Tag Archives: Shabbat Mevarchim (Sabbath that blesses the new month)

Shabbat Mevarchim opening to the Summer-holiday period

English: Members of Israeli summer youth progr...

Members of Israeli summer youth programs eCamp celebrating Shabbat. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

It is nice that we do have longer days, Sun going under much later than in most part of they ear.

Tonight we are going into the Shabbat Mevarchim (“the Shabbat that blesses” the new month) when many all over the world shall recite a special prayer blessing the Rosh Chodesh (“Head of the Month”) of upcoming month of Tammuz, which falls on Shabbat and Sunday of next week.

We are thankful that the Most High Elohim beseeches to renew this period of time

“for life and for peace, for gladness and for joy, for deliverance and for consolation.”

Him giving us now the warmth of the sun, enabling us to enjoy the beauty of the flowers, shrubs and trees in their full glory.

After the students their examinations many shall be able to find a month of renewal of energy. From this week onwards one week after the other many people shall go on holiday, either staying at home to take some rest away from work or to go at some place to enjoy themselves, seeing other cultures or just to enjoy themselves on a beach or in the mountains.

Though we may mourn over the destruction of the Holy Temple and the breakdown in our relationship with God that this represents, we may find now some more time to take our bible to study in it. Having not to go to work for some days or weeks we not only have some more leisure time, but should find extra time to study God‘s Word.

This Sabbath we may find the opening to a period of meditation, contemplation and letting our mind and body recover from the stress at work and from the daily worries. It is the start to a period of being grateful for the blessings we receive from our Divine Maker, Him making it possible to earn our money for making daily living not to difficult. At the same time, it is also the Sabbath that “blesses” and calls forth the qualities of the coming weeks characterized by extra quality time to get in intimacy with God.


Preceding articles

Summermonths and consumerism

Holiday making and dreaming

Going on holiday is… silence in your head

Home-stayers and their to do list

2016 Summer holiday

Allow yourself a chill-out day

Holiday time reading time

Family happiness and little things we do



Additional reading

  1. Holiday tolerance
  2. Self-development, self-control, meditation, beliefs and spirituality



Filed under Being and Feeling, Health affairs, Lifestyle, Nature, Reflection Texts, Religious affairs, Welfare matters, Wereld aangelegenheden