Tag Archives: Nothingness

That what brings joy to your life

Everyone has something different that brings them joy in life.

Big danger of today’s technology, with the internet, is that many people start seeking that joy outside themselves in a virtual world instead of the real world around them.


Filed under Being and Feeling, Lifestyle, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Spiritual affairs, Welfare matters

Life isn’t a race

Dutch translation / Nederlandse vertaling: Het leven is geen race



Life is a strange loop


Life is a garden

Hortus Closus


Life isn’t a race,
It is not a competition
It’s a  long travel.

We are heading to nowhere,
Through the mist of nothingness

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Filed under Being and Feeling, Lifestyle, Pictures of the World, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Reflection Texts

Life is a strange loop

Dutch version / Nederlandse versie: Het leven is een vreemde lus

Hortus Closus


Art by Vinzdream2006

Life is a Strange Loop.
You came from nothingness
You go back to nothingness
A travel through emptiness.

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Filed under Being and Feeling, Lifestyle, Pictures of the World, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Reflection Texts

Don’t be afraid to fall

Are You Afraid of the Dark? (novel)

Are You Afraid of the Dark? (novel) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Born at this place of desert storms, small and big battles, darkness, fog and here and there some light, we may feel like floating in the void, looking for ways out of the nothingness. We should know there has been a moment of total darkness and void, a world of chaos, but there was given a Word and everything came to being.
Problem with the world is that most of the inhabitants of that globe do not see the Maker of all things and prefer to stay in the dark.

Often we may feel gliding down hill. Often our our sled does not hit the snowy hill. Avalanches get us down, buried among all relievers waste.

Sinking in the quicksand we may stretch out our hand, but are we willing to give our hand to that One Hand which is always therein the dark?


Please do find to read further:

  1. When discouraged facing opposition
  2. Fear, struggles, sadness, bad feelings and depression
  3. Fear knocked at the door
  4. Fear of failure, and fear of the unknown
  5. Uncertainty, shame and no time for vacillation
  6. Stronger than anything that wants to destroy
  7. What is life?
  8. 8 fears caused by the fear of Man
  9. The Paradigm of Instinct, Intuition and Intention
  10. Where is the edge
  11. Eternal Word that tells everything
  12. Control and change
  13. Fearing the right person
  14. Do not be afraid. Good news because a Saviour has been born
  15. Fear not tomorrow. God is already there
  16. No fear in love
  17. Only the contrite self, sick of its pretensions, can find salvation
  18. Not holding back and getting out of darkness
  19. Why think that (4) … God would reveal himself in words
  20. Jehovah steep rock and fortress, source of insight
  21. Praying and thinking positively
  22. Believe What You Will
  23. I said God it hurts
  24. Getting out of the dark corners of this world
  25. We all have to have dreams
  26. See the conquest and believe that we can gain the victory


  • The Fear of Man is a Trap (codybateman.org)
    Nearly everyone has heard of Abraham and his faith in God. What most do not realize is that he struggled with FEAR. You see, Abraham had a drop-dead gorgeous wife and he knew it too. Because of her beauty, he feared that the wicked ruler of the land they were passing through, might kill him in order possess his wife.Fear-of-ManSnare-Proverbs-29-25
  • Ways To Turn Your Thoughts Into Reality | Joanne King Herring (getfreelancersyahoo.wordpress.com)
    Your mind is where your reality begins. Most of us don’t know how to think productively however, how to turn our thoughts and dreams into something concrete
  • The Year of Fear (allanbaker.wordpress.com)
    we live in a fearful society that is devoured by anxiety. And we imagine in our anxiety that there are extreme “security” measures that will make us safe.
  • Allow the Storm to Push You Into the Arms of Jesus (elisiodiggsministries.wordpress.com)
    The disciples had thoughts of drowning but little did they know that this man Jesus who they were in the boat with could walk on top of water, which is equivalent to a believer walking on top of their circumstance of raging seas. You have the ability to rest in the midst of your storm just as Jesus did if you allow the virtue of faith to be at work in you. Never forget that when you experience sudden storms always run into the arms of Jesus and become closer to Him through His word.
  • Fear Factor (denacyd.wordpress.com)
    Some of us are timid, scared. We want to analyze every situation, determine if the benefits will outweigh the risks. Others just take off, no fear, no caution.
    Over the last few years as I have analyzed my life, I have come to realize that fear has been a controlling factor in my life. I failed to take risks growing up. I probably missed out on a lot of fun and incredible experiences by being afraid of failure.
  • The Name above Every Name (theeyesoffaith.wordpress.com)
    As God would meet with people in their lives and manifest Himself to them, they began to know God in certain aspects. They would add this aspect to His Name in order to express this new found quality of the Lord.
  • I Sing Praises, Because There is a Name I Can Call On….Regardless of My Need (brandinicolejm.wordpress.com)
    As we speak to one another on a first name basis, we should have a desire to be on a first name basis with God. It is when we seek Him out (regardless of our flaws, weaknesses and shortcomings) with a level of transparency and honesty that God shares with us His last name.
  • What Is Life? (survivorparade.wordpress.com)
    Today we focus on tomorrow
    Tomorrow we focus only on sorrow
  • Gone : Again : (cultfit.wordpress.com)
    Chances are, a vast majority of us will experience some kind of adversity today. Know what’s cool and interesting – Each one of us is blessed with the capacity to bounce back on our feet after suffering a setback in life. What’s even more cool, is that we all have the potential to improve after we dust off our knees and bandage our open wounds, or as I like to say: Become more resilient.
  • God’s Forgiveness (achristianmeditation.wordpress.com)
    Today, meditate on God’s mercy, compassion and love. Let the words of the Psalm radiate brightly in your heart and make them your own. And may the realization of your own forgiveness be imprinted deeply on your mind just as it was on David’s.

Sassy Native

I worry that life is like a patch of quicksand. The moment we choose a path in life, we’re trapped—the more we try and fight it, the deeper we sink.

I’ve spent most of my life walking gingerly in hopes to avoid any sort of trap I do not willingly want to walk into.

My concern is that as I mature it seems as though, every patch of quicksand gets more and more difficult to pass. As if, each puddle of quicksand along our individual journey expands as we walk. In which case, one particular patch of quicksand will become too large to leap, even for the tallest of sorts.

If there is any truth in my theory of quicksand, I’d like to know if there is a chance of turning around before taking the final plunge? Any possibility of choosing a previous patch of quicksand—one you didn’t realize was…

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Filed under Being and Feeling, Lifestyle, Poetry - Poems, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs


In life many may feel the pulling down of the quicksand and do not know where to stretch-out their hand. Though in the desert or in the dark, in the nothingness there is always The It, The I Am Who Is, The I Am that I am,  and The I Am Who Makes. Without This Spirit we may be lost in desert storms. But seeing His hand stretching out to us in the darkness we may find the right persons around us and see the right direction indicators on the many roads laid out in front of us.

When we believe in our greatness our legs will be long enough to stay out of the mud, our body long enough to peek out over all the debris, our arms long enough to reach out through the masses and to give a hand to that person who is worth it to be given a hand. floating in the grains of sand, seeing thousands of stars, we shall see the other light, breaking darkness. In the skies, in the by darkness hidden colours we shall find inspiration and be able to follow our dreams.

There can only be hope when there is a will to be and say “I am”

Though the ways we do have to face, the paths we do have to walk and cross may look like a hollow, burden us down with weight, we are able to find the lightness of the incredible … the unbelievable … and that is why so many refuse to see the Light Which is shining in front of us.

With the right partner we can do a lot. With the focus on the right I Am, we can do even more.

Additional reading:

  1. Wishy-Washy…
  2. The I Am to explore
  3. Comic: The Last Time I Felt Accepted For Who I Am
  4. little i
  5. The world starts with yourself
  6. Be realistic, do not pretend
  7. Be Kinder to Yourself
  8. Believe in yourself!
  9. Believe in your greatness
  10. Find Inspiration and Follow Your Dreams
  11. There can only be hope when there is a will to be and say “I am”


  • I Am (bashabifraser.com)
    I killed myself with a bottle of barbiturates.  In the glowering half-light of a late autumn evening I departed this world, taking my crushed soul with me, leaving that shell behind, that ‘perfect’, flawlessly made up shell.  Into the moonlight I dissolved, taking my bedroom secrets of Mr President and Sinatra with me.  The wind whipping my baby doll like something from the Seven Year Itch, stinging my cheeks, causing my heavily mascara-burdened eyes to water.  Hey, the world was a great place with me in it, but I couldn’t handle it anymore.  Somewhere between Niagara and Some Like It Hot I discovered I was the wrong person; morphed into the ‘dumb-blonde’, ‘the shape’ that was on-screen.  And I didn’t like it, any of it.  Not one little bit.  The pressure of the façade, the strain, the feeling of being in the passenger-seat watching my life unfold before me.  It was too fast — spiralling out of control, out of my control.  So I stopped it, slowed things down and took control.  On that night my stardom grew, my legacy became esteemed, honoured; my name was on everyone’s lips.  On that night I became a legend.  No more was I Norma Jean Baker with the hand me down clothes and copper curls; that halo of innocence, mediocrity and anonymity – the good days.  My name would mean something now.  I would be remembered, revered.  I was sacrosanct.
  • acceptare (magdalenawolak.wordpress.com)
    don’t tell me your hopes or dreams
    don’t show me the colour of your eyes,
    expecting and wanting this drowning
    because I can’t swim and don’t want to learn it now.
  • Patient Waiting (franciscanflowers.wordpress.com)
    Be in the moment, the future is not yours yet.
    Keep heart open, ears alert.
    Be positive in waiting, joyful in spirit.
    Love your life as is, don’t wish for what is not.
    Be ready and willing, whatever I send.
    Reach out and upward, slow to judge, rich in kindness.
  • Fragility Part II: The Truth (fillefrancofun.wordpress.com)
    The truth is that while I can at times separate my body and mind and heart, I can’t do it forever.  My heart wants to love and be loved, and my body would prefer that too.

    My mind is just, well, afraid.

Humble Muse

I can’t do this anymore

Living this way

This path, this walk, this hollow

Burden me down with weight

I’m sinking already

Drowned in quicksand

Built from your decisions

Struggling for release

Having been told time will help

Finding that time is only pulling me further below

Grab my hand, run

Pull me out, fast

Without you I might just, fall

Grab my hand, run

Pull me out, fast

With you, there might be something more

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Filed under Being and Feeling, Poetry - Poems, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs