Departed Souls Await Judgment

Soon on Stepping Toes we shall have a look at the soul and come to see what the Bible tells us about the living and the dead.

In this writing “Departed Souls Await Judgment” Vicodar from Odarve’s Notebook in Africa makes it clear how man lets himself be carried away by human writing.
Nowhere in the Bible is told that God would have made four compartments for the departed souls. the living souls are just the beings in which God gave life breath.

It is totally unbliblical to believe that after death life continuous. There does not exist at all some “Spirit of the souls” a immaterial part of a man, that would travel to a temporary place where souls await the final judgement.

Those who found an end to the ‘breath of life‘ in their being, were dead people and like Abraham and Lazarus ended up in the sheol or grave, the sepulchre were no being has any feeling or can do anything.

Sheol, Hades or hell is the place where even Jesus landed up for three days and were all people who die shall come to reside to become dust.


Please do find to read:

  1. Science, belief, denial and visibility 1
  2. “Before” and “after” the Big Bang
  3. Absolute Basics to Reading the Bible
  4. The true light in recorded words
  5. Creator and Blogger God 2 Image and likeness
  6. Creator and Blogger God 3 Lesson and solution
  7. Genesis – Story of creation 3 Genesis 2:1-15 Story of Adam and Eve
  8. Genesis – Story of creation 6 Genesis 3:13-24 Enmity and curse
  9. What is life?
  10. Fear and protection
  11. Dying or not
  12. Is there an Immortal soul
  13. Preexistence in the Divine purpose and Trinity
  14. Immortality, eternality – onsterfelijkheid, eeuwigheid
  15. Building up the spirit of the soul
  16. Who Through Jesus Sleep
  17. Soul
  18. Souls and Religions with Nirvana and light
  19. All Souls’ Day
  20. I Can’t Believe That (1) … God would send anyone to hell
  21. Sheol, Sheool, Sjeool, Hades, Hell, Grave, Tomb, Sepulchre
  22. Sheol or the grave
  23. Darkness, light, burning fire, Truth and people in it
  24. Heaven and Hell
  25. Jesus three days in hell
  26. Hellfire
  27. Edward Wightman
  28. Fragments from the Book of Job #2: chapters 12-20
  29. Fragments from the Book of Job #3: chapters 21-26
  30. Fragments from the Book of Job #4: chapters 27-31
  31. Fragments from the Book of Job #5: chapters 32-37
  32. Knowing where to go
  33. Not trying to make the heathen live like Jews #1



                                                 By Vic Odarve

After death life continuous! Spirit of the souls, the immaterial part of a man, travels to a temporary place where souls await the final judgment.

Compartment of the Sinners Compartment of the Sinners

But there was a man named Enoch, who walked with God heavenward so that he did not see death. (Heb 11:5). Being a righteous man, God gave him a privilege like a tourist. He toured this soul dwelling place with the angel Raphael as a guide. The place was already inhabited; the spirit of the soul of Abel was there.

As described by Enoch, the dwelling place of departed souls consisted of four hollow places; deep and wide and very smooth

Righteous Men Compartment Righteous Men Compartment

and dark to look at. Here are the divisions, as follows;

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