Tag Archives: Book of Exodus

Theology pt17 – God is All Powerful


Absolute Surrender

We have discussed that God is sovereign and can do as He pleases, but is He capable of doing just anything? I have heard preachers say that God cannot do anything that you don’t allow Him to do. But I believe in an all powerful God that is capable of doing anything, period. If you look in any concordance or do a search on any online Bible site for the word ‘almighty’ and you will see a ton of places where God is declared as almighty. Job 33:4 The spirit of God hath made me, and the breath of the Almighty hath given me life. The book of Job declares God as almighty over and over again. As does the book of Psalms and the rest of the Bible. My Bible program on my phone has the word ‘almighty’ being used 57 times in the Bible. And that is just…

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Filed under Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Religious affairs

The Exodus Story: History or Myth?

A biblical scholar reviews the historical claims of the biblical book of Exodus.

The Book of Genesis ends with the story of Jacob going down to Egypt with his family. The first chapter of Exodus tells how the 70 members of Jacob’s s clan evolved into a large people, cruelly enslaved by the kings of Egypt. The enslavement is presented in the Bible as a crucible that forged the nation of Israel. Oppressed for several centuries, the Hebrews suffered until Moses, of the tribe of Levi, brought up in Pharaoh’s household, led them to freedom in the name of God, an omnipotent deity unknown to the Hebrews prior to their liberation.

The Exodus Narrative

File:Karolingischer Buchmaler um 840 002.jpg

Moses empfängt die Gesetzestafeln – Karolingischer Buchmaler

The story of the Exodus is related in a few dramatic chapters: 600,000 men left Egypt on a long trek to freedom. God punished their enemies (the ten plagues of Egypt), drowned Pharaoh’s army with its chariots and cavalry in the Red Sea, and brought them to Mount Sinai where they witnessed the revelation and received the DecalogueGod’s commandments to his people.

The First Commandment is the essence of Jewish monotheism:

“I am the Lord thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. Thou shalt have no other gods before me” (Exodus, 20:2‑3).

By the time they reached the frontiers of Canaan after forty years in the desert, the Israelites had become a strong, united nation, and were ready to conquer the Promised Land.

Is Exodus History?

The historical validity of this narrative is controversial. Some scholars stress the lack of Egyptian evidence testifying to the enslavement of the Israelites, pointing out that very little Egyptian influence is discernible in biblical literature and in ancient Hebrew culture. Other scholars, how­ever, claim that it is highly improbable that a nation would choose to invent for itself a history of slavery as an explanation of its origins. If such a tradition exists, it must reflect an historical truth.

Were the Israelites Slaves?

Statue of Akhenaten in the early Amarna style.

Statue of Akhenaten in the early Amarna style.

There is no doubt that slavery played a major role in the structure of the Egyptian state. It is also true that some form of single‑god worship was introduced into Egypt by Akenaton in the middle of the fourteenth century B.C.E., and this may have been a source for Jewish monotheism. Finally, the reign of Ramses II (1290-1212 B.C.E.), known for its costly wars and vast building enterprises, may well have been the era of cruel oppression described in Exodus.

But the only contemporary Egyptian source which actually mentions Israel is the stela (pillar with inscription) of King Merneptah from the fifth year of his reign (1207 B.C.E.), recording among his many victories:

“Carved off is Ashkelon, seized upon in Gezer…Israel is laid waste, his seed no more.”

This inscription implies that an entity named Israel existed in Canaan at the time, yet it is difficult to determine precisely what it was. One thing, however, may be regarded as certain: if the Israelites indeed emerged out of Egypt, their migration took place before the end of the 13th century B.C.E.

Explaining the Passover Miracles

This single fact, however, does not resolve the enigma. Obviously, the orthodox tradition accepts the biblical account literally, despite all the miracles it describes. There are scholars who seek to explain the miraculous events in rational and natural terms. They refer to ancient disasters which befell Egypt – floods, drought, slave rebellions, and invasions. Could these not be the ten plagues of Egypt? And the drown­ing of Pharaoh’s army in the Red Sea – can it not be explained by the ebb ­and flow of the marshes between the Nile and the Sinai Desert?

Problems and Contradictions in Exodus

Ipuwer Papyrus (officially Papyrus Leiden I 344 recto) – often put forward in popular literature as confirmation of the Biblical account, most notably because of its statement that “the river is blood” and its frequent references to servants running away, but these arguments ignore the many points on which Ipuwer contradicts Exodus, such as the fact that its Asiatics are arriving in Egypt rather than leaving, and the likelihood that the “river is blood” phrase may refer to the red sediment colouring the Nile during disastrous floods, or may simply be a poetic image of turmoil.

Other scholars, however, totally reject the historical validity of Exodus. The story of Ipu‑wer, they say, describes the anarchy in Egypt at the end of the third millennium B.C.E. and has no bearing on the biblical story; and 600,000 men (“not counting dependents”) means that approximately two million Hebrews left Egypt– is it possible that such a vast emigration left no trace in Egyptian sources? The biblical narrative, they point out, is full contradictions concerning the topography and the sequence of events – a feature typical of folktales, not of historical texts.

Intermediate Theories about Exodus

Between the two opposing views there are several intermediary theories. One hypothesis is that the Israelites left Egypt in two waves, and that by the time the second wave departed – in the middle of the thirteenth century – the first group had already settled in the land of Canaan, mostly around the town of Shechem in Samaria. Another possibility is that there was no organized mass emigration, but rather a constant flow of thousands of people from different Semitic tribes who left Egypt, roamed the desert, slowly infiltrating the land of Canaan where they eventually formed a single nation.


Preceding articles

Adar 6, Matan Torah remembering the giving of Torah

The smaller the miracle the greater the wonder

Commemorating the escape from slavery

Days of Nisan, Pesach, Pasach, Pascha and Easter

The Best Bedtime Stories


Additional reading

  1. Today’s thought “God spoke all these words” (February 15)
  2. Today’s thought “Ability to see that God is not dead” (May 12)
  3. 14 Nisan a day to remember #5 The Day to celebrate
  4. Most important weekend of the year 2016
  5. 1,500 to 1,700 years old Chiselled tablet with commandments sold at auction



  1. Reading the Jacob story as a prequel
  2. Out of Egypt
  3. Passover celebrates freedom to worship
  4. A Seder Supplement for Passover 5778: “The 10 Sacred Acts of Liberation”
  5. 10 Things You Should Know About the Exodus
  6. Exodus 14: Making Pharaoh Obstinate
  7. The Book of Exodus, Chapter 34
  8. The Book of Exodus, Chapter 35
  9. #36 – The Ten Commandments [Part 2] (Exodus 20b)
  10. The Leaven of Bitterness
  11. Not So Polite Dinner Conversation – Exodus redux


Filed under History, Religious affairs

Whoopi Goldberg commandments and abortion

Whoopi Goldberg resident Bible-scholar on “the view”

In September Godfathers Politics commented on a lady who has a certain swing to

get away with her ignorance because her audience is often just as ignorant as she is {Godfatherpolitics: Whoopi Goldberg is the resident Bible-scholar on “the view”}

Whoopi Goldberg (the most recent winner) becam...

Whoopi Goldberg (the most recent winner) became the tenth winner, first winner to win two of their awards in the same year, and first African American winner in 2002. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Whoopi Goldberg on Tuesday September 22nd ranted about Catholicism, the Pope and his visit to America.

Whoopi Goldberg, offering her thoughts on the faith, complained about Pope Francis discussing abortion: ‘Well, there’s nothing in the Book that says anything about abortion. Let’s make sure of that. The Ten Commandments are the Ten Commandments. There’s only ten.’” {Whoopi Goldberg is the resident Bible-scholar on “the view”}

10 Commandments for many people

Most people do think there are only Ten commandments (the 10 commandments / 10 words) but God has given mankind many more mitzva (plural of mitzvot/mitzvoth), Statutes given unto us or commandments. Also we should know that there are the mitzva of the One and Only True God of gods, but also the commandments of Christ Jesus. Both are given to us to help us fulfil the Wishes of God and to bring us on the right track to the entrance of the Kingdom of God.

When we look at Bible translations we are confronted with choices being made and the translaters hoping to find words people would understand in the right context. Some Bible translations substitute the wordcommandments” for “words.” therefore Godfather politics says:

Whoopi can’t be blamed for this mistake since millions of people make it.

The Most Trustworthy All Powerful Master Creator Deity Adonai, Everlasting Elohim Hashem Divine Jehovah God, with Whom we have to build a good relationship, has spoken many words in the past. Those words are bundled in the HolyScriptures, the book of books or Holy Bible, also known as the infallible and incorruptible comforting Word of God, full of Wisdom, that brings us the truth and can feed us when heard and that we have to accept, to be searched, to read, to studyto understand, to follow,  able to bring us reconciliation, and which has to be proclaimed.


The Ambitious Italian American who adheres to his own personal code of honor prefers people to use the more accurate word “Decalogue,” from the Greek words deka (ten) and logos (words).

The name “decalogue” is recorded from late Middle English, and comes via French and ecclesiastical Latin from Greek dekalogos (biblos) ‘(book of) the Ten Commandments’, from hoi deka logoi, literally ‘the ten sayings’ which in many translations became  ‘the Ten Commandments’ . The decalogue brings a summary of divine law given by the God of Israel to Moses on Mt. Sinai. They describe what’s listed in Exodus 20:1-17 and Deuteronomy 5:6-21. Even so, command “words” (debarim) from God are laws to be followed.

10 commandments -Vitrail_de_synagogue-Musée_alsacien_de_Strasbourg

The Decalogue or Ten Sayings of God on the 2 Stone tables of Moses – “Tables of the Law”, synagogue window, Alsace, late 19th century, Alsatian Museum of Strasbourg.

