sinking world….

So many people may feel betrayed by this life, or by the life their parents presented them. We can find many people who have been wounded by the people around them and by the traps they fell into.


Many have lost hope in the One Whom they call From Above. But they forget He is and always shall be with them. But He knows, because humankind doubted His right to rule, that His Light shall be able to shine in the darkness and to touch some feeble souls. Those who are willing to look for Him shall be able to find Him.


Preceding articles:

Other Articles of interest:

  1. Pain
  2. Dreams
  3. blindness
  4. Desires
  5. Refuge
  6. Darkness, light, burning fire, Truth and people in it
  7. Trusting, Faith, Calling and Ascribing to Jehovah #5 Prayer #1 Listening Sovereign Maker
  8. Praise the most High Jehovah God above all
  9. We all have to have dreams


  • life in Jehovah Jireh (
    for those who love him Joy comes in the morning,
    Life too precious to spend mourning
    Be wise because the devil is always coning
    Jehovah wil never fail you and will keep you grace sustaining.
    He is love and he is never blind
    He sight and will forever more guide
    He is saviour and again he is judge
  • Who Is Our Ruler? (
    Can you imagine millions of people not knowing the name of the ruler of their country?Yet, strangely, there are millions who do not know the name of the Ruler of the universe!

    Since it is a life or death matter to know the supreme Sovereign, the following article is of vital importance to you.

    THE name Jehovah is the grandest name in all the universe. It is the self-given name of the Creator. It is the name of the only true and living God.

    The time is soon coming when every creature that lives must know and worship Jehovah.

  • Dear Longing (
    And one day, you will let go of me.The world will move on,

    Time will move on,

    You will move on.

    But I will stop.

  • And Jehovah Kept Sending His Messengers The Prophets (
    The Biblical narrative shows that they were being punished because they had rebelled against Jehovah God and had broken the covenant they had taken with Him. They had a history of this display of conduct repeatedly over time.
    Today modern-day “Jerusalem” is under attack; being besieged from every side. But not as a result of persecution for its true Christian devotion. No, but as a result of God’s punishment for its transgressions. If you read the Bible book of Ezekiel, you can get a true view of the state of the condition of the Christian congregation today.
  • Colour my world (
    There are days when all feels dark and dismal.Clouds hang heavy and hearts sink low.

    Drained of all energy or brightness.

    We long for colour and vitality.

  • Fright Persons . . . (
    For it is said, that when that due time, or appointed time comes, their foot shall slide. Then they shall be left to fall, as they are inclined by their own weight. God will not hold them up in these slippery places any longer, but will let them go; and then at that very instant, they shall fall into destruction; as he that stands on such slippery declining ground, on the edge of a pit, he cannot stand alone, when he is let go he immediately falls and is lost.
  • The Sinking Boat (
    In a moment of death, she was offered a chance to live;
    Colors of distant island flashed to her withered eyes
    Lighted beneath the moon’s pale beams,
    She dreamed of wings to fly, in another chance did believe,
    Found nothing, but her shivering feeble arms.
  • Die Alone (
    I lie alone in darkness; do I appear the same?Have I died or slipped away, is my soul in the in-between?

    Must I cling onto life, so my actions can be redeemed?

    Whose voice is there in the shadows, is it someone that I know?

  • Soul Conversation (
    I ignored the flicker of magic, the colour that gathered around people, that pulsed and waned, sometimes pure, sometimes terrifyingly dark. Why believe in something I could barely see? Something that no-one else could see?I ignored it.
  • Choose me. ( by Zemanta
    Salt water,Honey;

    “Come here” under your breath.

    The redness of the inside,

    flesh, warmth,


    Bare feet sinking into a riverbed.


Filed under Being and Feeling, Poetry - Poems, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs