Tag Archives: Patrick Pinkerton

Where is the government strategy to prevent violence against women?

Visiting Lecturer in International Politics at City University London, Patrick Pinkerton, records his less systematic thoughts on everyday political, cultural and social life in the hope it’ll be illuminating.

He has thoughts by the the British government currently engaged in a public and media campaign to change the terms of the debate on radicalisation, with David Cameron urging people to be ‘intolerant of intolerance’ and calling on communities to do more to tackle the extreme ideologies that allow violent ones to emerge.

He doesn’t think it would be an over exaggeration to suggest that Cameron is placing part of the blame for young people turning to ISIL on the failure of the Muslim community in the UK to challenge extreme narratives, and that he is urging the Muslim community to take more responsibility for this.

Regardless of whether you agree or disagree with this point, I think you can accept that Cameron is seeking to apportion some blame on those who could have acted differently in order to prevent young Europeans travelling to Syria and Iraq to join the brutal and murderous IS movement.

he writes in his article Cameron’s Blame Game. And continues

Cameron’s platitudes about building a ‘national identity’ that ‘young people in our country feel truly part of’ is not enough. If he is so keen to ensure people take responsibility for their actions then he should take responsibility for his own: for the demands he makes on Muslims to pledge their loyalty to an undefined idea of ‘British values’, that could indeed not be defined in anything but an exclusionary manner; and for the essentialised notions of a ‘Muslim community’ his government propagates, requiring surveillance and securitisation. {Cameron’s Blame Game}

The government may be aware of how disengaged it is from large sections of the British Muslim communities but is it aware how ethics and moral values in a country play a very important role in how people are behaving or going to behave?

We also have to be aware how children can become influenced by others, and most of all by those who may offer security, glorious cause, a new way of life. It is unacceptable that many children face bad situations at home, where 22% had suffered from physical or sexual violence by a partner.

The UK and France reported the 5th highest number of violence against women, with 44%. Violence by an intimate partner being the most common type of abuse.
European civilians should shame themselves having about a third of all women in the EU having experienced either physical or sexual violence since the age of 15, according to a survey by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights.

We also should do something against “fear of stigma” which still prevents many women from reporting sexual violence.

slutwalk_1891529cMany countries in the so called civilised world are derailed. In many countries of Western Europe men and women have an abundant life full of libertine sex. In all those countries where there is a certain economical wealth we notice psychological and ethical poverty. Men as well as women do not seem to have ethical values and do not seem to have any proud about the sanctity of their own body. At the same time that so many boast about their free sex life with many we see unacceptable levels of sexual coercion and female genital mutilation (FGM), sexually transmitted infection (STI) diagnosed and an increase of teenage pregnancy.

Often it looks like we are living in an oversexed world, were there do not seem to exist any borders. Many do find it normal that youngsters and adults share sex videos online at the touch of their cell phones. Many find it normal to see sex between the same sexes and even find it more interesting to see it done by several partners in one go. Though many may find it weird to run naked in the garden or on a beach they do not worry to strip in front of a camera and showing their nakedness on a screen hoping to get themselves a million likes.

When approximately 85,000 women and 12,000 men are raped in England and Wales alone every year [pdf] we should ask serious questions because that’s roughly 11 adult rapes per hour. (!?!)

Over 1,200 victims of FGM were recorded between January and March this year, and unknown numbers of girls and women remain unprotected. Gang violence and grooming are increasingly recognised and the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community remains at risk from stigma and discrimination. Sexual health services identify and support these vulnerable groups every day so the ramifications of reducing access to this support and expertise will be far-reaching and significant. {About the crisis, no not the referendum.. the sexual health crisis!}

We too think like the Guest-author that

Such figures dwarf the violence committed in the name of radicalism, whether inspired by an interpretation of Islam or a far right ideology (both of which are targeted in the Prevent strategy).

It is high time that abuse and exploitation are tackled and that the educational institutions again try to get the youngsters on the moral and ethical path which a civilised country should have.