Those sayings of God or the wishes He Expressed have a paramount place in the ethical systems of Judaism, Christendom and Christianity, and Islam. Listed in the books of Exodus and Deuteronomy, the commandments are divided into duties toward God and toward one’s family and neighbours and society. Their normative status is indicated by their prescriptive and unconditional language. They function as general stipulations decreed by God as part of His covenant with the people of Israel. In both Exodus and Deuteronomy, the case law following the listing of the commandments is based on them and deduced from the principles contained in them. In Islamic tradition, Moses brings new revelation in the form of the commandments. In Christianity it is Jesus who brings a new revelation and offers mankind with the grace of God a Royal Commandment or Golden Rule in exchange for about 675 old laws, having the gentiles (nonJewish), goy or goyim (people of the nations) or heathen who want to convert to the faith of Jesus making it easier to be part of that Christian community.

Being under the Law

Believers in God have to be under the Law following, obeying or observing the ordinances of Law of Moses or Mosaic Law, which has laws of deportment or conduct, ways of behaviour and customs, concerning food and ways of eating and law-keeping. This decalogue, or God’s laws is also known as  Law of Moses and has been the base for many law-books.

The Bible, God’s inspired Word, should be the guide for all those people who believe in the Divine Creator God the Most Almighty.

When we do hear Whoopi Goldberg talking about the Bible and Christian faith see sees to have an idea which we do find by some more American television viewers and which is in big contrast with some other American views. Two ends which are contrasting like day and night.
Whoopi Goldberg, offering her thoughts on the faith in her show, complained about Pope Francis discussing abortion:

‘Well, there’s nothing in the Book that says anything about abortion. Let’s make sure of that. The Ten Commandments are the Ten Commandments. There’s only ten.’”

As shown above there are more than ten commandments written down in Scriptures and the ten words she is talking about are including a whole lot more than she seems to believe.

Women trump card


The war on women trump card has been abortion. Any time a conservative begins to make political progress, Democrats and any number of establishment Republicans pull out the abortion deck and play the “exception” cards: rape, incest, and the life of the mother. {How Rand Paul Turned the Tables on the Abortion Debate }

Several things may not be explicitly mentioned in the Holy Scriptures, but can be found in-between the lines.as such many may think there is nothing about rape and abortion in the Bible.

It’s true that there is not specific law in the Bible that says,

“You shall not abort your child.”

You won’t find these laws either:
“You shall not drown your child. You shall not throw your child off a bridge. You shall not strangle your child. You shall not leave your child in a hot car. You shall not stab your child. You shall not poison your child.”

“You shall not murder covers”

all these situations and many more. {Whoopi Goldberg is the resident Bible-scholar on “the view”}

Living souls to be respected

From the Holy Scriptures we can come to know we do have to have respect for every living soul, this means every animal and every human being. A soul being the element with life in it., which belongs to the Almighty Creator and not to man. We may use the animals for food, but should not just kill them for fun. the same we should be careful with other human beings which we do not have the right to take their life. It is not up to man to judge about other human beings their life. This brings into discussion two important human beings, the ones who are not yet on earth and the ones who are living already on this earth. For the last group it is quit easy. Even when they murdered somebody it is not up to us to lower ourselves at the same level as them. So we may not kill those who even did atrocious things to others. The death penalty is totally against the Law of God. Strangely enough in the United States we have lots of Americans who cry more death-penalties should be carried out and that more people should land on the electric chair or should get a deadly injection, those same people call the doctors and girls or women who carry out an abortion a murderer. Some even do not mind to kill such doctors who have abortion clinics. (Weird, weird, weird!)

For the more difficult matter of respect to other living beings comes the unborn who is there because of rape, or who is dis-formed, or who brings the carrier in life danger and offers the only solution either to bring the child on earth and let the mother die or keep the mother alive but have the death foetus.

The Bible attributes self-consciousness to unborn babies, something that modern medicine has studied and acknowledged. Jacob and Esau “struggled together within” their mother’s womb (Genesis 25:22). The New Testament offers a similar glimpse into prenatal consciousness: “And it came about that when Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the baby leaped in her womb” (Luke 1:41). “Struggling” and “leaping” are the result of consciousness. Jacob and Esau fighting inside the womb is indicative of their continued fighting outside the womb. John leaps in reaction to Mary’s pregnancy. {Whoopi Goldberg is the resident Bible-scholar on “the view”}

Pastoral letters and justification

In 2014 in the United States of America for several Americans the newest low for Planned Parenthood is to use the Bible and religion to convince women that they are morally justified to kill their unborn babies.

The organization’s so-called “Pastoral Letter” begins with this outlandish claim:

“Many people wrongly assume that all religious leaders disapprove of abortion. The truth is that abortion is not even mentioned in the Scriptures.” {Planned Parenthood Uses Bible to Support Abortion}

For many evangelicals and pentecostal Christian believers it may be very simple, but they forget that life is not just that simple. Many religious leaders disapprove of abortion, but others also dare to point out reasons why it could be better to have an abortion. but

It’s not a valid argument to say that because some do that killing an unborn baby is a morally acceptable choice. {Planned Parenthood Uses Bible to Support Abortion}

De Mar is wrong

to suspect that most if not all the religious leaders Planned Parenthood claims do not “disapprove of abortion” have a very low opinion of the authority of the Bible. {Planned Parenthood Uses Bible to Support Abortion}

Several of those religious and political leaders might have a much higher opinion of the authority of the Bible and some even might believe the many words for what they say whilst lots of the anti-abortionist leagues do have their own agenda and do keep to a lot of unbiblical doctrines.

