Tag Archives: Hardening the heart

Don’t Harden Your Heart

When taken by grief and facing many disappointments the danger is that our heart becomes hardened and that we do not want to see the source any more of living water.


Today we listen to Baptist preacher Shawn Thomas who knows that there can be “great” sorrow, and “unceasing” grief also for a Christian.

He remarks

Perhaps, contrary to all we’ve heard and been taught all these years, the measure of a godly person is not how “happy” they are all the time, but how unceasingly sorrowful, as they bear in their souls the burdens of the lost and hurting individuals around them. Those who do so are in good company: they are like Paul, and most importantly, they are like Jesus Christ Himself. Those who do not feel deeply the spiritual burdens of others cannot claim to be like Him who was characterized as “a man of sorrows.” {Are Good Christians Always “Happy”?}


We may suffer emotions and shed tears more than once in our life. Every day we face the world we also must face that we do have to tackle the problems of the day, enduring at the sight of them.

Often, being wronged we ourselves fall in the trap of doing wrong to others. Or we leave ourselves be carried away by all the problems, agony and heartache, that our own heart becomes hard like a stone. Very great sadness and emotional suffering can tear us down or become a cancer in our life.

Facing this life we also do have to face the difficulties of it. We must know we have been given a library of books to guide us through that life in a way that we shall be able to bare those pains and difficulties. We often forget that when certain things happen we perhaps also where the origin of or causing the problem to ourself. Sometimes we are put back in place, corrected as if you were. sometimes it are others who remind us of what we are doing wrong.

The tendency of our proud human nature is to reject criticism and stick to our stubborn path. But we do so to our own harm.

There is time to “stick to your guns” and do what you know God is leading you to do. But we should also have an openness to listen to someone who sees that we are making a bad mistake and need to correct it. Blessedly, David had the wisdom and humility to listen to Joab, and then act — and he saved his kingdom as a result. May God give each of us the humility and grace to listen to loving criticism, and respond in a way which will benefit ourselves and others. {Responding To Correction}


To remember

  • Those who have hardened their hearts will believe and do just about anything except turn to the Lord.
  • they believe Any likely (or unlikely!) alternative => they’ll take any other course of action, to keep from humbling themselves + having to repent of the sin that they are clinging to instead.
  • need to beware of any hardness of heart creeping into our own life

In light of these warnings:

  • — Don’t let
    a sin remain unrepented in your life
    a bitterness against someone remain unforgiven
    pride refuse to be humbled
    an area of disobedience stand


Preceding articles

Our existence..

Facing our existence every day

Facing daily events and exclaiming “Good grief!”

Fear, struggles, sadness, bad feelings and depression

Reminding myself!!

Are you right down in the dumps? Stop digging!

Ruth having reason to grief

A look at the Poet’s corner’s grief basket

Some Thoughts On Bitterness From Various Authors

Dealing with Disappointment

A Glory followed by Despair

Depression Is and When

Crying is good for inner self!!

I said God it hurts


Additional reading

  1. Failing Man to make free choice
  2. A time for everything
  3. Trusting, Faith, Calling and Ascribing to Jehovah #16 Benefits of praying
  4. If there is bitterness in the heart
  5. No time for immorality
  6. What Jesus did: First things first
  7. Be humble like Christ
  8. Forbidden Fruit in the Midst of the Garden 2
  9. Necessity of a revelation of creation 4 Getting understanding by Word of God 2


Further reading

  1. non-failure is not equal to success.
  2. The Personal Priority of the Word
  3. The Revealing Nature of Mourning
  4. To the proud and worldly
  5. #4. What we reap
  6. Too Much Grace?
  7. Confident Humility
  8. Pride…
  9. They are Hard but Necessary





“Now while they were on their way, some of the guard came into the city and reported to the chief priests all that had happened.” (Matthew 28:11 NASB)

You have to ask yourself: just how depraved were these chief priests? The guard reported to them “all that had happened” — i.e., that the angel had appeared, etc. — didn’t they fear that this might really be a work of God? If Jesus could do this, was there any way that they could stop Him? And yet they schemed together (:12) and spread a lie about His body being stolen (:13-15) instead of repenting and believing in the Lord themselves.

There is an important lesson here:

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Filed under Being and Feeling, Lifestyle, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Religious affairs, Welfare matters