina to continue (work) in the faith.


To remember

Clearly no one is justified before God by the law, because, “The righteous will live by faith.” Galatians 3:11

=> =  we do have to be righteous to be able to live by faith

The author tells us:

  • doctrine of justification, storm center of Reformation = major concern of apostle Paul = heart of gospel (Rom. 1:17; 3:21-5:21; Gal. 2:15-5:1) shaping both his message (Acts 13:38-39) + his devotion + spiritual life (2 Cor. 5:13-21; Phil. 3:4-14).
  • > other New Testament writers affirm same doctrine in substance => terms in which Protestants have affirmed + defended it for almost five centuries are drawn primarily from Paul.
  • Justification = judicial act of God pardoning sinners (wicked and ungodly persons, Rom. 4:5; 3:9-24) > accepting them as just => putting permanently right their previously estranged relationship with himself.  > => justifying sentence = God’s gift of righteousness (Rom. 5:15-17) = his bestowal of a status of acceptance for Jesus’ sake (2 Cor. 5:21).
  • God’s justifying decision = judgment of the Last Day, declaring where we shall spend eternity
  • necessary means, or instrumental cause, of justification is personal faith in Jesus Christ as crucified Savior and risen Lord (Rom. 4:23-25; 10:8-13).
  • As we give ourselves in faith to Jesus, Jesus gives us his gift of righteousness, so that in the very act of “closing with Christ,” as older Reformed teachers put it, we receive divine pardon and acceptance which we could not otherwise have (Gal. 2:15-16; 3:24).


Preceding articles

Luther’s misunderstanding

January 27, 417, Pope Innocent I condemning Pelagius about Faith and Works

Our life depending on faith

Romans 4 and the Sacraments

Is Justification a process?

Letter to the Romans, chapter 3

Letter to the Romans, chapter 4

Additional comments to the 3rd Letter to the Romans

Additional comments to the Letter to the Romans 4

Comments to James remarks, about Faith and works



Additional reading

  1. The business of this life
  2. A god who gave his people commandments and laws he knew they never could keep to it
  3. Believing in the send one and understanding that one does not live by bread alone
  4. Faith Alone Does Not Save . . . No Matter How Many Times Protestants Say It Does
  5. Not about personal salvation but about a bigger Plan
  6. People Seeking for God 3 Laws and directions
  7. People Seeking for God 5 Bread of life
  8. Guard well within yourself that treasure, kindness
  9. Christ’s ethical teaching
  10. Being Justified by faith
  11. A Living Faith #3 Faith put into action
  12. Faith and works
  13. Trusting, Faith, Calling and Ascribing to Jehovah #8 Prayer #6 Communication and manifestation
  14. Trusting, Faith, Calling and Ascribing to Jehovah #16 Benefits of praying
  15. Observing the commandments and becoming doers of the Word
  16. The first on the list of the concerns of the saint
  17. Running away from the past
  18. Malefactors becoming your master
  19. Be holy
  20. She who sows thistles will reap prickles
  21. Love for each other attracting others


Further related articles

  1. No Regrets
  2. Day 19: Things to regret
  3. Access: Denied
  4. Giving our regret to God
  5. Reminisce
  6. Life is like a river
  7. Questions & Answers About Lent
  8. Godly Sorrow Leads Us on to a Glorious Celebration of the Gospel
  9. A Threefold Malice
  10. Reconciliation
  11. Penance – Chapter One
  12. Wednesday of Septuagesima week: O, Merciful God! Have Mercy On Me The Fallen One!
  13. CFP: Discipline and Excess (Cambridge Friday, April 15, 2016)
  14. That kind of Franciscan
  15. The Savior of the World
  16. (01/07/2016) Salvation Only Through Christ?
  17. My Take on the Gay Marriage Bill.
  18. Missing the Mark
  19. Leading people astray!
  20. Tips for Gracious Living: Bad Driving
  21. Unfaithful fornicating adulterating Christians will perish
  22. We don’t meet God 1/2 way.
  23. The Salesman
  24. Actions are the Megaphone of Words
  25. The Justification of Abraham
  26. (01/13/2016) How To Treat Unbelievers?
  27. Tuesday Devotional: Revelation 2
  28. Fashion advice?
  29. (12/31/2015) By Faith, Not By Interpretation?
  30. Faithfulness
  31. Seeing Christ
  32. Faith in Action