Sixth commandment

Though many people might forget that the Sixth Commandment also covers unborn babies. Unborn babies are viewed as persons. everything which receives the breath of the Divine Creator is what becomes a ‘living soul’. A soul is not something what exists next to a person, but is the living person him or herself. As soon as there has been a connection which has created a beginning of a new human being, there is a new life.

We may not forget that it will never be so easy as many pretend to take away yourself the life from what moves within the own female body. We also have to remember that no Hebrew woman in the old times would ever have thought of killing her unborn baby. To be barren was one of the worst things for a woman to endure (Genesis 17:15-16; 25:21; 30:1; 1 Samuel 1:2-10; Psalms 113:9; 127:3-5; Luke 1:7; 23:29; Galatians 4:27; Hebrew 11:11). To kill an “inheritance from Jehovah God” would have been unthinkable.

But then people should also consider

when a being or something from nature becomes a human being and an inheritance from God.

Products of conception

Big question in the whole matter is also

when does a product of conception becomes a human being?

De Mar may point out

Some commentators claim that in Exodus 21:22 killing a “foetus” is nothing more than a property crime rather than the killing of a human being. This is absurd. Their operating premise is that an unborn baby is not defined as a person.

when he says that the Bible teaches otherwise he does overlook that in several passages he mentions in several articles he wrote about this subject he always refers to ‘children’ who came out of the womb of the mother or who were already long borns and as such were effectively to be called ‘children’.
He writes

The original Hebrew reads: “And if men struggle with each other and strike a pregnant woman so that her children [yeled] come out. . . .” Notice that the text uses the word “children,” not “products of conception.” {Whoopi Goldberg is the resident Bible-scholar on “the view”} + {Planned Parenthood Uses Bible to Support Abortion}

He recognises:

Notice that the text uses the word “children,” not “products of conception.” The Hebrew word for “children” in this verse is used in other contexts to designate a child already born. For example, in Exodus 2:6 we read: “When Pharaoh’s daughter opened [the basket], she saw the child [yeled], and behold, the boy was crying. And she had pity on him and said, ‘This is one of the Hebrews’ children [yeled].’” {Planned Parenthood Uses Bible to Support Abortion}

That child from the Hebrews (Moses) was already delivered some time earlier.

We must be honest, nowhere is there written ‘child’ for the foetus. Only when the foetus is fully grown is being spoken about the child that comes out of the woman.

The bible also speaks about giving birth prematurely, which in english bible translations is often translated by “miscarriage.” The Holman Christian Standard Bible translates:

“When men get in a fight and hit a pregnant woman so that her children are born [prematurely] but there is no injury, the one who hit her must be fined as the woman’s husband demands from him, and he must pay according to judicial assessment”

de Mar writes further:

There are two Hebrew words that fit the circumstances of miscarriage or premature birth: “There shall be no one miscarrying [shakal] or barren in your land” (Ex. 23:26; also Hosea 9:14). The Hebrew word for “miscarriage” was available to Moses since it appears just two chapters later.

Another example is found in the book of Job: “Or like a miscarriage [nefel] which is discarded, I would not be” (Job 3:16). Meredith G. Kline offers a helpful summary of the passage:

“This law found in Exodus 21:22–25 turns out to be perhaps the most decisive positive evidence in scripture that the fetus is to be regarded as a living person…. No matter whether one interprets the first or second penalty to have reference to a miscarriage, there is no difference in the treatments according to the fetus and the woman. Either way the fetus is regarded as a living person, so that to be criminally responsible for the destruction of the fetus is to forfeit one’s life…. The fetus, at any stage of development, is, in the eyes of this law, a living being, for life (nephesh) is attributed to it…. Consistently in the relevant data of Scripture a continuum of identity is evident between the fetus and the person subsequently born and Exodus 21:22–25 makes it clear that this prenatal human being is to be regarded as a separate and distinct human life.”1

Umberto Cassuto, also known as Moshe David Cassuto (1883–1951), was a Jewish rabbi and biblical scholar born in Florence, Italy. In his commentary on Exodus, he presents an accurate translation of the passage based on the nuances of the Hebrew:

“When men strive together and they hurt unintentionally a woman with child, and her children come forth but no mischief happens — that is, the woman and the children do not die — the one who hurts her shall surely be punished by a fine. But if any mischief happens, that is, if the woman dies or the children, then you shall give life for life.”2

The King James Version takes a different translation approach, but it is consistent with the text that “children” are “coming out.” The KJV reads,

“If men strive, and hurt a woman with child, so that her fruit depart from her, and yet no mischief follow: he shall be surely punished, according as the woman’s husband will lay upon him; and he shall pay as the judges determine” (Ex. 21:22).

The use of the word “fruit” is a descriptive euphemism for a born child in the Old Testament (Gen. 30:2) and the New Testament (Luke 1:42).

There is no getting around the fact that the Bible opposes killing unborn children, for that’s what they’re called. How can an organization like Planned Parenthood that is in the unborn baby killing business be trusted with commentary on what the Bible says on the subject?

  1. Meredith G. Kline, “Lex Talionis and the Human Fetus,” The Simon Greenleaf Law Review, 5 (1985–1986), 75, 83, 88–89. This article originally appeared in Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society (September 1977). Also see H. Wayne House, “Miscarriage or Premature Birth: Additional Thoughts on Exodus 21:22-25,” Westminster Theological Journal, Vol. 41, No. 1 (Fall 1978), 108–123.
  2. Umberto Cassuto, Commentary on the Book of Exodus (Jerusalem: Magnes Press, The Hebrew University, 1967), 275. {Planned Parenthood Uses Bible to Support Abortion}


Find additional reading:

  1. Sayings around God
  2. Incomplete without the mind of God
  3. Commandments of God
  4. Commandments of Christ
  5. Necessity of a revelation of creation 11 Believing and obeying the gospel of the Kingdom of God
  6. People Seeking for God 5 Bread of life
  7. Hashem השם, Hebrew for “the Name”
  8. Bible Word from God
  9. Bible a guide – Bijbel als gids
  10. Looking for True Spirituality 8 Measuring Up
  11. Being Religious and Spiritual 5 Gnostic influences
  12. Being Religious and Spiritual 8 Spiritual, Mystic and not or well religious
  13. Not trying to make the heathen live like Jews #1
  14. God’s design in the creation of the world
  15. God’s Blog recorded in a Book
  16. Creator and Blogger God 3 Lesson and solution
  17. Creator and Blogger God 4 Expounding voice
  18. Creator and Blogger God 6 For His people
  19. Creator and Blogger God 7 A Blog of a Book 1 Believing the Blogger
  20. Creator and Blogger God 8 A Blog of a Book 2 Holy One making Scriptures Holy
  21. Creator and Blogger God 10 A Blog of a Book 4 Listening to the Blogger
  22. Creator and Blogger God 12 Old and New Blog 2 Blog for every day
  23. Words God speaks unto all and the Spirit that quickens
  24. Scripture words written for our learning, given by inspiration of God for edification
  25. Statutes given unto us
  26. Time passing away
  27. Are Christians prepared to Rejoice in the Lord
  28. Looking for something or for the Truth and what it might be and self-awareness
  29. The true light in recorded words
  30. Observing the commandments and becoming doers of the Word
  31. Mitzvot or commandment
  32. God’s law or Law of God or Laws of God
  33. Laws of the Old Testament
  34. Biblical law
  35. Laws of Moses or Law of Moses
  36. Law of Christ
  37. Laws of man
  38. Ethical laws
  39. Family laws
  40. Natural laws
  41. Moral law
  42. Organic laws
  43. Physical laws
  44. Rational laws
  45. Religious laws
  46. Roman law
  47. Royal law of love
  48. Letter of the law
  49. Levitical laws
  50. Nazarite laws
  51. Sharia law
  52. Way of law
  53. Law of faith
  54. Law of non-contradiction
  55. Laws of logic
  56. Laws of nature
  57. Laws for the universe
  58. Health laws
  59. Jewish law
  60. Judeo-Christian-values
  61. Works of the law
  62. Love for Law of God
  63. 1st commandment
  64. 3rd commandment
  65. 4th commandment
  66. Commandments of Christ
  67. Commandments of God
  68. Keeping Gods commandments
  69. To observe Gods commandments
  70. Yoke of commandments
  71. Why we do not keep to a Sabbath or a Sunday or Lord’s Day #2 Testimony
  72. Why we do not keep to a Sabbath or a Sunday or Lord’s Day #6 Sunday or the Lord’s day
  73. How long to wait before bringing religiousness and spirituality in practice
  74. Blogging in the world for Jesus and his Father
  75. Written down for God to bring us up to a virtuous life
  76. For the Will of Him who is greater than Jesus
  77. Al-Fatiha [The Opening] Süra 1: 4-7 Merciful Lord of the Creation to show us the right path
  78. Catholicism, Anabaptism and Crisis of Christianity
  79. Incomplete without the mind of God
  80. Feed Your Faith Daily
  81. We should use the Bible every day
  82. Bric-a-brac of the Bible
  83. Letter to a Non-Christian Nation
  84. Praying and acts of meditation without ceasing + Commands to obey
  85. Building up the spirit of the soul
  86. Being under the law
  87. Ceremonial law
  88. Lawful actions
  89. Unlawful actions
  90. Abolishment of Mosaic Law
  91. Breach of Sabbath law
  92. Breaking the Mosaic law
  93. Abrogation of many Mosaic Laws
  94. Were allowed to wilfully break the Law of Moses
  95. Made dead to the Law
  96. Curse of the law
  97. Justification by law
  98. God loving people justified
  99. The Law of Christ: Law of Love
  100. Free from the law
  101. Golden rule for understanding in spiritual matters obedience
  102. Built on or Belonging to Jewish tradition #4 Mozaic and Noachide laws
  103. A philosophical error which rejects the body as part of the human person
  104. From Despair to Victory
  105. I can’t believe that … (4) God’s word would be so violent
  106. 2014 Human Rights
  107. American Senate ignoring many voices and tears of their own people
  108. Roman Catholic Church in the United States of America at war
  109. Caricaturing and disapproving sceptics, religious critics and figured out ethics
  110. About lions and babies
  111. Westboro Baptist Church and Catholic Truth against Nelson Mandela
  112. Always a choice


