Tag Archives: Unwanted sex

My Choice (by Jezabel Jonson)

I would not say a person has to undergo certain situations to have an idea of what is going on in such circumstance. People can have some idea of what a person must or can undergo in a certain situation. We also do know that every person in a similar situation undergoes it differently.

Not one abortion by woman is the same as an abortion by an other woman.

In this world of a lot of violence also not all unwanted babies do come from horrible situations, like rape or unwanted sex. We also must be aware that because of no allowance or of no provision or of economical difficulties to provide for contraceptive pills, condoms and/or implanon (the rod) the world also sees about 21.6 million women each year with unsafe abortions, adolescents suffering the most from complications and having the highest unmet need for contraception ‒ yet are still not perceived as eligible for “family planning” in many countries.

We also in many countries can find medical abuse, such as refusal to provide pain relief or the use of caesarean section to avoid doing a second trimester abortion that would be illegal (Argentina) or to save the life of the baby when the woman has asked for an abortion (Ireland, Paraguay).

For those persons to come to a decision which is going to change their life for ever is not easy and often underestimated.

In our society we also have to take certain responsibilities which give no excuse to accuse the one who has become pregnant. To incriminate the person with child is an easy way to escape the responsibility of not having guided her when she was young and without child. Before things happened female beings should have learned about ways to prevent and in case something went wrong how to avoid a pregnancy (e.g. after-morning pill).

Though when no help is offered or no knowledge about safe ways was there when the person comes to know she is pregnant it will be up to that person herself to make decisions, which not always will be easy to make.

In the West the decision to have an abortion would be totally different than in China were there are about 13 million abortions conducted every year. The US, by comparison, which has about one-quarter of the population, conducts around one million annually. Forced abortions, as part of the government’s one-child policy, have long been used to contain the country’s population since the 1980’s. It is more common to see an ad for “painless abortions” than for condoms in China.

The Holy Father talks frequently about spiritual struggle, as a devoted follower of St Ignatius Loyola would do. He has clearly condemned abortion on many occasions, and he has said that the “door is closed” to the ordination of women to the priesthood. At the same time in many other denominations the woman is still a second citizens and seems to be there only to reproduce. But as Pope Francis I has so deftly demonstrated, respect for life does not fit neatly into left or right, liberal or conservative. Undocumented workers’ lives are worth respect. Unborn life is worth respect. Muslim refugees’ lives are worth respect. The handicapped, the elderly, the patient with cancer or a brain tumour – their lives are worth respect. Criminals in prison – even on death row- their lives are worth respect. The Catholic Church, according the Pope, has always faithfully taught that every life is precious.

The Bible for sure has taught that and still demands human beings to have respect for every living soul. This respect is for all living beings (plants, animals, people) and that is so often forgotten by those who want to throw stones to people who have chosen to end the life of a foetus. What we also see and hear is that of those protesting against abortion there are many who are against the abolition of weapons and against the abolition of the death penalty. Suddenly there it does not seem to be wrong to take life of some other living being (be it a man, a woman, an animal, but also even not a child) Is that not a hypocritic attitude of many Americans?

We all better should listen to those people who had the experience, for whatever reason, to be put in front of the decision-making.

It is wrong to think mishaps only happen to certain people or even only to yourself. No one is excluded from certain unpleasant happenings in life. Therefore we should be well aware that others can have had certain experiences we never would like to have but which we also not would like to have others, or when there are people who had to undergo certain experiences that they find ways out of it and can find ways to come back on the right track of a better life.

The witnessing on Jezabel and Catt therefore is important and may not be ignored.
We all must be aware that every day somewhere in the world living souls are confronted with
“The good, the bad, and the ugly. ” and perhaps then it is better to have “No censorship, no bullshit, no knights in shining armour.”

Lets face reality and help each other to bear it.


Preceding: Whoopi Goldberg commandments and abortion


Additional reading

  1. A philosophical error which rejects the body as part of the human person
  2. From Despair to Victory
  3. I can’t believe that … (4) God’s word would be so violent
  4. 2014 Human Rights
  5. American Senate ignoring many voices and tears of their own people
  6. Roman Catholic Church in the United States of America at war
  7. Caricaturing and disapproving sceptics, religious critics and figured out ethics
  8. About lions and babies
  9. Westboro Baptist Church and Catholic Truth against Nelson Mandela
  10. Always a choice


Further reading:

Jezabel & Catt

I want to talk about abortion. I want to talk about my abortion.

I don’t want this blog to turn into a pro choice versus anti abortion discussion. I merely want to share my experience about a very personal and difficult time in my life.  Everyone has their own opinions and everyone will have some form of judgement when they read this. The fact is, that is your opinion and your judgement. Not mine.

So, here goes. When I was 21 I fell pregnant. It was an accident, I didn’t plan it and I was scared. I was at university, I had just met this man and I was petrified. I was scared not just for the 21 year old girl with stars in her eyes, I was also scared about how I would be treated when I admitted to myself I didn’t want a baby.

As a woman in…

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