Verlore seun

Clearly no one is justified before God by the law, because, “The righteous will live by faith.” GALATIANS 3:11

The doctrine of justification, the storm center of the Reformation, was a major concern of the apostle Paul. For him it was the heart of the gospel (Rom. 1:17; 3:21-5:21; Gal. 2:15-5:1) shaping both his message (Acts 13:38-39) and his devotion and spiritual life (2 Cor. 5:13-21; Phil. 3:4-14). Though other New Testament writers affirm the same doctrine in substance, the terms in which Protestants have affirmed and defended it for almost five centuries are drawn primarily from Paul.

Justification is a judicial act of God pardoning sinners (wicked and ungodly persons, Rom. 4:5; 3:9-24), accepting them as just, and so putting permanently right their previously estranged relationship with himself. This justifying sentence is God’s gift of righteousness (Rom. 5:15-17), his bestowal of a status of acceptance for Jesus’ sake (2…

View original post 433 more words


Filed under Being and Feeling, Lifestyle, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Religious affairs

Are you right down in the dumps? Stop digging!

Are you right down in the dumps? Stop digging!

Every one of us is confronted with painful events:  unexpected job loss, a friend who betrays you, a partner that cheats on you, someone close who commits suicide. It can shake us up considerably and force us to stand still.

To dig is good
Preferably with people whom you trust and who love you. To stand still with them and to get down to the bottom and confront the pain can be healing and enriching. Because at the bottom of the pit lie all the answers you can only find there. Often they are hidden treasures that determine how – and how quickly- you get out of the dumps.

But what if the dumps are your place of residence ?
There are people who never recover from a tragedy and remain a shadow of who they were the rest of their lives. They live in the dumps. There they dig endlessly, because one way or another it protects them from the pain of life.
On the other hand there are people who – however deep they are in trouble – they find a way out. They emerge stronger, fuller, richer. They experience that…

There is no darkness without light!

Lev Isaakovitsj Sjestov / Lev Isaakovich Shestov at a young age

Lev Isaakovitsj Sjestov / Lev Isaakovich Shestov at a young age

There are questions that remain unanswered. There is injustice that gives us a feeling of desolation. There is pain we cannot be reconciled with. In the middle of all of this the philosopher Lev Sjestov wants to impress on us ‘that he who is lost in eternity and to himself – and is in the mercy of immeasurable despair – is capable of paying attention to the ultimate reality’.
And this miracle happens within us. It points without doubt and irrevocably to our heart. That is where it happens. From the heart we can raise from any dump, any grave or death because life does not let go of us, light does not give up on us, because right across everything… we are carried through.

We wish you to meet people you can draw on.

BzN-Mov Without a Name-Logo_EN+

Dutch original by Bond zonder Naam: Zit je in de put? Stop dan met graven!

Please do find additional reading:

  1. Tenderness and kindness are not signs of weakness and despair
  2. If there is bitterness in the heart
  3. Walking through the valley of the shadow of death
  4. Hope begins in the dark
  5. Some one or something to fear #6 Faith in the Most High
  6. Getting fate in your change to positiveness
  7. Let us not forget it was God who chose us
  8. Man’s plans prevailed by God’s purpose
  9. God doesn’t call the qualified
  10. Trusting, Faith, Calling and Ascribing to Jehovah #17 Sorts of prayers
  11. Sow and harvests in the garden of your heart
  12. A good idea to halt all activity for one hour some day
  13. We should use the Bible every day
  14. Rest thy delight on Jehovah
  15. Being thankful
  16. 20 Best Gratitude Quotes
  17. All I want is peace!!!
  18. A cheerful heart filled of hope good medicine
  19. Open your heart
  20. Keep your heart on the right path
  21. The chief function of the body is to carry the brain around
  22. Picking Stones