Further reading:

  1. But the one who looks into the perfect law, the law of liberty, and perseveres, being no hearer who forgets but a doer who acts, he will be blessed in his doing.
  2. Republicans’ Love Hate Relationship With Waiting Periods
  3. Choosing Evil
  4. My Choice
  5. New at Live Action: Abortion Fans Terrified of Memorials to Preborn. Let’s Do It.
  6. Should I Have An Abortion
  7. Praise Report from Joan
  8. The Things We Carry, by Penny
  9. Video: Children and Abortion
  10. “They Told Me What I Wanted To Hear” – Real Abortion Stories
  11. New at Live Action – Obama Hypocritically Lectures Christians on Inclusion
  12. Letter to National Abortion Federation #1
  13. At Least Someones’s Being Honest…
  14. Abortion today: what women need and want
  15. A Case of Need by Michael Crichton (1968)
  16. Gloria Steinem: ‘If men could get pregnant, abortion would be a sacrament’
  17. Michigan Bills Would Ban Second-Trimester Abortion Procedure
  18. Episode 113: My Choice is No Crime – Abortion is a Health Issue
  19. Experiences at the Abortion Clinic
  20. 33 Ways You Can Be Prolife
  21. Gun Control: Pro-Life or Anti-Suffering?
  22. Thinking about Faith and Politics: A Non-Partisan Reflection
  23. A Conversation With “Safe,” “Legal,” and “Rare”
  24. The White Rose
  25. Sidewalk Chronicles: Prolife Mentorship
  26. Religion and Abortion
  27. Realities and ideas in listening to the Pope and the Synod
  28. The Terminated
  29. For my Mother, who tried to murder me…
  30. Top Two GOP Planks Expose Mindset
  31. Politicians and abortion
  32. Frenetic Friday Night
  33. The Antichrist’s Eucharist
  34. New at Live Action: Liberal pro-lifer needs reminding that respect must be mutual
  35. Just two cents… & art speaks in a silent way
  36. A house divided…..a reflection.
  37. Thoughts on Hippocrates
  38. Rick Santorum: ‘If marriage is just about adults, kids are in trouble’
  39. Planned Parenthood Hearing Oversight Committee Video
  40. I had an abortion too
  41. Planned Parenthood v. Casey (1992)
  42. Grace, Truth, Worldviews and The Ongoing Abortion Debate
  43. Did We Win?
  44. Pro-Life and Pro-Choice
  45. Jacquette on Abortion
  46. Turnbull and Dutton wage war on women
  47. Rogue mothers have no decency
  48. Fan Friday—Planned Parenthood
  49. A moving set of photos has reignited a debate about abortion in China
  50. How do you make her a mother?
  51. Wasserman Schultz’s Shocking Answer To When Her Children Became Human
  52. Lost and Found – October 16th Edition
  53. Abortion Advocacy Is Extremisim
  54. Abortionist Caught With 14 Containers of Aborted Babies in His Car Works at Catholic Hospital | LifeNews.com
  55. Women would not lose access to healthcare if Planned Parenthood is defunded
  56. DWS Won’t Say if her Children Were Human Beings Before They Were Born
  57. The Medical Framework and Early Medical Abortion in the U.K.: How Can a State Control Swallowing?
  58. For This Cause I Was Born
  59. One Thousand Stitches
  60. Motherhood in the spring time
  61. The Second Side
  62. Why does Hillary Clinton regard Planned Parenthood as a protected organization?
  63. Things you should know about Pregnancy
  64. Women’s health 2.0: The pill, the ‘Rod’ and emergency contraception vs abortion.
  65. The Power of Telling Someone Where to Shove it…
  66. Stand against the inhumanity of human abortion. Be their voice.
  67. The Indecent Mind of Andrea Dworkin by Stacey McCain
  68. Missouri GOP lawmakers brainstorm new abortion legislation
  69. HSCI319W – Applied Health Ethics – Midterm Review Session
  70. Cops seize 14 containers of human tissue from abortionist
  71. Memebuster – Sharia Law Is Identical To The Republican Platform
  72. The Principle of Not Caring What Other People Do
  73. A list of shame: 9 MEPs publicly support Planned Parenthood’s trade with baby organs
  74. PPFA change shows its guilt, pro-lifers say
  75. Church, Wake Up
  76. What Planned Parenthood’s Change on Fetal Tissue Really Means
  77. Pro-Life Argument Archive ❤
  78. Women’s health
  79. Whoes Body?
  80. Four
  81. The Life You Save May Be Your Own
  82. Federal lawsuit filed in San Diego to stop California pregnancy care center “Bully” law AB 775 that coerces conscience violating speech.
  83. California Democrat Governor forces crisis pregnancy clinics to promote abortion
  84. This is Down Syndrome Awareness Month
  85. Excuse Me, Your Liberal Propaganda is Showing
  86. This Is My Abortion Story
  87. National issues affecting women to consider..
  88. “Can’t Abort Love”
  89. The truth about how women get abortions in America
  90. The Real ‘Choice’
  91. “Whose Positions Are ‘Extreme”?: Marco Rubio, ‘A Woman Has A Right To Choose’, But Not Really
  92. Abortion Survivor to Cecile Richards: ‘I Am So Thankful to Be Alive’
  93. Planned Parenthood and the Future
  94. Abortion- It’s Wrong no matter how you look at it!
  95. ‘Pro-Life’ issues and human rights
  96. Abortion
  97. The ordeals of student mothers
  98. Standing Up for Life
  99. My Pet Peeve
  100. Gender Stereotypes, Sex education and illegal Abortions in Argentina.
  101. Nothing Changes
  102. Affirmation of Life vs. Quality of Life
  103. Quick link: decriminalise abortion in NSW
  104. CA Religious Health Clinics Sue For Right To Withhold Info About Abortion
  105. The Ironic Post on Patheos that Bristol and Sarah Never Read
  106. Sidewalk chroncicles: “I’m going to Hell”, he said.
  107. Planned Parenthood Announces They Will No Longer Be Compensated for Fetal Parts
  108. ICYMI: Would Defunding Planned Parenthood Violate the Constitution?
  109. Truth exposed about woman who stood up to Trump with tough questions
  110. The Byproduct Of Idolatry
  111. Why We Should be Nothing but Pro-voice
  112. 313. Pro-Choice Pro-Life
  113. Our Gospel call to support a culture of life



