Tag Archives: Public confidence

The Science Says Everyone Needs a COVID-19 Booster Shot—and Soon

Dewayne-Net Archives

The Science Says Everyone Needs a COVID-19 Booster Shot—and Soon
It’s time for governments to admit that the biology of the delta variant has made mass revaccination an urgent necessity.
By Laurie Garrett
Jul 30 2021

The world has fought many battles against the novel coronavirus since January 2020, losing more than 4.2 million people and vanquishing some of its spread. But the war is still raging and will do so for a long time. I predicted early last year, in a best-case scenario, that we would face a 36-month battle before COVID-19 could be considered under human control. We are only now in month 19.

Sure enough, the United States is again awash in virus, with the incidence of new COVID-19 cases having soared 131 percent in the third week of July. To be clear, the vaccines available work well—especially the Pfizer and Moderna products based on mRNA…

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