”For The Moment Of Happiness”

To remember

smile because it happened

  • you need to be happy
  • striving for more ~~makes us great < never wise to make happiness dependent on it
  • unrealistic expectations = set us up for failure
  • addiction to toxic people + activities brings us down

lessons to be happier

1. Don’t start with profundities.  > start with basics

2. Do let the sun go down on anger. > notion of anger catharsis = poppycock.

3. Fake it till you feel it. Feelings follow actions.

4. Realize anything worth doing = worth doing badly. Challenge & novelty = key elements of happiness.

5. Don’t treat blues with a “treat.”

6. Buy some happiness. basic psychological needs include feeling loved, secure, and good at what we do.

7. Don’t insist on the best. 2 types of decision makers. Satisficers + Maximizers => Satisficers happier than maximizers.

8. Exercise to boost energy. Exercise = most dependable mood-boosters.

9. Stop nagging. replace nagging with persuasive tools


IMG_6614“Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.” 
― Dr Seuss

What do you need to be happy? All too often, we list the things we want: a bigger house, a cooler car, a trip around the world, money for retirement, a new friend or lover.

While striving for more is one of the things that makes us great, it’s never wise to make your happiness dependent on it. All too often, it’s hard to bring the things we want into our lives.

But one thing you do have the power to do is let go of things you don’t want or need. Whether out of habit or because of peer pressure or family pressure, we often cling to poisonous thoughts, feelings, and individuals.

Our unrealistic expectations set us up for failure, and our addiction to toxic people and activities brings us down. And then we wonder why it’s…

View original post 820 more words


Filed under Being and Feeling, Positive thoughts, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs

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