Filed under Being and Feeling, Crimes & Atrocities, Health affairs, Juridical matters, Lifestyle, Political affairs, Religious affairs, Social affairs, Welfare matters

The Best Bedtime Stories

English: Moses and Aaron before Pharaoh: An Al...

Moses and Aaron before Pharaoh: An Allegory of the Dinteville Family, oil on wood painting by the Master of the Dinteville Family, mid 16th century, Metropolitan Museum of Art (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


In preparation for the most high day of the year, celebrating two big liberations we can prepare our children with stories which relate to modern times, our slavery, our often forgetting God’s Paths, giving us also opportunities to take away the annoying time of waiting, but also remembering why waiting is sometimes worthwhile and in this case our waiting shall be sanctified.


Pharaoh, like we, had to know it were not Moses and Aaron who had managed to turn the water in Egypt to blood, bring millions of frogs into the cities and fields, create an infestation of lice, and destroy the spring crops with balls of flaming hail. It was the Work of the Most High Elohim Hashem Jehovah. By strength of hand Jehovah the 10 plagues came over Egypt. The sanctify of the firstborn, whatever opens the womb among the children of Israel, both of man and of animal is God’s. And when they had to go forth in the month Abib it was Jehovah the God of the People of Israel Who was to bring them into the land of the Canaanite, and the Hittite, and the Amorite, and the Hivite, and the Jebusite, which He swore to their fathers to give them, a land flowing with milk and honey, that they shall keep this service in this month. and we still can look forward into what is coming into reality, God’s Land made for His people. A blessed hope.



Find also:


  1. No prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation
  2. The radiance of God’s glory and the counsellor
  3. Challenging claim 2 Inspired by God 1 Simple words
  4. Challenging claim 4 Inspired by God 3 Self-consistent Word of God
  5. Many Books, yet One
  6. Eternal Word that tells everything
  7. Bible in the first place #1/3
  8. Why think that (5) … the Bible is the word of God
  9. Creator and Blogger God 8 A Blog of a Book 2 Holy One making Scriptures Holy
  10. Creator and Blogger God 9 A Blog of a Book 3 Blog about Prophecy
  11. Creator and Blogger God 11 Old and New Blog 1 Aimed at one man
  12. Miracles of revelation and of providence 1 Golden Thread and Revelation
  13. Isaiah’s Book of the Messenger of Glad Tidings
  14. Date Setting
  15. Exodus 9: Liar Liar
  16. Commemorating the escape from slavery
  17. 1 -15 Nisan
  18. A Holy week in remembrance of the Blood of life
  19. High Holidays not only for Israel
  20. About a man who changed history of humankind
  21. How is it that Christ pleased God so perfectly?
  22. A new exodus and offering of a Lamb
  23. Ransom for all
  24. Thoughts on Passover
  25. Shabbat Pesach service reading 1/2
  26. Shabbat Pesach service reading 2/2
  27. This Passover maybe we can liberate ourselves
  28. 14 Nisan a day to remember #1 Inception
  29. 14 Nisan a day to remember #2 Time of Jesus
  30. 14 Nisan a day to remember #3 Before the Passover-feast
  31. 14 Nisan a day to remember #4 A Lamb slain
  32. 14 Nisan a day to remember #5 The Day to celebrate
  33. The Evolution Of Passover–Past To Present
  34. Passover and Liberation Theology
  35. Deliverance and establishment of a theocracy
  36. The redemption of man by Christ Jesus
  37. The day Jesus died
  38. Impaled until death overtook him
  39. Jesus is risen
  40. Christ has indeed been raised from the dead
  41. Risen With Him
  42. To whom do we want to be enslaved





