Tag Archives: Possession of God

Preventing conflicts and war

Continuation of: Scattering of peoples who delight in wars

With Rabbi David Krishef we continue to look at how we should avoid conflicts and war. In our daily life we encounter many times where we are questioned or when we are questioning others and want to find out how others want to relate to others.

The rabbi notices

In business, competitors sometime refer customers to each other when they know the other company can fulfill a particular need better than they can. Competition is good when we play fairly by the rules and when it challenges each of us to become better. {Psalm 30 – “You have lifted me up” (30:1)}

Though in this world not everybody wants to play with the fair rules or with the same rules as us. Some also consider the other as a competitor or sometimes even as an adversary. Some people prefer to exclude others because they feel threatened by them. As such some might find that their faith comes in danger by what others are telling. This can be clearly seen in the present day where several Christians take aversion against non-trinitarian Christians, Jews and Muslims, because those are against the worship of Jeshua or Jesus Christ and deny his god-ship, whilst those trinitarian Christians do know God says Jesus His is only begotten son, but do not accept it that way. For them Jesus is their god and all who deny his godship they consider a jeopardy bringing their faith at risk. Several of those trinitarian Christians also see lots of their members loosing faith and going to the Muslim faith. For them that smells to peril certainly because the world today is also confronted with fundamental Islamist fighters. Many people do not see the nuances in the many religious groups and think all of the other religion must be of the same sort as those fundamentalists, a danger for society.

Many of them consider themselves at the moment still part of the stronger nation and fear that those who leave Christendom shall weaken them.

The rabbi remarks

No one dares to attack the strong nation, because the weaker nation would face virtually certain defeat. We hope the strongest nation uses its leadership and power for kind and loving purposes. Otherwise, when the powerful begin exercising power for their own enrichment, those around them join together to take down the tyrant.{Psalm 29 – “May Adonai grant strength to God’s people; may Adonai bless God’s people with peace.” (29:11)}

At the moment we can see that in the capitalist countries, politicians take every effort to gain popularity and to enlarge their power, no matter what for in-ethical matters they do have to do. Most of them striving to power in the Western countries are on the look out for their own enrichment and some of them do want to help the weapon lobbies also to full their pockets richly.

The wealth many are aiming for, at the moment, is not a healthy wealth.

Wealth and influence can be of tremendous benefit, but at the end of our life we ought to rather be remembered for our kindness and for the good things that we’ve done and not just for the possessions we leave behind. {Psalm 33 – “Horses are a false hope for deliverance.” (33:17)}

Lovers of God should be very careful not to be taken by the treadmill, not letting themselves being carried away by those who want to blacken other religious groups than their own. Those who really love God should examine if they are following God’s Word and should examine their own way of life and way of worship. In case they call themselves Christian they should check if they worship the same God as the God of Jesus, the God of Israel.

Further they should examine if they take on the right attitude and do what Jesus also would do.

We all should see to have strength and peace in balance. Even when they are

two concepts … rooted in the classic military theory of preventing war (or winning war) through projecting power. {Psalm 29}

we should be willing to mount a horse prepared by the Most High Elohim. Allah, the God of peace wants His ‘nationals’ or His ‘children’ to be lovers of peace and lovers of each other, respecting all creatures of God.

In old Westerns, the hero swoops in and rescues the damsel in distress, throws her across a horse, and rides off into the sunset. {Psalm 33}

reminds us Rabbi David Krishef, who looks at the psalmist who speaks of a symbolic horse as the possession of a warrior, representing wealth, power and mobility. {Psalm 33}

Our wealth should be in being a possession of God, being under Allah’s wings. Even when we notice that evil doers may have it better than us, we should know it might be so  … at the moment.

Reward and punishment do not always work out perfectly. Sometimes, good people do not prosper and evil people do not suffer. {Psalm 28 “Pay them according to their deeds.” (28:4)}

writes the rabbi, reminding his readers that

However, most of the time, in the long run, goodness is recognized. {Psalm 28}

Ichthys and Psalm23

Ichthys and Psalm23 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Lovers of God should stimulate others to do good by themselves being good examples. In the knowledge that people are attracted to good people, we should not mind to join those who want to do good, from whatever religion they might be. Joining good doers they may become stronger and those seeing others motivated to be kind to the evil doers and to help them, shall become more interested to learn about their reasons why they want to help those who are also bad to them.

Helping each other shall enable the people in the surroundings to have better and deeper friendships.

Good people will tend to be happier and more satisfied with their lives. Truly good people do not do good things because of recognition or reward. Goodness is not a tool to be used as a means to get something. Good deeds are an end unto themselves. {Psalm 28}

And it is the deep-rooted goodness that shall be the stronger sword, and form the better combatant of peace, when no weapons of man are taken, but the ‘sword of God‘ and the ‘sword of love‘, using the strength of God His set-apart Word. By not taking hold of it, showing patience and trust in Allah, leaving all the judging up to Him and His only begotten son, the mediator between God and man, we should not worry and hope for a better future, in the knowledge that the Saviour, the Messiah and King shall come to rule in the Land of Hope where there shall be no war any more.


Preceding articles

Scattering of peoples who delight in wars

When Tragedy Strikes…

A Prayer for 9-11

Detachment by Family problems

Youngster all over the world with the same dream

A Positive Disposition


Additional reading

  1. Necessity of a revelation of creation 1 Works of God and works of man
  2. Good and bad things in this world
  3. Power in the life of certain
  4. Patience is the ability to count down before blasting off
  5. The Field is the World #1 Church Union
  6. Germinating small seeds, pebble-stones, small and mega churches and faith
  7. To whom do we want to be enslaved
  8. Displeasure of יהוה , Jehovah the God of gods, and His wrath against all the gentiles their divisions
  9. Bible, sword of the Spirit to come into the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man
  10. A Jewish Woman and a Test of Faith
  11. Compromise and accomodation
  12. Developing new energy
  13. Ability
  14. Ability (part 5) Thought about the abilities to be under God’s Spirit
  15. Growth in character
  16. Your struggles develop your strengths
  17. Count your blessings
  18. The giving and protecting God
  19. This was my reward
  20. Belief of the things that God has promised
  21. Be happy that the thorn bush has roses
  22. Guard well within yourself that treasure, kindness
  23. Kindness
  24. Spread love everywhere you go


Further related

  1. Geestelijke vorming tot heiligheid #2
  2. Geduld is het vermogen om af te tellen voor explosieven te laten ontsteken



Filed under Activism and Peace Work, Being and Feeling, Crimes & Atrocities, Lifestyle, Political affairs, Religious affairs, Social affairs, Welfare matters, World affairs