Tag Archives: personal Choice

Right Attitude in Trouble… Joshua of Ghana

For years people have doubted God His righteous position and have created themselves other gods.

At all times every human being has been given and is still been given the opportunity to make a personal choice. The only great problem with man is that most often they prefer to be partakers of the world instead of being partakers of Christ his world or to be Children of God.

Having now more time to ourselves to reflect, let us make more time to meditate on God’s Word, given to mankind by the Bible.


To remember

  • Charles Swindoll said we have a choice every day regarding attitude we will embrace from that day.
  • Isaiah prophesied what attitude of Judah will be in reaction to judgment of God in scattering them among the nations. > Isaiah hopeful that Judah would eventually demonstrate right attitude by turning to God in repentance.
  • submission = needed while in trouble
  • perplexity = right attitude
  • choice concerning attitude + course of action we adopt each day => positive attitude goes a long way to determining an eventful end.
  • futile for anyone to fight his Maker.




Material wealth, Submission and Heaven on earth

January 27, 417, Pope Innocent I condemning Pelagius about Faith and Works

The rock on which we stand

Covid-19 Psalm 19 Isaiah 26 and the Evangelical Proof-Texters

Questions by Isaiah Chapter 26


Additional reading

  1. Today’s Thought “You will keep … in perfect peace” (May 03)
  2. Extra memorizing verses Isaiah 26:3-4: Focused on God finding perfect peace
  3. Gates to different belief systems in this world

Paul the Poke

ISAIAH 26:12-21

Key verse: “LORD, in trouble have they visited thee, they poured out a prayer when thy chastening was upon them.” Isaiah 26:16

Joshua of Ghana @beholy404 on Twitter


Charles Swindoll once said, “The remarkable thing is we have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace from that day. We cannot change our past. We cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string that we have and the string is attitude.”

In this prophetic song in our text about the latter days, Isaiah prophesied what the attitude of Judah will be in reaction to the judgment of God in scattering them among the nations. Judah had lived in sin and God had visited them with judgment, allowing their enemies to take them into captivity…

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