Tag Archives: Facebook

Who’s to blame?

Veel mensen denken dat zij op hun eigen kunnen leven. Maar indien wij ze op een onbewoond eiland zouden zetten zonder enige vorm van contact met de buitenwereld zouden zij zeer vlug ander kraaien.

Studies bewijzen dat sociale media niet de vriendschappen bevorderen, maar eerder meer eenzaamheid veroorzaken en zelfs sommige mensen kan doen verstrikken in hun isolatie en hun veel te hoge verwachtingen van hun zelf door het verkeerde beeld dat zij hebben opgevangen door de ‘valse’ voorstellingen op Facebook e.a. door hun zogenaamde ‘vrienden’.

Velen willen ook niet dat anderen terechtwijzen of een commentaar geven die negatief kan geïnterpreteerd worden ook al is het ene opbouwende kritiek en willen anderen helpen.

Wij moeten terug groeien naar een wereld waar er zoals het vroeger was, een duidelijk verschil is tussen een kameraad, (klas of werk) makker, kennis, vriend, intieme vriend of vriendin, waarbij eenieder elkaar respecteert voor hoe de persoon in werkelijkheid is.


Te herinneren:

  • individualisering van de samenleving
  • oorzaak individualisering > feit dat mensen zich vooral op hun eigen leven richten > welvaart
  • kunnen onszelf redden
  • kunnen in welvaart leven zonder hulp van anderen
  • andere behoeften
  • meer richten op zelfontplooiing.
  • Lekker je eigen ding doen; een talent benutten, studeren, jezelf ontwikkelen.
  • Facebook en Instagram
  • Je bezighouden … met de ander alleen wanneer je er zelf zin in hebt


Vindt aanvullend:

  1. Leeg en alleen
  2. Welke eenzaamheid is meer eenzaam dan wantrouwen?
  3. Waarom sterren zoeken?
  4. Vader tegenhanger van de moeder
  5. Bepaal de aandrijving
  6. God is positief

Pudú & Feather

Je hoort waarschijnlijk al vaak genoeg over de individualisering van de samenleving. Toch wil ik in deze post nog een keer dit onderwerp behandelen. (Ik zal de cliché’s proberen te vermijden.)

Who’s to blame?
Wat is de oorzaak van de individualisering; het feit dat mensen zich voorql op hun eigen leven richten?
Allereerst speelt welvaart hier een grote rol in. We kunnen onszelf redden. Niet alleen de mannen, maar ook de vrouwen kunnen in welvaart leven zonder hulp van anderen (*applausje voor emancipatie*).
Welvaart zorgt ervoor dat je andere behoeften krijgt. Eten en drinken heb je toch al, dus kun je je meer richten op zelfontplooiing. Lekker je eigen ding doen; een talent benutten, studeren, jezelf ontwikkelen.
Ook social media wordt vaak genoemd als een oorzaak van individualisering. Mensen zoeken elkaar weer op; oude vrienden, verre familieleden en al die anderen die je toevoegt op Facebook en Instagram. Je legt contact…

View original post 208 more words


Filed under Levensstijl, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Sociale Aangelegenheden, Voelen en Welzijn

Be realistic, do not pretend

When looking at yourself, start seeing the real “I am“.

Too often, too many people do want to take on an other “me” in front of others. They want to create an other “I am” than the one which is in them. This shall make it so much more difficult for themselves to become satisfied with themselves, because at the end they will not be able to recognise the “I am” of themselves any more. They will not feel at ease with their self. Then negativity enters the body and soul (= the being).

English: Data from April 2011 Editor Survey th...

Data from April 2011 Editor Survey that lists Social Media activities (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Facebook and other social media tempt people to present themselves differently than they are. Many created a “would like” world. Many also use it to profile them better than they really are. But because they themselves do know the truth and do know it is not really like it is, do become more dissatisfied because they will find themselves further and further away form the world they imagine they should live in.

So many people like to put on a fake act, but they forget they are not only misleading the others, but also themselves. Do not have any illusions, this will affect the way we really are.

Many have already lost themselves in the would be world of the social media. Do not fall in the trap. Be yourself and stay yourself. Come to see your own “I am”, accept and respect it and try to use it positively. there is no reason at all to pretend you are somebody else, or you are feeling differently. Share your real feelings, but let the negative feelings not come over the positive ones.

Like says in Stop Pretending:

You can’t attract the right people into your life when you’re pretending to be someone else. So, be yourself. If you can’t find a group whose values and consciousness matches your own, then be the source of one. Others with your same values and consciousness will be drawn to you. Trust me, there are others with your values and consciousness out there. It may take some time to find them, for they too may need to stop pretending.



Filed under Being and Feeling, Lifestyle

Disscusion Questions

It would be nice if “Everyone has at least one person available always to hear their problems, troubles, mistakes, secrets and even opinions. ” but we are afraid we can find lots of people who are feeling lonely and who do not find somebody around them to whom they can tell the ‘closest’ things to. Even many people who have lots of Facebookfriends today can not feel happiness because they do not really feel they can have a very close connection with somebody else. At the time when social Media is such a hype and everybody seems to be constantly busy with updating their social status, we see that a lot of it is a flush of air.

Having all the magical tools which can spread photo’s in a few seconds make it even worse in this world, because many people have found a weapon in it to tease and even worse bully others with their messages and photo’s been placed on the internet.

All tat social media action makes that lots of people have lost their trust in certain people around them.

But each of us can make a difference. Even when liking to use Facebook and other social gadgets we should be conscious not to misuse the modern tools to gossip, but using it more to show our good will to help others and to be ready for them.
We should do proof to others that they can rely on us, because we are trustworthy and standing ready to be helpful for those in need. People are right to fear the ‘Gossiping‘ which has increased so much, and we should give a clear sign to others who try to do such a thing, that we are not served by that and that we do not want to hear.

When we do hear somebody judging somebody else we should give a clear signal that it is not up to man to judge the other, and that before something is insinuated the person has to be very sure that what he or she wants to tell is founded on truth and not on gossip.



Power and determination = most important qualities => make you a good leader

leaders need to be strong so that they can be obeyed and followed but they also need to be flexible and friendly with other people so that they can have good relations, can be trusted by the members led and finally can be loved and defended no matter what happens.

A good leader = determined + has power + is also weak + sympathetic

good lives are made so by discipline.

=> keep the laws + law makers


Find also to read:

  1. If there is bitterness in the heart
  2. Do not be so busy adding up your troubles
  3. A small trouble is like a pebble
  4. God is my refuge and my fortress in Him I will trust
  5. Do the appropriate for a friend
  6. She who sows thistles will reap prickles
  7. A Breath for tomorow
  8. Voice for the plebs
  9. Do we have to be an anarchist to react
  10. To mean, to think, outing your opinion, conviction, belief – Menen, mening, overtuiging, opinie, geloof
  11. The business of this life
  12. Determine the drive
  13. What Jesus did: First things first



  • 4 Tips On Social Media Use (brosix.com)
    Social media today is just as inescapable as the television had become after the radio. Everyone everywhere has access to Facebook, Twitter, and the rest of the social networks that the Internet can offer. While social media use has brought a whole lot of good, it can also bring negativity, when used wrongly.
    It’s nice to express our thoughts, or to have an opinion, especially in causes that you feel strongly about. However, if your opinions have a tendency to be controversial or unpopular, and you don’t want to attract haters, it’s really best to keep them to yourself.
    for those interactions that will only sap your energy, it’s best to just ignore things.
  • Mark Hurd, Oracle’s CEO, Can Change the Internet Forever: Here Is How (seo-theory.com)
    The Internet doesn’t yet run on Oracle but it could, and I am strongly tempted to suggest that maybe it should. Not because Oracle software is the best solution available but because Oracle is large enough to weather all sorts of economic storms. The worst possible thing that can happen to the Internet has happened many times already: people develop software that is widely distributed and then suddenly they vanish, or they move on, and everyone who adopted the freeware is left vulnerable and exposed to the inevitable exploits that come along. I remember when I switched to Qmail because it could not be exploited by email spammers.
  • What I learned from my friendships (fourfeetnine.com)
    I did love attention when I was younger, whether from girls or boys and I’d do funny or cute things or talk a lot or tell jokes to get it. Ironically, that craving faded the older I am.  Nobody likes being ignored but I’m content to be on the sidelines or not be in the middle telling jokes.

    But I still always remember what she said.  And to that extent I consciously remind myself not to be too self-absorbed when I talk to friends (because I can be exactly that) and tell myself don’t talk so much about myself WTF and listen to them more.

  • 15 Ways To Be Nice In Social Media Posts [Infographic] (blogs.sap.com)
    Nice social media posts engage and build your audience, while spammy posts make you look stupid, ignorant, or just plan lazy. Spammy posts might also get you banned from social networks.
    Social media is a community. If you want something from someone, it’s best to start by giving them something. So, when you Follow someone on Twitter, RTing one of their posts increases the chances they’ll follow you back. Mentioning (or linking to) the great content produced by others makes them more likely to share your content.
    15 Ways to Be Nice in Social Media Posts
  • Letters to the Editor, October 3, 2014 (scmp.com)
    What I observed at the protest and through social media is a social contagion where one person shouts, “I hate the cops!” and many others follow.

    If you disagree with your government, non-violent organised protests and simply not participating in the system you disagree with (such as not going to work or school) are possibly effective actions to take.

    But hurling insults at individual police officers for hours on end and demonising them through generalised propaganda in news and social media will not help your situation or Hong Kong as a whole.

Explore the World

How could someone chose the person he trusts?

People can’t be lonely in this life, they always need someone to listen to them, understand them and help them. For example, if you have a problem that is personal but you are struggling to solve it, you will need someone to help you because if you stay hiding that problem you are going to hate life and feel bad about yourself and other people around you. That is why we form trust. We trust people who have time to listen and care about us. Often these people are close to us like a family member, a close friend, a teacher, etc. Everyone has at least one person available always to hear their problems, troubles, mistakes, secrets and even opinions. How to choose the person you trust is very important. You cannot just start telling a stranger all your secrets and personal information because…

View original post 897 more words


Filed under Lifestyle, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs

Lonely in the crowd

Population growth rate world

Population growth rate world (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

When I started writing this article there where 7 238 080 161 people on this globe. When I finished writing there where already 7 238 100 805  living human beings, thriving on only 17% of the earth its surface. Find out how many there are now when you reading this, at Worldometers info: world-population. Current UN projections show a continued increase in population in the near future with a steady decline in population growth rate; global population is expected to reach between 8.3 and 10.9 billion by 2050. {“World Population Prospects, the 2012 Revision – “Low variant” and “High variant” values”} {“World population projected to reach 9.6 billion by 2050 – UN report”}

World population

World population (Photo credit: Arenamontanus)

With the millions living around us we are like a very tiny ant or even more like a microbe. But those microbes which we know are often more in symbiosis or unity than those human beings.  With six of Earth’s seven continents being  permanently inhabited on a large scale, we may find Asia as the most populous continent, with its 4.3 billion inhabitants accounting for 60% of the world population. In our own region many people do think they are already with too many living on the small space which is around them. Though finding themselves living in an overcrowded area, many of those people do feel so lonely. Even when they search on the internet and add so many people on their social media profile, many people feel very lonely. You could not say they are really isolated, but what matters is that there is no real connection with the others in their surroundings.

Many invite people they meet on the internet to join as ‘friends‘ and to ‘register’ on this and that and to ‘vote’ for this and that. Voters can start and join voting blocks for the issues, sites, and groups they care about, and gather massive followings. But hose followings do they bring up something? And do the joiners really feel connected, supported or find they all can work for the same good cause?

Looking at this world 

Mark Zuckerberg, founder and CEO of Facebook

Mark Zuckerberg, founder and CEO of Facebook (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I have 509 friends on Facebook, but I still feel lonely.

he writes in Look Up and See the World Around You at his jukebox of writings by him and by the straight forward and happy go lucky girl of sixteen Navneet Kaur. Saswata Mitra is an eighteen year old (or was) who declared himself to be selfless and caring about everyone. He also feels like everybody else the need to feel that others also would care about him. And that is normal; We all need that feeling. We all need to feel that somebody else cares about us. this feeling or want to be cared and loved does not always get answered. People to get more satisfaction from having the assurance that many like them, got so entangled or chained by social media where they can build up friends like nothing.


facebook (Photo credit: dkalo)

On that virtual platform many “friends” are made, but not so many contacts made into silver and even less are converted in silver or redeemed for gold.

