Tag Archives: to Sacrifice their lives

Doing more

Much too often people forget the importance of self-care.

All too often, people spend a lot of energy on the work they have to do to earn a living. In most cases, they even go so far as to sacrifice themselves. And then things can’t help but go wrong. With the visible results in our current society where we encounter so many people with burnouts and end up in sick care.

As cited, we may assume that we can rebound a ball and by taking good care of ourselves we can also take care of those around us.


To remember

  • practising self-care = essential for maintaining physical, mental + emotional health



Creating Community and Togetherness

To nurture your relationships

That Tiny Eyes Girl


Also of interest

  1. When You Wonder If Anyone Cares
  2. 30 things to start doing for yourself – #6 is vital.
  3. No time like the present
  4. The Order of Time – by Carlo Rovelli
  5. Shortness of time
  6. The express train of the speeding time
  7. Work and career a major focus of young adulthood
  8. Spend time creating new blogs
  9. Extra Time
  10. If Today Was Your Last Day On Earth?



  1. Self-Care on a Budget
  2. Putting Yourself First: Overcoming People-Pleasing Tendencies
  3. diary of a lost 21 year old
  4. Spirituality and Acceptance: The Key to Finding Inner Peace
  5. One Task At A Time
  6. Seagull yoga and always wanting to be somewhere else
  7. #ThinkPositive2023: Mar 27
  8. Stop Cribbing, Start Living: How to Shift Your Mindset and Find Joy in Everyday Life
  9. The Art of Slowing Down: Why is it so challenging?
  10. Qi Gong
  11. Christine tricks herself into more mobility exercises
  12. Natural Health. Bristol April 8th
  13. Sibling Bonding
  14. The Future is Bright
  15. The Importance of Maternal Mental Health
  16. To-Do Lists
  17. I’ll do it later
  18. The Importance of Self-Care in Today’s Busy World
  19. Healing
  20. Ways To Shift From I Can’t To I Can
  21. Be Your Own #1


Filed under Being and Feeling, Health affairs, Lifestyle, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Social affairs, Welfare matters

National Heroes Day Message of Deputy Speaker Loren Legarda

Normally we consider a hero as someone who has done something brave, new, or good, and who is therefore greatly admired by a lot of people, but we have also the little heroes near us, people who are not known by others but have done something special for someone.

Let us also not forget those whose bravery or effort is not noticed or recognised and the many people in anonymity who save others



Next:  Healthcare Workers: Heroes of the modern world???

Celebrity World Ph

As we remember today the greatness of our heroes who had a vision of a better, progressive, free, and independent nation, let us also celebrate our heroes of today who continue to strive for the betterment of our people and our country amid numerous challenges.

Let us recognize and honor our present-day heroes, those who continue to sacrifice their lives and safety for the welfare of our people.  These are our country’s frontliners who have the same quality of selfless devotion and unparalleled contribution to the national cause of keeping this thriving country healthy and strong amid our fight against COVID-19. They are our healthcare professionals and workers, policemen and members of the armed forces, teachers, the utility staff, supermarket staff, food and cargo delivery drivers, fisherfolk and farmers, market vendors, journalists, local and national government employees who continue to courageously perform their duties to provide essential services to our…

View original post 161 more words


Filed under Activism and Peace Work, Crimes & Atrocities, Headlines - News, Lifestyle, Political affairs, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Reflection Texts, Social affairs, Welfare matters, World affairs