Previous articles

How to heal after childhood sexual abuse

About a human being or not and life

Stop Burning Rape Survivors at the Stake

How to heal after childhood sexual abuse

Responsibility for children who were molested by clergy

“Prayer 2” – Child Abuse


Additional reading

  1. Subcutaneous power for humanity 2 1950-2010 Post war generations
  2. Mental Enslavement and Sins Syndrome (MESS)
  3. African misery and women inequality
  4. The dark side of our earthly existence
  5. Manifests for believers #1 Sex abuse setting fire to the powder
  6. Violence against disabled children
  7. Justififiable anger or just anarchism
  8. Being Religious and Spiritual 8 Spiritual, Mystic and not or well religious


Related reading

  1. Association Concerning Sexual Violence Against Women (RainLily)
  2. About the crisis, no not the referendum.. the sexual health crisis!
  3. Remember, prime minister: British Muslims hate Isis too
  4. Theresa May issued direct plea to Britons not to destroy their lives and children with Isil
  5. Violence against women: One-third of EU women affected – survey
  6. Swedish police blame “foreign young men” for spate of sex assaults at music festivals
  7. Guinness, alcohol much more of a threat to women.
  8. British woman saved from her father’s forced marriage, FGM plans by court order
  9. Women in Mexico are being assaulted so police can boost arrest numbers in war on drugs, Amnesty says
  10. Women’s rights activists blasted for taking selfie with alleged rape victim
  11. What We’re Telling Victims
  12. The White House refuses to visit colleges that don’t address sexual assault
  13. 6 players from Cuba’s men’s volleyball team in custody over alleged rape
  14. Football’s abuse of women is institutional
  15. Rolling Stone reporter provides insight into circumstances that resulted in retracted rape story
  16. Women who have premarital sex are ‘degenerates’: China textbook
  17. Escaped Chibok school girl hasn’t been seen since rescue from Boko Haram in May
  18. aces against healthism
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  28. “Instead I Held Her Hand”
  29. Y12 Health Day – Part One
  30. Y12 Health Day – Part Two
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  34. Flight diverted after teenage girl allegedly assaulted by drunk man on plane
  35. Who wins
  36. Islamic anti-terrorism coalition, a way for Riyadh to “save face”
  37. The Legality of Muslim Exclusion
  38. On International Women’s Day, Clothes and Being Female
  39. The Lights That Failed: Terrorism Double Standards in San Bernardino, Paris…and Baicheng?
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  41. 16-year-old boy arrested over murder of woman in Burka (Nahid Almanea) and young father (James Attfield) stabbed more than 100 times
  42. Rampant Sexism
  43. The Rise of Hate Search
  44. The first time I submitted to a man (Part 2)
  45. Living In The Now
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  49. On pornography
  50. complicated
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  52. Gaze
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  54. Are We Living In A Sex Crazed World?
  55. # 100 The Joy Of Nakedness
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  57. Day 181: Adam and Eve: The Perfect Couple
  58. Nakedness and Shame | Victor Tey
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  61. Naked Before God: Trials and Tribulations
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  65. John 5:44
  66. Can I be vulnerable?
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  68. Nakedness, Tough Guys and False Expectations
  69. Naked Before God in Community: But I’m an Introvert!
  70. •Vulnerability & Nakedness•
  71. Naked Before God: Husbands and Wives
  72. Naked Before God: In Community (2)
  73. Cover Your Nakedness!
  74. Does the Boris Johnson and Donald Trump mural rely on our distaste of men kissing?
  75. Storm Lake man found guilty of forcing wife to end pregnancies
  76. Woman says Gresham father molested her 1,000-plus times, delivers chilling statement
  77. Syria, child sexual abuse and Ebola highlight UN shortcomings
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  79. Ghani Promises ‘Serious Measures’ Against Afghan Troops Who Sexually Abuse Children
  80. US Must Leverage Aid to Stop Child Sexual Abuse Among Afghan Security Officials
  81. Two tumultous years but little real progress for adult victims of child sexual abuse
  82. Afghanistan Vows Measures Against Child Sex Abuse
  83. International: US military in Afghanistan told troops to ‘ignore child abuse by Afghan soldiers’
  84. U.S. Soldiers Told to Ignore Sexual Abuse of Boys by Afghan Allies

Everyday Deconstructions

Last Monday a clause of the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act (2015) came into effect, placing the Prevent Duty Guidance for seven sectors of the public services on a statutory footing. Local authorities, schools, further education, higher education, the health sector, prisons and probation have joined the police in having a legal duty to safeguard persons from radicalisation, be it through challenging the narratives of radical preachers and political ideologues who argue that violence is acceptable, or through tackling exposure to beheading videos or other violent images online that normalises such barbaric behaviour.

The government hope this legislation will stem the flow of British citizens to Syria, and hlep prevent the kind of home-grown terror attacks witnessed recently in Paris and Copenhagen. At least 700 Britons are thought to have travelled to Syria to join IS in the last few years, but fortunately there has not been a violent incident on…

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