  • Got Dumped – Dumpy’s Mini Game (forums.makingmoneywithandroid.com)
    Getting dumped can be a painful matter, so imagine how Dumpy feels! He just got dumped – into the toilet no less, and then flushed into the sewers. Help him stay “alive” by navigating between the pipes.Who is Dumpy your asking? Well, simply said he is a poo. Well, yes sorry to tell you, but he is a simple and lovely retro poo character who just got dumped and tries nothing else than not crossing the line between staying alive and getting smashed by the pipes. And thats what this mini game is all about.
  • SL Letter of the Day: Pain Can’t Be Avoided (slog.thestranger.com)
    Three years ago my ex-boyfriend killed himself after I ended our three year relationship. He had made veiled threats while we were together about suicide—saying things like he couldn’t make it without me, etc. His death has been very difficult for me and I’ve been in weekly therapy to grieve and work through my anger, guilt, and sadness. Ultimately, the experience has been transformative and it has forced me to grow as an individual. I now live more authentically, intentionally and have more purpose.
  • Dumped Me Like a Fly ,now Ya Want Me Back But Why (michellelagatule.wordpress.com)
    No none nowadays takes seconds for chance
  • The Masochist (jepoypapabol.wordpress.com)
    He enjoys the pain that life gives when it f*cks him up. down on the ground, dirt all over but with a smile. whipped by sorrow, punished by consequences and it just made him stronger. He got his ass kicked and got up only to get kicked again. wiped away all those tears only to find his eyes wet again. He crawls on mud, breaks through glass and rolls over fire.
  • Praising God in the storm (daughterbydesign.wordpress.com)
    I’ve always wished that my life was perfect, pain-free, and easy. But that’s never guaranteed when you are Christian. God says that the path He calls us to walk is narrow, not wide.It’s not a path that many people will choose because it’s hard.  It’s a path that leads you through valleys and storms. It’s a path that includes dying to your own self and being different from the world.
  • Aches and pains (thedistinctdot.com)
    When you hear the words “aches and pains” I’m sure you thought of physical pain, maybe a time when you strained a muscle or went over on your ankle. But “aches and pains” don’t need to be physical aches and pains for God to heal them, as God looks after us emotionally as well as physically, and therefore He has promised to heal our emotional aches and pains too.
  • God Isn’t Testing Me… I’m Testing God (jsb10711.wordpress.com)
    All pain, suffering, misery & trouble, comes from self-will… not God’s will.
    All the trials & tribulations that I thought God put me through, where actually me testing God & myself to see if ‘my’ way would somehow work out better than God’s way.
  • Every day is a fight with Chronic pain (youthofanation.com)
    When one is in very great pain and fear, it is extremely difficult to pray coherently, and I could only raise my mind in anguish to God and ask for strength to hold on.” – Sheila Cassidy
  • God in your life (linmeyercatholiccommunity.wordpress.com)
    “I cannot simply live with an idea of God, because when grief and pain enter, they tend to remove any ideas that we hold as true. But when we have God in His fullness, we are not left in a room alone with grief and pain; because God is in there with us, sharing in our sufferings and showing us that He is not just the God who conquered death, He is the God who lives life with us.
  • Healing The Heart (ireport.cnn.com)
    In this moment I declare and surrender all pain of the past to the transformative, transfigurative Power of God. For I know that All that I experience to be trusted as God’s mystery of awakening me further. I take full responsibility for every experience in my life, especially the painful ones – knowing that Divine Perfection has called my soul to awaken through each experience – both the painful experiences and the easy experiences. I acknowledge the great gifts that have come from the pain: Wisdom, Courage, Strength, greater Compassion, the ability to help others, and a release from illusion. I embrace even more fully each of these for myself, right now in this moment. And I remain open in trusting surrender to further awakening God always has for me.


Filed under Being and Feeling, Movement Without a Name