Tag Archives: Dump

Are you right down in the dumps? Stop digging!

Are you right down in the dumps? Stop digging!

Every one of us is confronted with painful events:  unexpected job loss, a friend who betrays you, a partner that cheats on you, someone close who commits suicide. It can shake us up considerably and force us to stand still.

To dig is good
Preferably with people whom you trust and who love you. To stand still with them and to get down to the bottom and confront the pain can be healing and enriching. Because at the bottom of the pit lie all the answers you can only find there. Often they are hidden treasures that determine how – and how quickly- you get out of the dumps.

But what if the dumps are your place of residence ?
There are people who never recover from a tragedy and remain a shadow of who they were the rest of their lives. They live in the dumps. There they dig endlessly, because one way or another it protects them from the pain of life.
On the other hand there are people who – however deep they are in trouble – they find a way out. They emerge stronger, fuller, richer. They experience that…

There is no darkness without light!

Lev Isaakovitsj Sjestov / Lev Isaakovich Shestov at a young age

Lev Isaakovitsj Sjestov / Lev Isaakovich Shestov at a young age

There are questions that remain unanswered. There is injustice that gives us a feeling of desolation. There is pain we cannot be reconciled with. In the middle of all of this the philosopher Lev Sjestov wants to impress on us ‘that he who is lost in eternity and to himself – and is in the mercy of immeasurable despair – is capable of paying attention to the ultimate reality’.
And this miracle happens within us. It points without doubt and irrevocably to our heart. That is where it happens. From the heart we can raise from any dump, any grave or death because life does not let go of us, light does not give up on us, because right across everything… we are carried through.

We wish you to meet people you can draw on.

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Dutch original by Bond zonder Naam: Zit je in de put? Stop dan met graven!

Please do find additional reading:

  1. Tenderness and kindness are not signs of weakness and despair
  2. If there is bitterness in the heart
  3. Walking through the valley of the shadow of death
  4. Hope begins in the dark
  5. Some one or something to fear #6 Faith in the Most High
  6. Getting fate in your change to positiveness
  7. Let us not forget it was God who chose us
  8. Man’s plans prevailed by God’s purpose
  9. God doesn’t call the qualified
  10. Trusting, Faith, Calling and Ascribing to Jehovah #17 Sorts of prayers
  11. Sow and harvests in the garden of your heart
  12. A good idea to halt all activity for one hour some day
  13. We should use the Bible every day
  14. Rest thy delight on Jehovah
  15. Being thankful
  16. 20 Best Gratitude Quotes
  17. All I want is peace!!!
  18. A cheerful heart filled of hope good medicine
  19. Open your heart
  20. Keep your heart on the right path
  21. The chief function of the body is to carry the brain around
  22. Picking Stones


  • Got Dumped – Dumpy’s Mini Game (forums.makingmoneywithandroid.com)
    Getting dumped can be a painful matter, so imagine how Dumpy feels! He just got dumped – into the toilet no less, and then flushed into the sewers. Help him stay “alive” by navigating between the pipes.Who is Dumpy your asking? Well, simply said he is a poo. Well, yes sorry to tell you, but he is a simple and lovely retro poo character who just got dumped and tries nothing else than not crossing the line between staying alive and getting smashed by the pipes. And thats what this mini game is all about.
  • SL Letter of the Day: Pain Can’t Be Avoided (slog.thestranger.com)
    Three years ago my ex-boyfriend killed himself after I ended our three year relationship. He had made veiled threats while we were together about suicide—saying things like he couldn’t make it without me, etc. His death has been very difficult for me and I’ve been in weekly therapy to grieve and work through my anger, guilt, and sadness. Ultimately, the experience has been transformative and it has forced me to grow as an individual. I now live more authentically, intentionally and have more purpose.
  • Dumped Me Like a Fly ,now Ya Want Me Back But Why (michellelagatule.wordpress.com)
    No none nowadays takes seconds for chance
  • The Masochist (jepoypapabol.wordpress.com)
    He enjoys the pain that life gives when it f*cks him up. down on the ground, dirt all over but with a smile. whipped by sorrow, punished by consequences and it just made him stronger. He got his ass kicked and got up only to get kicked again. wiped away all those tears only to find his eyes wet again. He crawls on mud, breaks through glass and rolls over fire.
  • Praising God in the storm (daughterbydesign.wordpress.com)
    I’ve always wished that my life was perfect, pain-free, and easy. But that’s never guaranteed when you are Christian. God says that the path He calls us to walk is narrow, not wide.It’s not a path that many people will choose because it’s hard.  It’s a path that leads you through valleys and storms. It’s a path that includes dying to your own self and being different from the world.
  • Aches and pains (thedistinctdot.com)
    When you hear the words “aches and pains” I’m sure you thought of physical pain, maybe a time when you strained a muscle or went over on your ankle. But “aches and pains” don’t need to be physical aches and pains for God to heal them, as God looks after us emotionally as well as physically, and therefore He has promised to heal our emotional aches and pains too.
  • God Isn’t Testing Me… I’m Testing God (jsb10711.wordpress.com)
    All pain, suffering, misery & trouble, comes from self-will… not God’s will.
    All the trials & tribulations that I thought God put me through, where actually me testing God & myself to see if ‘my’ way would somehow work out better than God’s way.
  • Every day is a fight with Chronic pain (youthofanation.com)
    When one is in very great pain and fear, it is extremely difficult to pray coherently, and I could only raise my mind in anguish to God and ask for strength to hold on.” – Sheila Cassidy
  • God in your life (linmeyercatholiccommunity.wordpress.com)
    “I cannot simply live with an idea of God, because when grief and pain enter, they tend to remove any ideas that we hold as true. But when we have God in His fullness, we are not left in a room alone with grief and pain; because God is in there with us, sharing in our sufferings and showing us that He is not just the God who conquered death, He is the God who lives life with us.
  • Healing The Heart (ireport.cnn.com)
    In this moment I declare and surrender all pain of the past to the transformative, transfigurative Power of God. For I know that All that I experience to be trusted as God’s mystery of awakening me further. I take full responsibility for every experience in my life, especially the painful ones – knowing that Divine Perfection has called my soul to awaken through each experience – both the painful experiences and the easy experiences. I acknowledge the great gifts that have come from the pain: Wisdom, Courage, Strength, greater Compassion, the ability to help others, and a release from illusion. I embrace even more fully each of these for myself, right now in this moment. And I remain open in trusting surrender to further awakening God always has for me.


Filed under Being and Feeling, Movement Without a Name