Tag Archives: Self compassion

Positive changes

Wilderness Wellbeing

Daily writing prompt
Describe one positive change you have made in your life.

Focussing on self development as part of my daily routine has made a massive difference to my life. This has many facets, such as starting my morning with a daily affirmation track to get me into a positive mindset and direct my focus to my goals. Having a wind up routine in the morning so a glass of water and a hot lemon and honey. Not using my phone before 8am and writing in my journal so my self development practice is always at the forefront of my mind.

However, self compassion is a key element to all of this, so as much as I would love to say I do this well every day, I do my best, I meet myself where I am because let’s be honest – life happens and life…

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Filed under Being and Feeling, Health affairs, Lifestyle, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Welfare matters

Inspiration to Boost your Karma in the New Year

In a world where there is a growing decease of indifference let us make sure we are ready to be there for and to help others.

Find Your Middle Ground

Every year I like to review this list to bring good Karma to the year ahead, and beyond. This year I have added more self compassion and kindness towards others. Let me know what resonates with you this year.
  1. Keep your word.
  2. Be curious. Listen to understand.
  3. Show respect to everyone you encounter.
  4. Be respectful of those you haven’t met.
  5. Be a good friend.
  6. Look for the best in everyone.
  7. Be kind to others.
  8. Be kind to yourself.
  9. Forgive others.
  10. Forgive yourself.
  11. When you make a mistake say, “I’m sorry.
  12. Pour out your love when someone asks for it.
  13. Put your children’s needs before your own.
  14. When someone is speaking to you, be fully present and listen.
  15. Express yourself joyfully.
  16. Don’t be cruel with your words.
  17. Be grateful for everything you have. It is more than enough.
  18. Share your wisdom with those who ask for it.
  19. Give away what you…

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Filed under Activism and Peace Work, Lifestyle, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs

It continues to be a never ending, exhausting battle for survival.

Posttraumatic stress disorder does not have to be a lifelong disorder. Being exposed to one or more traumatic events, such as sexual assault, warfare, serious injury, or threats of imminent death may result in feelings of intense fear, horror, and powerlessness and for sure can make it that we carry the memories of it and the anxiety with it all our life with us. But it has not to derange us for all our lifetime. The bad experiences which we encountered we can use also for the good, conquering the problems it gave us and helping others with the bad experience we had.

In case we allow the bad experience get deep into us and let it make us depressed, we allow it to conquer us. We should try to make ourselves stronger than the experience, how bad it might be, and stand up against it, showing our teeth or or ‘balls’.

Jehovah God also provided a solution for all the evil in this world and brought salvation for our pains and worries. By the death of His son we are saved. When we accept the sacrificial offer of Jesus Christ, the son of God, we can find solace, but we must know that shall not take away the temptations, the tribulations, the pains, a.o. we shall have to endure whilst in this time system.

It is in God and in His son we must put our hope and look forward to the return of Christ and the coming Kingdom of God.

In the meantime we can trust the Most High He will protect us and never let things test us more than we can bear. But when we are victim of bad events we should let us get down and let evil win. The adversary of God, (Satan) which can be any or every person, shall be able to feel our doubt and try us out. We should stand strong.

It is impossible to be strong every day, or to feel at ease or to be happy all the time. We have to face our ups and downs and be aware we have more strength in us than we ever would think. It is there deep in us, but we ourselves have to dig after it.

And yes at moments we do have to give ourself a break, but having self compassion shall never help. Self-pity is the thing we can miss most. Though it does not mean we can not have days that we just find it okay to lie down, pull the blanket up over our head and say nope…..”I can’t do this right now.” But know that there is tomorrow again a day and than it would be possible perhaps. Just get up and try to do it. You can!


Please do read: Fear, struggles, sadness, bad feelings and depression


  • An Analysis of Self (christopherryandueck.wordpress.com)
    Some days I find myself agreeing whith those people who think what I have is nothing more than an excuse to be miserable. Maybe my headaches, my joint pain, my halucinations and all the other problems I deal with are simply me wanting to be a victim. I spend entirely too much time second guessing myself, especially when it comes to the depression and anxiety I feel almost constantly. What if I am making it all up? It isn’t something I can “prove” to people who don’t think that mental illness is a real medical problem and because of that I sometimes fall into that trap. I feel guilty for going to my many doctor’s appointments even though I know I would not be able to hold onto a job if I didn’t, but try explaining that to people who’s idea of dealing with mental health is “suck it up”.
  • We All Have A Choice (foodforthespiritualsoul.wordpress.com)
    Love of the self. It is something that we have been deceived into thinking, and reasoning out to ourselves, that hinder us from completely being obedient to God, the Father of Creation’s, Will of the lives He gave us. Jesus Christ, as God’s Son, showed us through His Death on the Cross, at Calvary, that complete obedience to God’s Ways of Unconditional Love, Mercy, and Nonviolence, should be upheld at All Costs, even if it requires death to the human body, to save the soul that He has given you to keep guard over. That we value God’s Ways, above the world’s ways, that is running rampant with Violence, Unforgiveness, and Self Love. People say we should love ourself.
  • Psalm 6 (kittyjonesblog.wordpress.com)

