Tag Archives: Desensitisation

Hope on the Horizon: Pandemic Anxiety Management II~

Continuation of Anxiety Management During Pandemic Days~

Cindy Knoke and a lovely koala are sending a second message, telling that in the midst of darkness, there is light.

In all the affected countries we find hundreds of people doing long shifts to help the infected people in intensive care and those who are treated in hospital, and other ill people taken to hotels or in special wards in homes, emergency hospitals or even tents.



  • When anxious > too much adrenaline & cortisol flood our body => weakens our immune system.
  • Conscious breathing + muscle relaxation => stop stress hormone release + protect body +  mind.

Looking at:

  • Distraction in Action
    • Being true to yourself, engaging in own interests, hobbies + passions
    • focused on what engages your best self
    • Humor = saving grace
  • Self Soothing
    • warm bath, watching a game, playing an rpg, listening to music, cooking, gardening, working out, > Make time


Find also to read: The Benefits of Progressive Muscle Relaxation

Cindy Knoke

I think this koala is sending a message to you and I about anxiety!

In the midst of darkness,

there is light.

Check out: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8115879/COVID-19-Australian-researchers-CURE-coronavirus.html

Good people are working,

to help.


pandemic anxiety,

with realistic hope,

is powerful medicine.

Hope floats,

and flies.

Let’s move on with building our toolbox to manage pandemic anxiety.


Self Talk Reframing (Cognitive Therapy)

Guided Imagination/Visualization

Exposure Management

Progressive Relaxation

Distraction in Action

Self Soothing

Spiritual Meditation/Prayer

Second Voice

Exercise, Diet & Good Health Practices

We covered the first three in the last post. Here are the next three.

I would love for you to add tools of your own that are, or have, worked for you. With your help we could build a truly awesome anxiety busting toolbox so people can pick and choose what is comfortable for them. If you have some tools that work let me know. It will…

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Filed under Being and Feeling, Health affairs, Lifestyle, Pictures of the World, Positive thoughts, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Welfare matters