Go Ye! 

To remember

  • Creator of Universe simply spoke earth into existence
  • Through faith =>  understand worlds were framed by Word of God =>things which are seen = not made of things which do appear. (Hebrews 1:13) => through unseen word things = visible => word Universe <= Uni = one + verse = word => One word from God.
  • creation = subject to Creator. When God speaks it listens. Or does it?
  • words of Christ > “Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.” (Mark 16:15) =/= simply a suggestion

So many Churches are full of Gods people that aren’t listening to their Creator.  > But that Creator is the Only One True God and not Jesus. Jesus may be called the creator of the New World. But that happened by the authority of God, Jesus his heavenly Father. (red.)

Pastor Kevin Barbour who is convinced that the judgement of God is coming {9/11: A wake up call!} and thinks that makes the religious crowd happy, believes

That should burden us as believers to not just do something but become something in Jesus. To wake our selves up and understand that the coming of Christ imminient. The Church must awake from her sleep and realize that God didn’t save us just to look nice on the pew or to vote for the right candidate! But he has called us all to be a light in this dark world. Politicians will not have the answer for America. If the USA will see revival it will come from the Church house not the White House.When The Lord spoke, I believe it was a commandment. There are times that God opens doors of opportunity and many of us fail to walk thru those doors. We must realize that as his children, God, wants us to listen. If the waters, land and the Earth can listen, then why can’t we? {9/11: A wake up call!}

Perhaps it is because lots of Christians themselves do not want to listen to the words of Jesus and God who speak about each other.  Most Christians seem to ignore that God calls Jesus His son and that Jesus calls God his heavenly Father without Him he can do nothing. Though Pastor Kevin Barbour like many Christians does take Jesus as their god.

Lots of Christians also not want to see the orders God, Jesus and other sent ones or prophets from God have ordered the God loving people to do: going out to tell others about the Most High Divine Creator and His wonderworks.

  • Many modern day Christians feel this commandment = resting upon shoulders of Church leaders
  • leadership of your Church won’t come in contact with “every creature.”
  • burden to win souls rest upon leadership + also share that burden
  • people at work, school or marketplace will never hear a sermon delivered by your pastor = won’t hear the spoken word => experience it in the life of believer.


  • When we “Go ye” = not just doing = we are being => you may have key to unlocking door in their life that Jesus will step into.
  •        Jesus said, “Preach the gospel.” To preach = to proclaim, to advocate, to advise + to spread



Refusing to Be Silent



The creator of the Universe simply spoke the earth into existence. Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear. (Hebrews 1:13) So through his unseen word things became visible. Hence we have the word Universe. Uni meaning one, and verse meaning word. That’s all it took. One word from God. When God said “Let there be light,” There was light. When He spoke to the waters they moved. (Genesis 1) It seems as though the creation is subject to the Creator. When God speaks it listens. Or does it?

“Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.” (Mark 16:15) Those words of Christ weren’t simply a suggestion. He was speaking to his creation. So many Churches are full of Gods people that aren’t listening to…

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