Tag Archives: War crime(s)

Liz Truss: We may support a tribunal to try Putin over war in Ukraine


The UK is considering supporting a special international tribunal to try President Putin for the war in Ukraine, Liz Truss has said. In a conversation with Oleksiy Goncharenko, a Ukrainian MP, on Times Radio, the foreign secretary said that ministers were looking at the “most effective way” of holding Russia’s leaders to account for “appalling war crimes”. The Ukrainian government wants a special international tribunal to be established to try Putin and other members of the Russian government for the crime of aggression against Ukrainians. Asked by Goncharenko whether she would support the move, Truss replied:

“Well, we are very clear that Putin and all of those who’ve been behind the appalling war crimes that are being committed in Ukraine need to be held to account, and we’re working very closely with the ICC [International Criminal Court]. We’ve sent support into Ukraine to help collect evidence, from witness statements to video evidence.”


Britain wants Putin to be held personally accountable for the terrible conflict in Ukraine. Back in March, Dominic Raab, the UK justice secretary, pledged the “full support” of the British state to build a war crimes case against Putin and his military commanders in Ukraine. This week the UK foreign secretary has said that Britain will hold Putin to account.

The Bible says that the king of the south (US/UK) will push at Gog – the Russian ruler of Daniel 11 verse 36-39. This push is a personal provocation of the king and we see how personal it is for the UK. Britain is leading the way in pushing and provoking Putin. Britain has supplied thousands of Brimstone missiles that are destroying Russian tanks with pinpoint accuracy. Russia accuses the UK of fighting a proxy war against it. After the push the “king of the north” (Russia itself) invades Israel.

And at the time of the end shall the king of the south push at him: and the king of the north shall come against him like a whirlwind, with chariots, and with horsemen, and with many ships; and he shall enter into the countries, and shall overflow and pass over. (Daniel 11:40)

Andy Walton

Find the Weekly World Watch: 15-21 May 2022



Pushing Russia

US bolsters Europe with 3,000 extra troops


Additional reading

  1. Gog
  2. King of the North
  3. Russia choose to start a war
  4. Putin’s Moves Toward War in Ukraine Show How Dangerous He Has Become
  5. Weapons of War as Fuel
  6. Majority of US weapons promised to Ukraine in February delivered


Filed under Headlines - News

Google Scholar: Actualization and interpretation in the Old Testament. Meaning, the rabid racism of messiah theology and its total negation of all heresy otherwise.

Conflict Resolution

GROVES, JOSEPH WHITE.Yale University. ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, 1979. 7926245.

[[[“””Wilhelm Vischer and Hans Hellbart do not merely separate the historical and the theological, but virtually eliminate the role of historical investigation by advocating Christological exegesis. In essence their approach is a return to a pre-critical Reformation theology which views the Old and New Testaments as a unified structure. The element which creates this unity is the pervading presence of the Messiah. The New Testament interprets the Old as Messianic prophecy and this interpretation is confirmed by a study of the Old Testament as a whole. Indeed, the true nature of the Old Testament is apparently only when one recognizes the pre-existence of Christ as the head of the Old Testament church. Consequently, both the unity of the Bible and the cause of that unity are beyond the scope of historical investigation, which can only end in confusion and uncertainty…

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