    O Jehovah, self-existent One,

    please do not breathe out angry condemnation or discipline over me,

    even though I deserve it.

    Please be merciful for I am weak and vulnerable.

  • Thick or thin, the battle within. (meaningfulmeanderingsofsuz.wordpress.com)
    We hear a lot about thick vs. thin skin and it is even somewhat of a mantra in many households.   Parents tell their kids they better get it or life will be just so much harder to survive.   Companies tell their employees to not be so sensitive about rejection or what anyone else says. Thin skinned people seem to be perceived as weak and too fragile to deal with real life. And then there’s sensitivity training for those who have built the proverbial thick skin they were chastised for not having in the first place and then expect everyone else to have the same rhino-esque qualities.
  • Persistent symptoms following concussion may be posttraumatic stress disorder (medicalxpress.com)
    Concussion accounts for more than 90 percent of all TBIs, although little is known about prognosis for the injury. The symptoms cited as potentially being part of PCS fall into three areas: cognitive, somatic and emotional. But the interpretation of symptoms after MTBI should also take into account that injuries are often sustained during psychologically distressing events which can lead to PTSD.

    The authors conducted a study of injured patients at an emergency department in a hospital in France to examine whether persistent symptoms three months after a head injury were specific to concussion or may be better described as part of PTSD. The study included 534 patients with head injury and 827 control patients with nonhead injuries.

    Three months after the injury, 21.2 percent of head-injured and 16.3 percent of nonhead-injured patients met the diagnosis of PCS; 8.8 percent of head-injured patients met the criteria for PTSD compared with 2.2 percent of control patients.

  • Why Me?! (christiboronow.wordpress.com)
    I could not count how many times I’ve asked this question…whether it be because something awesome just happened and I’m stunned that it happened to me. Or because I’m going through some ridiculous trial and am at a loss of strength and will to keep fighting. This evening I asked, “why me, God…why?”
    Not because my life is going according to my plan, but because it seems like my whole world is falling apart. The last several months have been a constant trial and if I’m completely honest, I am at my absolute end. I have no strength to keep fighting, my body is exhausted, I just had an emergency surgery, my grandma is in her last few miles of life fighting cancer, and I have hit a massive brick wall. I sit here typing this post as my stomach flips out in pain and all I want to do is sleep.
  • Write to the Point with Angie Brashear (5020genesis.wordpress.com)
    As a nonbeliever for the majority of my life, I enjoyed reading speculative fiction and it was the The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis which ultimately opened my eyes to Christ. My prayer is that my stories will do the same for others. I also hope believers will enjoy the Christian undertones of my work.
  • The End? (wifeafterdeath.com)
    After Mark survived His sudden and savage illness in 2008, He had one goal: never to let it define Him. He took the pills, checked in for INR tests, trundled down to Oxford for His annual review. He reluctantly acceded to these things because a man with a stethoscope and big glasses told Him He had to.

    A less optimistic person may have allowed the regime to take over their lives. But not my husband. It spurred Him on to achieve and conquer. In fact, most of the time He’d have you believe it never happened. (Except in those rare, dark moments of reality which seeped in unseen and made us both sob at the cruelty of it all.)

Healing From Complex Trauma & PTSD/CPTSD

Woke up at around 4am’ish, from a nightmare. A nightmare about severe abuse no-one should ever even know about, let alone endure, feel such pain and suffering.

To re-experience this kind of abuse, always seems so deeply cruel. Wasn’t it enough that I had to suffer at that time, do I have to keep enduring it over and over? Seems like I do. Because I am.

It feels like I am being punished, ‘getting what I deserve’, as I was told in the past. Repeatedly.

I do try really hard to be as positive as I can, but days like today are so hard. Already tired, waking up with major anxiety from the nightmare, is not the best way to start your day.

On days like today, I wonder if I will ever be free of PTSD? Free of nightmares? Free of re-experiencing severe sexual abuse, I never deserved and…

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Filed under Being and Feeling, Health affairs, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs