Tag Archives: Insulting remarks

Dissolve The Barriers You Created

Graduate of The Marketing Institute of Ireland, Brendan Dunne, according to himself

has a wealth of experience in business, and a strong belief in the following: “The best way to become inspired is to try and inspire everybody else. {Brendan Dunne about}

He is convinced that hate will only poison the mind of the person who uses it to accomplish any goal in life and that it has not redeeming qualities. {Hate Has No Redeeming Qualities}

He writes

Concentrating on hate with your conscious mind will send messages of hate to your subsconsious mind, and since your subconsious mind doesn’t have the capacity to hate, it will help you to mirror the characteristics of the person you are so hell-bent on hating. In the end you will end up just like the person or people you hate. {Hate Has No Redeeming Qualities}

When we want to go out into the world and meet different people we should know that it are we ourselves who shall create the borders and are the ones who can dissolve the barriers which mostly are there because of our prejudices.

When encountering others it is not that we always should expect everything they say or do against us.

You do not have to accept every insult people send your way because most of the time it’s not meant, they just happened to find a chink in your armour, one of your perceived weaknesses. {Do Not Accept Every Insult People Send You}

Dunne writes

You more than likely are sensitive about a subject to which they are indifferent. When they talk about the subject, you’re cringing inside thinking, how there they, they must know how I feel; and the truth is, they haven’t got a clue unless you actually tell them. {Do Not Accept Every Insult People Send You}

Best way to come onto good terms is always to be yourself and to be honest about yourself and your feelings, respecting all those who are around you, though they may totally different than you.

To avoid difficulties it is always best to know yourself well.

The way to avoid accepting unintended insults is to know yourself, and that means knowing your weaknesses and your strengths because;

“When you know and accept your weaknesses, nobody can use them to insult you.”

But you also have to be careful about your own past. Our guest-writer warns

“Don’t allow your past to crucify your present.”

The writer is also sure there are people in each group you would prefer to avoid but you shouldn’t avoid them because of their ethnicity.

The attitude you have towards those groups will not affect anybody within them but they may be doing yourself no end of harm by having negative thoughts constantly running around your mind.

We always should remind ourselves that

You are only limited by the limitations you impose upon yourself.

You have greatness inside of you, you have the ability to learn anything you want, you have the ability to change every aspect of your life if you choose to do it;
all you need to do is decide what you want to be, then
set in place the plans you need to make those changes happen.


Preceding articles

Go outside. Let the world in.

Are you right down in the dumps? Stop digging!

Tolerance Ends When There Is No Tolerance Shown Towards Us

Stabbed victim parent’s hope for less hatred and more tolerance

See the conquest and believe that we can gain the victory

May we have doubts

What would you do if…? Continued trial

Love and forgive this Friday


Additional reading

  1. Stopped Breathing
  2. Are people allowed to have doubts
  3. Subcutaneous power for humanity 4 Not crossing borders of friendship
  4. A person is limited only by the thoughts that he chooses


Related articles

  1. Motto
  2. Limitations
  3. Purpose & Identity > Limitations.
  4. Dealing with Limitations
  5. Accepting Your Limits for Today
  6. Plans, Goals, Dreams… Reality
  7. If only I didn’t have to shower
  8. Travel beyond where your passport has taken you
  9. Summer hibernation
  10. Self-Imposed
  11. Beyond
  12. Limit Yourself Kinda Sucks
  13. Beyond Limitations
  14. Show don’t Tell: Wait…what?
  15. Hairy Stories.
  16. Think About It Thursday: How Uncomfortable Are You?

Brendan Dunne😎

dissolve.pngYou are only limited by the limitations you impose upon yourself. You have greatness inside of you, you have the ability to learn anything you want, you have the ability to change every aspect of your life if you choose to do it; all you need to do is decide what you want to be, then set in place the plans you need to make those changes happen.

There’s a good possibility you will not need to learn anything, all you need to do is change your attitude towards yourself and in the process your attitude towards the world will change.

You change your attitude towards yourself by examining your current attitudes, if you wish to make real changes, you have to be real honest with yourself. Ask yourself those difficult questions;

Is the behaviour you share with your friends radically different to the one you show strangers?

Do you…

View original post 342 more words


Filed under Being and Feeling, Lifestyle, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Social affairs

Tact? Knowing when it is better to remain silent!

Words can be weapons.
When words are sent into the world without careful consideration and impulsively, they can have a devastating effect and hurt. Poisonous words are always offensive and can terrorise. Bullying can be hell for children in school, for adults at work. It is the cause of many a deed of desperation. “We did not intend it that way”, is then the most common excuse. But what was the intention?

A tactometer…
… is a tool that determines the sensitivity of your skin. This is very closely related to what tact is: the capacity to judge the sensitivities of human association correctly so as to act correctly and subsequently.
To be tactful is to be tactile : to have a sense of touch, a kind of subtle discernment to correctly sense people and circumstances.

To know when it is best to remain silent

…is at the same time to know when to talk. For is it right to abandon someone to whom an injustice has been committed? Can we remain silent when disdainful words are spoken? To suffer from insulting remarks is very offensive, but neither is it a sign of tact when spectators remain silent in order to save themselves and not have to share in the mess.

The eternal middle course.

In fact it is about the capacity to sense when it is better to remain silent, thus about the correct silence. Just as it is about finding the right words at the right time. All this requires training. One needs to really become aware of which impact all this has on people and  human association.

In essence it is important to remain kind in all circumstances. To return people in the most tactful way to themselves and each other. In this way one helps to keep the harmony, so that everyone can continue with themselves and each other.


Dutch version: Tact? Weten wanneer je beter zwijgt!BzN-Mov Without a Name-Logo_EN


Additional literature:

  1. Think before you speak
  2. Free to be quiet
  3. Be still and listen
  4. Be kinder than necessary


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Filed under Activism and Peace Work, Being and Feeling, Crimes & Atrocities, Headlines - News, Lifestyle, Movement Without a Name, Reflection Texts, Welfare matters