Tag Archives: Jesus entrance in Jerusalem

A great evening and special days to look forward in 2019

Everywhere Spring is in the land, you might see that people want to clean and get rid of so many things gathered in Winter.

In several countries we also find that people want to get rid of their governments, though many of them do not look forward to the government the Most High Elohim has planned. They should know that this by God ordained government shall be the most efficient government and shall come to last for ever.

The coming days we shall remember how that king for the earthly kingdom was presented to the world. He was honoured when he entered Jerusalem, but soon lots of people shouted to kill him.

After his glorious entrance in Jerusalem he one night went into an upper room to be with his closest friends and to break bread with them. That “Breaking of bread” (or Betzi’at halechem) was so special we may not leave it un-remembered. The Nazarene rebbe asked his followers to take it in remembrance in the same way as his heavenly Father asked all God loving people to remember what He did for the enslaved in Egypt.

Concerning this special day I not invite you to read “Soon it shall be Erev Pesach and Passover 2019″ but also hope you shall be able to find near you a group of believers remembering that special gathering of Jeshua, Jesus Christ, the Messiah. And in case there is no Memorial Meal near you, why not invite others at your home to have one there?


Find also additional reading

  1. Who Would You Rather Listen To?
  2. A season for truth and peace
  3. 9 Adar and bickering or loving followers of the Torah preparing for Pesach
  4. First month of the year and predictions
  5. Making sure we express kedusha for 14-16 Nisan
  6. Holidays, holy days and traditions
  7. Objects around the birth and death of Jesus
  8. 8 Reasons Christian Holidays Should Not Be Observed
  9. Preparation for unity
  10. Preparation for Passover
  11. Anointing as a sign of Promotion
  12. Entrance of a king to question our position #2 Who do we want to see and to be
  13. Not dragged unwillingly to death
  14. A perfect life, obedient death, and glorious resurrection
  15. Lost senses or a clear focus on the one at the stake
  16. Seven Bible Feasts of JHWH
  17. Days of Nisan, Pesach, Pasach, Pascha and Easter
  18. At the Shabbat HaChodesh: readings about blood, liberation and purification
  19. Purification and perfection
  20. Preparing for the most important weekend of the year 2018
  21. Preparing for 14 Nisan
  22. Yom Hey, Eve of Passover and liberation of many people
  23. Able to celebrate the Passover in all of its prophetic fulfilment
  24. The Memorial Supper
  25. Inauguration of the New Covenant
  26. This day shall be unto you for a memorial and you shall keep it a feast to the Most High God
  27. Memorial Observance 1909
  28. Thinking about fear for the Loving God and an Invitation for 14 Nisan
  29. Wednesday 5 April – Sunday 9 April 30 CE 2017 Pesach or Passover versus Easter
  30. Shabbat Pesach service reading 1/2
  31. Most important weekend of the year 2016
  32. The Most special weekend of the year 2018
  33. The Most important weekend of the year 2018
  34. A Great Gift commemorated
  35. This day shall be unto you for a memorial and you shall keep it a feast to the Most High God
  36. After darkness a moment of life renewal
  37. Worthy partakers of the body of Christ
  38. Easter holiday, fun and rejoicing
  39. After the Sabbath after Passover, the resurrection of Jesus Christ



Filed under Lifestyle, Religious affairs