  • God Called Moses The Exodus Story Continues (Part 4 of 5) (vineandbranchworldministries.com) + God Called Moses to Go and Rescuse His People From Slavery (part 3)  + God Called Moses to Go and Rescuse His People From Slavery (part 2)  + God Called Moses to Go and Rescuse His People From Slavery (part 1)
  • Exodus 10 – The Eighth and Ninth Plagues
  • The Exodus Story God Calls Moses to Go Down to Egypt
  • Exodus 5:4-5 – But the king of Egypt said, “Moses and Aaron, why are you taking the people away from their labor? (church4u2.wordpress.com)
    There has always been a pattern of God calling his people out of their normal rhythms to take time to worship Him. Even in this famous story of when Moses confronted the Pharaoh of Egypt, the main thing that God wanted was for his people to cease from their labor, come aside and worship Him. This pattern offends those who see work as a way toward power. Work is a good thing, but the Sabbath is a weekly reminder that God wants to deliver us from our false identities of power and bring us back to Himself.
  • The Sixth Plague: Boils (rough) (ninapaley.com)
    And they took ashes of the furnace, and stood before Pharaoh; and Moses sprinkled it up toward heaven; and it became a boil breaking forth with blains upon man, and upon beast.
  • Fast from Complaining (robertsmusings.com)
    In the 17th chapter of Exodus, the people quarrel with Moses and test the LORD, complaining that Moses has led them out of Egypt and into the desert to die of thirst. Modern advertising takes advantage of human thirst for things that might provide salvation. Rarely will an ad show the benefits of a particular product over its competitors. Instead advertisements portray a lifestyle we might seek imply that if we buy their product, we will have the lifestyle we seek.
  • 23.5 Moses 23, Day 5 (thenotesaregood.com)
    For God to bring them across the Jordan river into the Promised Land, they would have to travel this country.  And, like Sihon, Og king of Bashan marched out to meet them.
  • To Soar In The Spirit You Have To Be Hard Core (theinscribedheart.com)
    The carnal man represents the man who was born from a carnal birth and was shaped by worldly orientation through being subject to the influences of a deceived and wicked world. The carnal man will be merciful to carnal living and would rather comprise with the enemies of the soul rather than destroy them. He is double minded, trying to serve the flesh and live spiritual at the same time.
  • Choose Positivity (matheusyuhlung.wordpress.com)
    The world is full of negativity. I’m sure you’ve experienced your share as well. Amidst the lies that exaggerates fear, it is very much essential to trust on the God whose name is Jehovah El Elohim; which means The LORD God of Gods, the LORD, mighty, powerful, strong One over all.
  • Those People Will Turn Your Children Away From Me: (dailydevotionswithdawn.wordpress.com)
    We are to purge the things in our life that would cause us to turn from God. Jesus even said that if our hand offended us, to cut it off. (I think he was speaking figuratively?)

    If we obey God, and stay close to Him, we are blessed:

  • Reflective Moment ‘Establishing Testimony’ (mylordmyfriend.com)
    Jethro had heard the story how God had bought them out of slavery. He had heard the story of redemption. He heard the story of the wonderful and victorious power of The Lord. Moses told Jethro all the Lord had done to Pharaoh and Pharaoh’s people to make Pharaoh, let them go. Moses told his father-in-law about all the hardships and troubles that had come on them along the way, but the Lord had delivered them.

    A wonderful story, to get into, but this is only a reflective moment. When our family and in-laws here what, Our Lord, Our Redeemer and Our Friend, has done and is doing for us, are they wanting to come around.

    Moses life and calling, was a testimony to His God, and people wanted to here. Our lives and our callings, should also be a testimony for what Our Lord, Our redeemer and our Friend is doing in our lives.

  • Resources of help (helpfulinspirationalblog.wordpress.com)
    Moses made excuses because he felt inadequate for the job God asked him to do. It was natural for him to feel that way. He was inadequate all by himself. But God wasn’t asking Moses to work alone. He offered other resources to help (God himself, Aaron, and the ability to do miracles). God often calls us to do tasks that seem too difficult, but he doesn’t ask us to do them alone. God offers us his resources, just as he did to Moses. We should not hide behind our inadequacies, as Moses did, but look beyond ourselves to the great resources available. Then we can allow God to use our unique contributions.


Laya Crust

Bo sigart by Laya Crust

Parshat Bo: Exodus, chapter 10 -13

Haftarah: Jeremiah  46: 13 -28

The Best Bedtime Stories

Story time is one of the best times of the day.  We are transported to magical places. We meet extraordinary people and see things we would never come across on a typical day. Stories make time enchanting when reality is boring. You need to get someone to brush teeth? Tell a story. The wait in the doctor’s office is hours long? Tell a story. The car ride isn’t ending? Tell a story.

Our family’s favourite source of stories was Tanach (the Jewish Bible). Between the angels, the giants, the talking snakes and the trickery, what could be more exciting?

Take this week’s Torah reading. Our heroes are Moses and Aaron, two poor brothers, who were on a quest to free a nation of slaves. The downtrodden  slaves were in the grasp of…

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Filed under Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Religious affairs