Tag Archives: to Find peace

Being You

A Field of Daisy

I am who I am and I can’t be anyone else. It is the great thing about me. The furless seem to have a tendency to struggle with who they are depending on who they talk to or who they are around. I am not sure why, but the furless seem to struggle with this word “identity”.

My mommy makes me feel loved, special, like the most special doggie in the world. I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else or any other doggie in the world. That is really all it takes sometimes that one furry or furless that just gets you. I have lots of furless family around me that loves me so I am lucky. I am still a bit shaky and unsure about things, but I am working on it and getting there.

I have found a way to find peace in every day. I am happy…

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Filed under Being and Feeling, Lifestyle, Positive thoughts, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Social affairs, Welfare matters

Knowledge That Matters

We live in a world of knowledge.
This knowledge is so varied and our understanding so limited that we can never grasp more than a very small part of it all. So how do we choose the knowledge that matters? What is the knowledge that grows my usefulness, my hope and peace, my love and care for others and that is always available?
I believe the core knowledge is the fact that we are loved.
Loved freely, deeply, unreservedly and eternally.
Knowing this I am able to live, share and find peace in all situations.
We can also return the love.

Thank you Lord. I love you too.

 ~ Alan Hermann

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Filed under Being and Feeling, Knowledge & Wisdom, Reflection Texts, Religious affairs