I see what they do everyday yet I barely know them. In this Global Neighborhood, we share and post everything we see, hear and experience. We have somehow managed to convince ourselves of the illusion that updating everything we do will get us connected to everyone around us. But hey, life your head from your screens and look around you. You’re alone. {Look Up and See the World Around You}

Having 509 friends on Facebook does not say anything about having real friends or having real communication with others. As such in this world there may be many who have lots of connections on their social media sites, but who still feel very lonely.

The whole virtual worlds sucks many into a world of belief but even more of a world of wishful thinking. On one site there are those who boast with their holiday trips to far away places and with all the gadgets they may retrieve. Lots of chit-chat and backbiting or malicious gossip can be found at those social media platforms.

We may see what they want us to or like us to see. Do they let us see their own self? Give they really something from their own which they want to share to get into a better relationship with the other?

Do those people in their everyday postings on that Global Neighbourhood really share and post everything they see, hear and experience and how much are they involved with it or want to be involved with it?

How many do not live in that illusion that updating everything we do will get us connected to everyone around us? Or is that really the intention of many?

As you say we better come to look for real connections by looking around us in the real world, living our head from our screens, seeing but also willing to become connected with that real world.

Though I think lots of people today prefer to stay connected in their virtual world, playing games and ‘doing as if’. They seem to find more indulgence by enjoying the distraction by the games and chit-chat, instead of going to spend time in having serious discussions or a real serious talk. Lots of youngsters can not read or concentrate on long texts any more. It has to be all telegram style short messages, and by preference not asking too much thought.

God’s Will and Design For Your Life – Inspirational Bible Verses, who is well aware that one of the problems might well be that most people use not their eyes to see further than this world around them personally and do not want to grasp a little bit of what the Plan of the Planner of this universe might be.

We only see mere seconds in part of God’s plan as a whole. As such we cannot grasp what is the blueprint for our life. We all have a definite past, but with God we have an indefinite future that is infinite by His grace, full of hope and wonder. There is unity and harmony in God’s plan for our life and we must embrace it. So, have faith in the Lord and in His providence as all things work together for good for them that love Him and are called according to His purpose. {God’s Will and Design For Your Life – Inspirational Bible Verses}

Being so self focused many of us have you become so tired, worn out, broken down, frustrated, stressed out, hopeless and discouraged that they feel like they can’t even make it through the day and dread facing tomorrow.

We all know that feeling of being pushed in the corner by others, or by awkward situations. Many of us even have the impression it are they who are in the picture for the bad.

Sometimes in life it seems that the only experiences that we are having are all bad ones. There are times that it seems that today is worse than yesterday, and we are in fear of what tomorrow will bring. Life seems to be one disaster after another, and we seem to be going from crisis to crisis. There are times when life drains all the energy from us and we find ourselves wiped out from the stress we are dealing with on a daily basis. {Bible Verses for Hurt, Broken, and Discouraged Lives – God Has a Plan}

All of us seem to grow fearful and anxious as we wait for things to get better. {Bible Verses for Hurt, Broken, and Discouraged Lives – God Has a Plan}

Many think they shall find answers in their virtual world of the internet social media. After work, or many already at work, do not mind forgetting what they really have to do at the workplace or at home, and get into their own little world of virtual friends and games of building farms or villages. They try to forget the real world with its many stressful situations.

We rush through life without stopping to check where we are going, or what we are doing.{Bible Verses for Hurt, Broken, and Discouraged Lives – God Has a Plan}

We should know that we better get into the real world and dare to face all its problems. We for sure can not solve all those problems. We should not worry that we are not able to solve everything. We should just try to do our best and get together with others to help each-other to grow strong in this tempting world.

The Nazarene Jeshua (Jesus Christ) was a Master-teacher, who was totally not concerned about himself. He put himself totally at the side and only wanted to do the will of his heavenly Father. He brought the Words of his Father to many and asked them to spread the same Good News he gave them. Jesus asked them to go out in the world and to look for like minded people who are willing to share the same hope as he gave them.

He warned them they also could feel lonely and hated, because others would not like it they being followers of him, worshipping the Only One God of gods. But he assured them that when they would come to look for each other and join in meetings, they would find the brotherly love he gave them and which could bring us all united in a world where there would be no war or pain any more.

By sharing that love Jesus gave to us, and finding believers who also want to worship that Only One God we shall be able to find those friends who can build us up and together would be willing to build up that community in which Jesus is the cornerstone. There we shall be able to find the real friends, who we shall be willing to call ‘brothers‘ and ‘sisters‘. With them we shall be looking forward to the fulfilment of God’s Plan.

Part of the process of God’s wondrous ability to bless our lives is you and I taking the time to slow down petition the throne of Grace and listen for His voice. As we slow down and wait on Him, we will be reminded of our complete and utter dependence on His strength. When we take the time to stop, pray; slow down and wait on Him – He will bring the resolution to our problems as and reveal His plan for our lives. {Bible Verses for Hurt, Broken, and Discouraged Lives – God Has a Plan}

As disciples of Christ we can come to counting lives and friends dear to us. Today this can happen in a less dangerous manner than in the first century of this era. The message did keep the same and the reason to make friends in Christ has become to be quickened, because time runs out. Day by day we shall be coming closer to the end times and when World War III will be a fact, it would be to late. Today our priority should be to form a loving brotherhood. It is now that the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us by sharing true riches with as many as we can. Knowing that tenderness and kindness are not signs of weakness and despair we should be giving out our hand to many around us in love speaking words of kindness. Willing to walk with all kinds of people in love by faith, not by sight, together making church as united people under Christ.

When you are feeling lonely do know you are not alone. Tsundukani Baloyi writes:

The thing about feeling lonely is that it doesn’t matter who you choose to waste your time with whether it may be with friends, a lover or any significant other, you will still feel lonely. You could be in a room filled with people and still not feel as though you are part of the crowd. I don’t know, feeling lonely sucks at times. It drains the living hell out of you and the worst part of it is that you won’t even know why you feeling lonely in the first place. {Lonely}

When you are feeling lonely then, it is perhaps because you do not feel the mediator Jesus close to you, nor his heavenly Father who shall always be there by those who are looking for Him.


When this article was published there where: 7 238 140 550 people on this earth.

Additional literature:

  1. Internet absurdities
  2. Changing screens
  3. Words to push and pull
  4. How long to wait before bringing religiousness and spirituality in practice
  5. When you think you have nothing to say or to show
  6. Sharing thoughts and philosophical writings
  7. Putting your feelings into words and sharing them
  8. Hello America and atheists
  9. Message of Pope Francis I for the 48th World Communications Day
  10. Be Honest
  11. Trusting, Faith, Calling and Ascribing to Jehovah #12 Prayer #10 Talk to A Friend
  12. From Winterdarkness into light of Spring
  13. To be chained by love for another one
  14. God won’t ask
  15. Man’s plans prevailed by God’s purpose
  16. A goal is a dream with a plan
  17. If You want to start winning the war
  18. Engaging the enemy
  19. Intellectual servility a curse of mankind
  20. We should use the Bible every day
  21. People Seeking for God 2 Human interpretations
  22. Science, belief, denial and visibility 2
  23. A participation in the body of Christ (CdEcclesia)
  24. A participation in the body of Christ
  25. Disciple of Christ counting lives and friends dear to them
  26. Congregate, to gather, to meet
  27. Meeting – Vergadering
  28. Parish, local church community – Parochie, plaatselijke kerkgemeenschap
  29. Reasons to come to gether
  30. Fellowship
  31. Integrity of the fellowship
  32. Feeling-good, search for happiness and the church
  33. Making church
  34. What’s church for, anyway?
  35. The Church, Body of Christ and remnant Israel synonymous
  36. Many churches
  37. Synagogue, Church or Ecclesia for the Christian
  38. When we love we do not need laws
  39. Disciple of Christ counting lives and friends dear to them
  40. Priority to form a loving brotherhood


  • Not So Lonely, After All (galinbluejeans.wordpress.com)
    I thought you came back for me. So I’d not feel lonely, especially ’cause Priya & Sahana weren’t at school, and neither was Shyam. It was really sweet of you, RB
  • Now 7.2 billion humans, and counting (earthsky.org)
    United Nations demographers declared a day last week (July 11, 2013) as World Population Day, at the same time saying that our global human population has now reached 7.2 billion and counting. The 7.2 billion number appears in the most recent of the biannual reports from the UN Population Division called World Population Prospects, which you can find here. This report also gave current projections for future population:
  • Nigeria’s population will outstrip US as world’s population will rise to 9.7bn in 2050 (vanguardngr.com)
    The world’s population will rise to 9.7 billion in 2050 from the current level of 7.1 billion and India will overtake China as the world’s most populous nation, as Nigeria’s  population will outstrip that of the United State  a French  study said Wednesday.A bi-annual report by the French Institute of Demographic Studies (Ined) projected there would be 10 to 11 billion people on the planet by the end of the century.The projections ran parallel to forecasts by the United Nations, the World Bank and other prominent national institutes.A UN study in June said the global population would swell to 9.6 billion in 2050 and the number of people aged 60 and above would catapult from 841 million now to two billion in 2050 and nearly three billion in 2100.
  • Think the U.S. Is a Crowded Place? Check Out This Cool Map Showing Where Nobody Lives (theblaze.com)
    Unless you live in the middle of nowhere and witness this first hand, it’s probably hard to imagine that inhabitants haven’t covered the whole of the U.S., especially if your abode is in a city where it might feel like humanity is so dense that people are living on top of each other.But a new map drummed up by mapsbynik shows just how much room there is left in North America to spread out, where not another soul is reported to live — where the population is exactly zero.
  • My Poem ‘The Lonely Word’ (poetofthesphere.com)
    You can sometimes think you are walking alone
    even when you are in a crowd;
    you can sometimes feel you are hearing nothing
    even when the world sounds so loud;
    you can sometimes see the world distorted;
    you can sometimes hear the distant call
    of someone who you may not have seen for a long time,
    who is nowhere even near you at that exact time-
    like the voice of a ghost,
    but even though you can’t see that person
    you have no doubt as to its origin,
    and you will swear on your life
    that you heard the person that you heard say what they said
    in the way and in the voice that they said it.
  • You’re so used to (lynneadam.wordpress.com)
    You’re so used to being lonely.
    Not alone, but lonely.
    Because alone is only for a while,
    But lonely is a state.
    Lonely is forever.
  • Philly’s Population Still Growing (phillymag.com)
    “In its estimate for 2013, the Census Bureau put the city’s population at 1,553, 165, an increase of about 25,000 residents – or two percent – over 2010.  … Nineteen of the nation’s 20 largest cities rose in population between 2010 and last year. The lone exception is Detroit, which saw its population decline by 3 percent.” Here’s the full list of America’s biggest cities and their growth since 2010.
  • ‘Lonely’ bacteria increase risk of antibiotic resistance (scienceblog.com)
    Scientists from The University of Manchester have discovered that ‘lonely’ microbes are more likely to mutate, resulting in higher rates of antibiotic resistance. The study, published today in Nature Communications and jointly funded by The Wellcome Trust and Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, explored the mutation rates of E.
  • Lonely (tsundukanibaloyi.wordpress.com)
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Filed under Being and Feeling, Religious affairs, World affairs

Mourners Celebrate Life Of Inspirational Cancer Teen

Stephen SuttonStephen Sutton, a young man who had to face cancer, but did not let it bring him down, has died. His spirit, bravery and determination to live life to the full was and should be an inspiration to us all.

Sutton, from Burntwood, Staffordshire, who spent his last weeks raising more than £3million for the Teenage Cancer Trust charity, died on Wednesday after being re-admitted to hospital at the weekend with breathing difficulties and his family said his condition was rapidly deteriorating.

For all healthy and sick people it is good to take this young man in mind.

“Stephen didn’t measure life in time, preferring instead to measure it by the difference someone makes. Stephen has made an enormous difference to Teenage Cancer Trust and the seven young people diagnosed with cancer every day who need our help.”

said Siobhan Dunn, chief executive of Teenage Cancer Trust which Sutton raised his money for.

stephen sutton last facebook photo

The final photo posted on Stephen Sutton’s Facebook

You may find on Facebook RIP Steven Sutton and already a Facebook page Steven Sutton deserves an OBE.

No point in meauring life in timeNo matter his illness which he knew would bring soon bring an end to his life this boy was full of life and wanted to do many things in his life. He wanted to try to make the world a better place no matter what.

Kenneth Blanchard with many others found Stephen a fantastic lad who was always thinking of others and will be sadly missed.

The Teenage Cancer Trust wrote on its site:

Stephen Sutton, the amazing young man who did so much to raise funds and awareness for Teenage Cancer Trust has died. The thoughts of everyone here at Teenage Cancer Trust are with Stephen’s family and friends. We are humbled and hugely grateful for what Stephen achieved, and continues to achieve, for young people with cancer.

Stephen Sutton was a normal kid who did well at school, had ambitions of becoming a doctor, played lots of sports and played drums in a local band. Like anyone else his age, he liked socializing and going out with friends.

Then in 2010, when he was 15, he was diagnosed with stage 3B colorectal cancer. After 6 months of crippling symptoms he underwent a hemicolectomy to remove a tumour from his bowel, then had 6 months of chemotherapy. The treatment had all kinds of side effects but throughout it he was determined not to let the treatment and diagnosis get on top of him.

Stephen Sutton cancer patient full of lifeIn January 2013, diagnosed with a s continued growing and spreading cancer, this young lad decided to share his life and outlook with the whole world, starting off by making a Facebook page called Stephen’s story. I’ve raised over £160,000 so far, through events ranging from charity quizzes, to a skydive to dinner parties. I think there should be some fun in fundraising, and I always encourage people to try something new.

Stephen Sutton Cancer my bitch

I smile because I have a lot to smile about. I’ve seen a lot, achieved a lot — and had a lot of fun doing it too. – Now he is gone but his spirit may carry on.

Stephen’s Story has expanded to other forms of social media including Twitter, Tumblr and Instagram. Facebook acquired over 12,500 dedicated Facebook fans and over 16,000 followers on Twitter at one point, and he hoped to inspire people with motivational quotes, humour and positivity.

His time on this world was too short. Lichfield Cathedral had to be host for his death body, but had to see his spirit was much alive, seeing a sea of yellow as the vigil for Stephen was held this Thursday and Friday. The respons of local shops and homes in Lichfield to an appeal to ‘paint the town yellow’ was nicely followed and the home town, Burntwood, was covered in yellow ribbons in memory of this strong boy who made it possible that many other people could be helped in the future.

At 6pm on Thursday, Stephen’s coffin had left his home in Burntwood by horse-drawn carriage, entering Lichfield by The Bowling Green, passing along The Friary, Swan Road and Bird Street before entering the Close. He was taken into the cathedral at 7pm and laid in a place of honour and given a short opening ceremony at the cathedral. The Cathedral remained open until midnight for people to pay their respects. When I watched the Breakfast Show on BBC I could already see the many people passing from 7am on Friday, before a public farewell ceremony at 3pm that afternoon.

All are welcome to attend. At 3.45pm on Friday, Stephen’s coffin will exit the Close and leave Lichfield for a private family funeral.

His mother wrote on Facebook:

My heart is bursting with pride but breaking with pain for my courageous, selfless, inspirational son who passed away peacefully in his sleep in the early hours of this morning, Wednesday 14th May. The ongoing support and outpouring of love for Stephen will help greatly at this difficult time, in the same way as it helped Stephen throughout his journey. We all know he will never be forgotten, his spirit will live on, in all that he achieved and shared with so many.

It is nice we can see people like Stephen and Matt who had this amazing ability to just make you forget, to have you laughing at old stories or chatting away about what’s been going on at work, and suddenly nothings wrong, you’re not talking to someone who’s ill, you’re just talking to Matt or Stephen. Such personalities are needed in a society who is afraid to face the illnesses that can kill.

Under the constant shadow of terminal bowel cancer – creating a bucket list and spreading awareness to other young people Stephen saw his campaign gain rapid momentum.

In an interview with The Sun when he was well enough, the teenager said:

“You only get one shot at life. I need to make every second count.”

Before his death, Stephen, who was diagnosed aged just 15, said:

“I don’t see the point in measuring life in terms of time any more. I’d rather measure life in terms of making a difference.”

You may say he made a difference and let every second of his life be of some importance by which he also dared to put himself at the side and be there to help others.

It was that attitude which earned the highest praise and admiration, including from celebrities including  Benedict Cumberbatch, Jason Manford, Simon Pegg , Russell Brand, Simon Cowell, and Ricky Gervais.
Prime Minister David Cameron went to meet Stephen while in hospital, and following his death on May 14, said:

“I’m deeply saddened to hear that Stephen Sutton has died. His spirit, bravery and fund-raising for cancer research were all an inspiration.”

The Mirror front page for tomorrow’s paper. – A fitting tribute to a courageous teenager who was taken too soon.

Rock legend Roger Daltrey paid tribute to Stephen last night.

The Who frontman, 70, said to the Sun:

“The courage of the boy was amazing. Stephen became an inspiration to teenagers around the world.

“His short life will have an impact for years to come. It is very hard for the family but he was so resilient.

“You’d never think he was so ill. He had incredible spirit and encouraged other teenagers not to hide away from the illness.

“The world needs examples like Stephen so teenagers can get the treatment they need.” {Sun Press associates}

Many can learn from how he looked at himself:

“I actually I see myself as very fortunate- despite being incurable for a while I have had a sustained period of very good health where I was able to go out and enjoy things thoroughly…”

“Ultimately, there is no miracle cure for me. I am potentially the most positive and optimistic person in the world, but we have to be realistic with what we are up against. My disease is very advanced and will get me eventually, but I will try my damn hardest to be here as long as possible.”

Jason Manford, who helped to champion Stephen’s fundraising, paid tribute to the teenager as being

“the most inspiring person I’ve ever met”.

The comedian added:

“He was an incredibly positive young man and a credit to his family, to Burntwood and to humanity itself.

“The reason we took to him so passionately was because he was better than us, he did something that none of us could even imagine doing.

“In his darkest hour he selflessly dedicated his final moments to raising millions of pounds for teenagers with cancer.

“Some of Stephen’s words will stay with me and others forever and they are words to live by – ‘life isn’t measured in time, it’s measured in achievements’.

“If that’s true, Stephen, then you had a fulfilling life full of special moments and you will live long in the memory of thousands, if not millions, of people.”

Many well wishers gave a thumbs up as the coffin of Stephen Sutton stood in Lichfield Cathedral during a two day vigil in his memory.

Stephen pictured with his mother, Jane, who left a moving tribute to her son on the Stephen's Story Facebook page Stephen pictured with his mother, Jane, who left a moving tribute to her son on the Stephen’s Story Facebook page





The Guestwriters team wishes his family strength and hope they can find comfort that Stephen could inspire many others and followed his dreams, showing others that even when their life sadly may be full of misery it is still possible to enjoy that shortened life.

Making a difference


Stephen Sutton Sticking up thumbsPlease do find what Stephen Sutton has raised at the Stephen’s fundraising page which stood at Raised: 189% on May 31 2014: £4,164,869.00 raised of £1,000,000.00 targe; 178,284 donations

Follow Stephen’s story on Facebook


Find also about Matthew Burton who was cared for at the YPU unit at the QE hospital Birmingham and who too are fund raising for The Teenage Cancer Trust (though not quite on Stephens scale) : McHeroes London 2 Brighton! … trekking 100km from London to Brighton for Teenage Cancer Trust because they do fantastic work for young people.


There’s no rule book on how to manage grief or the death of a person you know or have connected with. There’s no right or wrong way to feel and everyone will react differently.

There are some organisations who offer support at times of bereavement and loss.





If you are worried about your health, speak to a doctor or visit www.nhs.uk

See Also:

Stephen Sutton’s Final Inspirational Facebook Photo‘Give Him A State Funeral’: These Stephen Sutton Tributes Are Amazing

Stephen Sutton: How a teenager touched our hearts – and raised over £3m for charity

Inspirational British teen fund-raiser with cancer dies at 19

Stephen Sutton dies aged 19: Recap reaction and tributes after cancer fund-raising hero’s death

Stephen Sutton, teenage cancer fundraiser, has died

Stephen Sutton ‘angry’ over cancer misdiagnosis

Stephen Sutton’s bucket list

Stephen Sutton Vigil: Mourners Celebrate Life Of Inspirational Cancer Teen (Pictures)


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Filed under Health affairs, Video

Putting your feelings into words and sharing them

Beings with feelings

Let's Talk About Feelings

Let’s Talk About Feelings (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

All human beings have feelings. We have to cope with them. There are many ways to cope with them.
We also see lots of things happening around us. We are touched with what we notice, and we also want to give a voice to our feelings. We all want to be heard as well.

You too may find that putting your feelings into words and sharing them with a sympathetic listener will make it easier to deal with them.

Writing can also be a helpful release. Some who find it difficult to talk about their feelings may find it easier to express themselves in writing.

Looking at old writings

Most of the things today are not written for education, but we still should find time to look for writings that can edify us. We can take time to look at the old writings which were written for our instruction, that through our endurance and through the comfort from the Scriptures we might have hope. In the very old books we can find people who wrote down their thoughts so that others also could hear about them. But they also put their feelings in their writings to get freedom in their inner soul.

Following the death of Saul and Jonathan, the faithful man David wrote a deeply mournful song in which he poured out his sorrow. This emotional dirge eventually became part of the Bible book of Second Samuel.—2 Samuel 1:17–27.

Crying may also serve as an emotional release. “For everything there is an appointed time, even . . . a time to weep,” says the Bible. (Ecclesiastes 3:1, 4) To be sure, the death of someone we love is “a time to weep.” Tears of grief are nothing to be embarrassed about. The Bible contains many examples of faithful men and women who openly expressed their grief by weeping. (Genesis 23:2; 2 Samuel 1:11, 12) Jesus Christ “gave way to tears” when he neared the tomb of his dear friend Lazarus, who had recently died.—John 11:33, 35.

Working through grief takes patience, for you may feel that you are on an emotional roller coaster. Remember that you do not have to be ashamed of your tears. Many faithful individuals have found that shedding tears of grief is a normal and necessary part of the healing process.

Sharing is helping

Putting down words of feeling can help you but also can help others.

It is a matter of sharing love for each-other that we should share thoughts with each other. We, by bringing matters to attention, can bring others to think about that matter. By publishing our own story we might show others they are not alone having those feelings or having to go through the same struggle.

Social networking Web sites

Image representing Twitter as depicted in Crun...

Image via CrunchBase

The last few years several placed their little pieces   and their little stories on Facebook. Recently they added Twitter to give some shouts into the internet world, or they threw in a nod to Google+ or Circles. We may even find pets with Facebook pages and politicians’ Internet campaigns and etiquette for R.S.V.P.’ing to events and the best way to wish someone happy birthday without feeling like an exclamatory fool! Social networking Web sites are the latest and greatest way to interact with other users on the Internet. Thirty-five percent of adults on the Internet now have a profile on at least one social networking site, and 51 percent have more than one. Three-quarters of users between the ages of 18 and 24 have an online profile.

English: CrazyFriendz is the free online socia...

CrazyFriendz is the free online social networking service. The service allows users to make new friends and manage existing relationships. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The Pew Research Center found that 89 percent of these people use the sites to keep up with friends, 57 percent to make plans with friends and 49 percent to make new friends.

There are articles that tell us that sharing is the most popular form of internet use today. But what is being shared and how? As the world of P2P file sharing grows and evolves, various torrent search sites distinguish themselves. Some bands don’t mind if you share their music, and they even encourage it. But what about reading material? Who wants to share interesting reading material? Who wants to let others know he  or she did find something interesting to read?

This UML diagram describes the domain of Linke...

This UML diagram describes the domain of LinkedIn social networking system. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn, Friendster, Urban Chat and Black Planet are just a few of more than 100 Web sites connecting folks around the world who are eager to share their thoughts and feelings. But just like in real life, there’s such a thing as sharing too much information (TMI). It’s easy to get caught up in the social aspects of sites like Facebook, but what you choose to share is there for all to see if you don’t limit who can view your information. The same study by Pew Research found that 40 percent of users have open access to their profiles, allowing anyone to view their information. The other 60 percent restrict access to friends, family and colleagues. Sharing personal information with strangers can be dangerous business, and there are some things you should definitely put on your “do not share” list.

Crossover, public and genres

With 51 percent of social network users taking advantage of more than one site, there’s bound to be some crossover from one to the other, especially if you have the sites linked. Sometimes we may find interesting bits or would like to talk or discuss matters not on our own private blog, because it could bring an other site of us in the forefront we do not want to be known directly, before our friends and bosses, or want to make sure no connection is made endangering our work.

Many do not mind sharing lots of things on Facebook, but are afraid to share real serious material on their blogs or on other blogs which reserve a place to contribute stories, like this site does.

Social networking sites like Facebook and MySpace cater to a smorgasbord of users while people using sites such as Subeta and Neopets are mostly teens. Social networking sites can be very specific, too. For instance, you’ll find sites for just about every type of car, sport and sports team or music genre. And one of the largest groups of specialized social media sites is dedicated to parenting.

Many men and women will be, are or hope to be parents. That’s why social networking sites for parents are growing all over the Internet.

Communities and chit chat


Friendster (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

How many sites will you be able to find about the way of life, or how to help each other, working to get a better living together? You may find lots of “Communities” where is being chit-chatted about little things of the world or materials things, like puppets, cars, games, etc.. but who wants to take time to share something about the beauties of nature. Sharing about the beautiful ladies, we may find enough, but about the plants and animals we shall find less. Mothers, fathers, gamers, fun or entertainment-park users, all have some sites where they can meet each other. They all have their own social networking sites aiming toward connecting, like minded of from the same sort, online. Users on those sites can choose to navigate in different easy to use areas including Discussions, Groups, Things to Do, Photo, Video, Coupons, Marketplace and My Stuff.

Some do not mind to pay to have a “Family’s home” on the internet. Other sites, like Minti, ask to join discussions and offer advice to others in search of the answers to the perpetual questions that come with raising children, providing a forum for parents to share advice and network with parents with similar interests, problems or questions regarding parenting.

Focus of the writers

At those social network-sites the focus of the writers is mostly on themselves. From Guestwriters has no pretension to become also a social network site. It does not aim to bring the focus to particular writers. Instead of aiming themselves in the picture, the writers on this site do want to bring subjects and things they find interesting into the picture. The focus is on the material and not on persons or individuals. The material presented here wants to be undone from the writer, bringing thoughts which could be for everybody and should move many.

Here we want to confront issues and not so much persons. the aim is to give place to matters which should interest many and which should be of importance for human beings. The people joined here, do not want to put themselves on the first row. They want to approach others with sympathy and respect. They might approach the sharing of their or your thoughts and feelings with others. This they want to do with an attitude of respect for them-self with respect for yourself and for the other persons.

We are aware that not many people are interested to take time to read deeper going articles or poetry today. But we can only hope enough interested people would come along and would not mind giving their ‘contribution’. We would love to find a place where there may be created a healthy discussion atmosphere. But this site is not in the first place a discussion forum. No, it wants only to be a place where different thoughts may be uttered next to each other, without anybody taking a grudge or being disturbed or scandalized. We do not want feelings over the presented material to run high. We do not want to find polluting or poisonous words, but spiritual feeding words. We do not want to present destructive powers on this site. Contrary we would love to see building up material, presenting positive material.

Peace loving agreement to disagree

We would like to find all peace loving people over here. We may all want to have change, but we do not want to get change by violent actions. The general idea is to come to a place of peace with each other. We do know that peace at any cost is not peace and that we should work for it. We shall have to dare to put wounds open to be able to let them heal. We shall have to point the finger to the ulcers in our community. We shall have to face the illnesses in our community. Yes, to get on our way together, to find peace and a nicer world to live, we shall have to see the good and the bad things in the world, and be able to talk about them. It is over those good and bad things we would like to see writings on this site, by different people, who might have very diverse opinions. We want not restrict such divergent ideas nor a diversity of interests. Varied opinions may be sharply, but over here we do not want them to hurt any body. We all want to accept that each writer may present things from a different viewpoint. though we may differ from opinion we do not mind sharing together those different viewpoints and enjoying such a variety of ideas. (Imaging all wearing the same grey uniforms, all using the same words in the same order.)

We do not want to be blind for the different views there are in the world, but also do not want to ignore the different solutions which could be possible. In case a conflict would be shown it does not mean that such conflicting views would not allow a good relationship. It is not because we may have different opinions we do not like each other. We do not mind to admit there is conflict and consider the way we handle it more important and part of enjoying the peace in our relationship. Looking and discussion about the differences always keeping an open mind and having a willingness to work it out to come to a place of peace, shall give both parties fulfilment.

It may surprise you, but it should not, that we allow different opinions to exist next to each other. Presenting such different ideas also does not mean we would like to provoke argument nor agreement. We want to show that people can live together in peace even with different ideas and believing in agreement to disagree.

Willing to come together

Our hopes are that we may find enough people willing to share ideas and to taste the different flavours others might present here. It would be lovely if we can bring a pallet of different writers from all over the world. Perhaps it might be the nostalgic feeling of what we had in our children time, which was called in Dutch “poëzie”, an album of verses, little stories, uplifting texts and pictures.
The big differnce now being that in that album everything might have been centred to ourselves, now the focus goes to the others around us.

As adults we have come to see that the world doesn’t revolve around us and the world doesn’t revolve around the person. One of the keys to success in relationships is learning to yield to each other. Over here we would like to offer a place where everybody can come along and find material that can feed him or her to go on. In case many persons do not mind sharing positive ideas and inspirational thoughts, those who want to write on this site would be pleased to offer a source of inspiration and spiritual guidance.

Providing a warm, supportive environment

We all get some nice but also very unpleasant moments in our life. at the darker moments in life either we can get in our own little corner or look for a place where we can enjoy some light. We do hope this site might become such a place where many people shall be able to find some comfort, peace, tranquillity and find some inspiring notes, which can help them to get above the garbage they are feeling in.

We do not want to be pretentious squirts. We make no pretensions to expert knowledge. We have not the presumption we can solve all problems. But we do think we can help each other in different ways. The writers as well as the readers can find support in each other and build up a relationship of good feeling.

We want to offer stories of many people by showing an interest in their journey. We love it to share those voyages throughout the world. Not to walk alone is much nicer than staying in our recluse. We prefer not to be lone wolfs, but to find many people willing to live together in peace on this beautiful earth.


Join us today by becoming a reader or, why not a contributor as well?


Step in the van or in the bus and go on a nice voyage with us. (By Clicking on the picture you may find out more about the Bloggers for peace.

In case you have already your own blog, why not contribute now and then to this one and presenting some of your writings?
In case you also write regularly about love and peace, you might consider also to become a Blogger for peace.


Additional reading:

  1. Words in the world
  2. Helpful words
  3. Words to inspire and to give wisdom
  4. Spring in sight
  5. Hope
  6. Working of the hope
  7. Hope does not disappoint us
  8. The true hope of eternal life!
  9. Hope is faith holding out its hand in the dark
  10. Hope as long as you live


  1. Living With(out) Regret and Negative Feelings
  2. Words are important
  3. Liberty-human-rights – article 10 – freedom of expression
  4. Twitter, Outrage, and Jesus
  5. 10 Powerful Tips For Sharing Thoughts and Feelings
  6. Did You Ever Wish for a Fast Way to End an Argument?
  7. Relationship Help–Allow Someone to Struggle to Get Strong


  • Make your readers do the weeping. (scribbledrevisions.com)
    Grief and pain are universal human emotions from which none of us are immune. You’re familiar with it. So am I. We all are.
  • Emotions and Faith – Part 1 (commentsonchristianity.com)
    Humans are emotional creatures. It’s one of the things that God gave mankind that He did not give to animals (or at least not on the same level we experience them). It’s what makes life beautiful, painful, joyful, sorrowful and meaningful. It’s a gift and a curse, a crutch and a burden.
    I feel an anger when I hear about violent or hateful acts. When I hear of murders, rapes, kidnappings, torture or even hateful speech I am disturbed. I cannot fathom the evil that is in this world.
  • Into The Blue (anupturnedsoul.wordpress.com)
    “Even as you suffer apparent defeats, you may discover that what you are losing is not really anything significant. You may learn that the needs of your ego are not your real needs at all.” – Robert Hand.

    It is sometimes said that our own suffering makes us more empathic towards others and their suffering. Because we know what suffering is, we see it, recognise it, understand it in others. We understand what they are going through, because we too go through it.

    Pain, sadness, grief, connects us. We all feel it, experience it, get to know it more than we would ever like to.

    Yet our own pain, sadness, grief, and suffering can disconnect us too. Especially when our mind and ego get involved in how we process our emotions.
    I feel blue and discouraged as things repeat themselves relentlessly and my efforts never materialize, never lead me to progress. My empathy is an obstacle as I keep thinking if I say how I feel it will hurt him and it makes me shiver; I have another pending situation with someone to whom I really need to make things clear and although she is the one who had pricking words for me, I feel guilty if I choose stand for myself.
    Do not fear the deep, dark, often seemingly bleak abyss of blue, breathe it in, breathe it out, let it flow and flow with it, see where it leads. We become stronger as we allow ourselves to embrace all of ourselves, all of life as it is. As we become stronger, how we experience life changes.

  • Journeys to Resurrection (improbableoptimisms.blogspot.com)
    “How could God let this happen?”
    We hear this question all the time: after shootings, after tragic car accidents and plane crashes, after typhoons and mudslides and earthquakes. During the seven years I volunteered as a lay hospital chaplain, I heard it often.
  • He Is Our Comfort In Times of Grief (csahm.com)
    grief is inevitable because death is inevitable. All of us must pass from this earth one day and leave loved ones behind.
    Everyone grieves differently, and at a different rate. We must learn that tears are okay; the feelings of isolation or emptiness are normal and will pass
  • The Knit Soul (1031lifeministries.com)
    There are hundreds of friendships and companionships in the Bible, but few compare to the perfect example of David and Jonathan. David was the captain of Saul’s bodyguard and a high ranking member of his army. He had slain Goliath and helped tear the Philistines to shreds; he had killed his ‘tens of thousands’ (1 Samuel 18:7). Saul attempted twice to kill David, and despite this Jonathan stayed by his side because “the soul of Jonathan was knit to the soul of David,” (1 Samuel 18:1) and the two became as brothers, as well as brothers-in-law.
    stop spending any effort on unhealthy relationships because the ones that matter will be much more fulfilling. If there is somebody that you would weep and fast for then cherish that person and let them know how important they are to you.
  • Tender Love (essentialthingdevotions.com)
    What is the most moving film you’ve ever watched? I went to see Les Misérables last week and my husband was outraged that I didn’t cry! Needless to say he shed more than one tear himself. It wasn’t that I wasn’t moved, I was deeply. But I didn’t cry.
    For the record, there have been many films I have been moved to tears by – Message in a Bottle, Titanic, It’s a Wonderful Life, Pay it Forward to name but a few. And of course, the hopeless romantic in me cannot help herself from blubbing at films like PS, I Love You, Sleepless in Seattle, 50 First Dates and Love Actually! Cold-hearted? I think not :-).
  • It Stinks. (gillianbarr.wordpress.com)
    The Bible doesn’t shy away from death. In our culture, we do. We use euphemisms. Bodies are whisked away on gurneys to be cleansed by undertakers   We avoid the word “death”–we don’t say someone died. “He passed,” “she transitioned,” “he crossed over,” “she has gone to a better place.” We “celebrate their life” but go to great lengths to avoid the cold hard word “death.” We prolong life in hospitals, we avoid making wills or estate plans or advanced directives. We don’t tell our pastors when we are sick or in trouble because we “don’t want anybody to see us like that.” We may show death and gore in action and fantasy film plots, but we avoid talking about how it happens in real day to day life.
  • 10 More Hollwood Actors and Performers Who Are Bible-Believing Christians (theblaze.com)

    Last year, TheBlaze brought you a list of 10 notable celebrities who are openly Christian. While critics generally charge that there aren’t many “believers” or genuine religious adherents in Hollywood, some would argue against this claim, noting that there are certainly some in the entertainment industry who embrace Christ’s teachings.

    Regardless of the exact numbers, there are surely more than 10 celebrities who live by Christian doctrine, so we thought we’d bring you yet another round of Jesus-friendly singers and actors.

  • Pro-Faith Hollywood Power Couple Discuss Upcoming Mini-Series ‘The Bible’ on TheBlaze TV (theblaze.com)
    As society currently rewards reality television, violent YouTube videos and tends to portray people of faith as “cheesy” or “corny,” Beck pointed to the Emmy Award-winning actress, most famous for having starred in the the popular series “Touched by an Angel,” to showcase the best sides of faith and faith-centered entertainment.

    Downey, who has produced and starred in a myriad movies and television productions including “Monday After the Miracle” and “Borrowed Hearts,” and was honored as People Magazine’s “100 Most Beautiful People,” shared what faith means to her in an increasingly-secular world.

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Filed under Activism and Peace Work, Announcement, Introduction, Lifestyle, Social affairs