Tag Archives: Gender stereotypes

The World of ‘Men’?


If I ask you to picture a CEO of a company or someone with high authority in a place, most of us would imagine a man, right?

A lot of people all around the globe are, conditioned this way to think that it’s a man’s job to lead a company or be in roles consisting of leadership, authority, and prominent positions.

Women are considered in many places to stick only to domestic chores or work that requires less physical power. Academically acclaimed work and jobs are thought of as only a man’s area, reasoning that women aren’t as intelligent as men. People seem to believe that women either are below the many potentials of men or just enough to be equal to them. Why the comparison? Why can’t women be capable or good at something? Why does society need to compare every action of a woman to a man’s?


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Filed under Being and Feeling, Lifestyle, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Social affairs

The Concept of Gender Neutrality and You


To remember

  • saying mankind >be better to use humankind.
  • Saying the chair better than saying chairman,
  • Gender neutrality (adjective form: gender-neutral),= gender-neutralism or the gender neutrality movement > policies, language, + other social institutions (social structures, gender roles, or gender identity) should avoid distinguishing roles according to people’s sex or gender > in order to avoid discrimination arising from the impression that there are social roles one gender more suited than another.
  • Gender neutrality =/= synonymous with androgyny or anything of the sort.
  • Sexism =  prejudice or discrimination based on a person’s sex or gender.
  • Sexism = linked to stereotypes + gender roles, => belief one sex or gender intrinsically superior to another.
  • Extreme sexism may foster sexual harassment, rape, + other forms of sexual violence.
  • Gender discrimination = encompass sexism = discrimination toward people based on their gender identity or their gender or sex differences => defined in terms of workplace inequality.
  • different labels tacked to foreheads
  • God created man in his own image > generic term =/= used to refer to both genders => to man > Book recognises  uniqueness of male & female
  • gender roles and gender discrimination > programmed into us silently + cleverly + as soon as binary is clearly marked => discrimination sets in.
  • steady erosion of gender roles + stereotypes in society
  • basic point of feminism, of most gender movements = we are all the same



Gender, genderless, androgyny, bisexuality, cisgender and transgender

Study says highlighting gender leads to stereotypes

Do the concepts of male and female need to have a formal official definition

Trans extremism, trans ideology, genderless a.o. categories and TERFs

The dilemma of gender neutrality

She/Her – They/Them – Person

Ursy Rants

Someone posted in a WhatsApp group I’m in something he’d seen on Twitter. I could share it here but it is on my phone and I am a lazy human. Transferring is work. Anyway, the basic message of the text was to use gender neutral language in a bid to prevent gender bias. So, instead, for instance, of saying mankind, it would be better to use humankind. Saying thechair is better than saying chairman, etc. You get the idea.

It sparked a conversation. Technically, it wasn’t a conversation. It was one person hating the fact that such a post even existed. Gender neutrality had nothing to do with gender bias and on and on and on. This person didn’t see the need for gender neutrality and my brain didn’t see the need to stop yapping to me about it so it’s nearly two am and I’m…

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Filed under Being and Feeling, Lifestyle, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Social affairs, Welfare matters

Study says highlighting gender leads to stereotypes

When parents are trying to let their kids figure out who they are they have to be careful not to let them hear their biased ideas. Some parents may have such ‘blocked ideas about gender roles‘ that they may impose their ideas of boys and girls roles, way of behaviour, clothing onto their kids.

It becomes more difficult when a person lets his or her parents know they are not feeling right in their skin and do want to have a different body. In case parents see their kids playing other roles than they themselves would be appropriate for the kid they have, they themselves may also become someone who can push the child into an other role. In such instance they have to be careful not to push them falsely or prematurely into decisions about being transgender.

” It’s precisely their presence in a liminal space between clearly defined end points that creates discomfort.”

When parents want to try to help keep their kids from being “different” and “standing out”, they themselves do have to accept the choices the kid itself makes and should give it full support, helping it to find its way in this difficult matter of “Who am I” “What do I want to be” “How may I feel”.

No matter which sex our kids have or want to be, they should feel they have equal rights and are equally accepted as fulfilling youngsters, receiving the time to develop and grow to worthy equal adults.
When “our boys and girls would like to stand out because of their excellent dance, drawing, or sports skills rather than because they look different” we are on the right way of showing society that everybody is created in the image of their Creator and equal in the eyes of God.


Find also:  When Teachers Highlight Gender, Kids Pick Up Stereotypes where the study found that in classrooms where boys and girls line up separately — and even in settings where teachers say things like, “Good morning boys and girls” — children express more stereotypes about gender and even discriminate when deciding who to play with.

“The children in these classrooms expressed less interest in playing with children of the other sex,”

said developmental psychologist Lynn Liben of Pennsylvania State University, who conducted the study with graduate student Lacey Hilliard.

“Not only in surveys, but we also observed kids playing in free playtime, and there was a significant drop in the amount of time children in those classrooms were seen playing with children of the other sex.”


  • Louisville, KY school votes to protect transgender rights (mydoorsign.com)
    “We have a responsibility to provide appropriate accommodations for transgender students,” said Thomas Aberli, principal of J.M Atherton High School. He added “this policy is something that really demonstrates our ability to respond to the needs of diverse students. Atherton was the best place for something like this to happen.”
    The Department of Education’s recent guidance issued in April has accelerated the transgender rights cause in schools under Title IX. A proud Atherton alumni and director of policy at the National Center for Transgender Equality in Washington D.C., Harper Jean Tobin sees students and administrators standing up for transgender protections as an increasing trend, for better or for worse.

    This year, 13 other states joined California in issuing a non-discrimination policy for the transgender students in school including the ability to use restrooms and  play on sports teams that match their expressed genders.  Numerous districts, from Salt Lake City and Kansas City to Knoxville, Tennessee, and Decatur, Georgia, have adopted similar protections.

  • Pastors rise up to challenge same-sex bathrooms (mobile.wnd.com)
    Rev. Dave Welch, founder of the U.S. Pastor Council, is leading a petition drive for a citywide referendum on the ordinance, charging the will of citizens is being ignored.The City Council’s approval prompted a mass exodus from the session of local black pastors who had come to speak against the ordinance.

    “It was clear that enough council members had decided to vote with Annise Parker’s personal agenda over the clear will of the people and basic decency in this act of thumbing their nose at respected black clergy who represented all of us,” he said.

    “Our only way of showing that we understood what had happened and to respond effectively was to vote with our legs,” he said.

  • Transgender Activist Wants All Children Born Genderless (personalliberty.com)
    The left-leaning publication Slate published an article Thursday that offers unsettling insight to the primary goal of some militant LGBT activists: Defining every child as genderless from birth.

    In “Don’t Let The Doctor Do This to Your Newborn”, Canadian transgender activist Christin Milloy describes “infant gender assignment”— which means defining a baby as a boy or a girl based on basic biology— as some insidious practice that “might just be Russian roulette with your baby’s life.”

  • Activists call for gender equality revolution (dailystar.com.lb)
    “It is perfectly natural for the future woman to feel indignant at the limitations posed upon her by her sex. The real question is not why she should reject them: The problem is rather to understand why she accepts them,” wrote French writer and feminist Simone de Beauvoir in her book The Second Sex in 1949. For Lebanese feminists Hayat Mirshad and Alia Awada – wearing white T-shirts with the logo of Fe-Male, the non-profit organization they co-founded – this could not ring more true. The dynamic duo have been indefatigably championing women’s causes over the last few years, and explained to The Daily Star that the way to impose change was to revolt against injustice.“If you call yourself a feminist, and you do not believe that there needs to be a revolution, you need to change,” said Mirshad, 25. “The patriarchal society did not ask for permission when it controlled us and oppressed us, so we should not ask for permission to revolt against it.”
  • Slate: Don’t Let the Doctor Assign a Gender to Your Newborn (str.typepad.com)
    Remember when I said that we should expect more attempts to erase the differences between men and women, and that the conflict in our culture over sexuality is, at root, a disagreement over “whether human nature is something in particular or a sea of possibilities bound only by what we can imagine for ourselves”?

    Well, Slate has kindly illustrated that for me in its article “Don’t Let the Doctor Do This to Your Newborn”:

  • Gender Progress Ends Where Pinkification Starts (dissidentvoice.org)
    Boys and girls inhabit two separate worlds whose boundaries are created by the relentless onslaught of commercialism. The toy industry didn’t create gender segregation, but it certainly perpetuates and reinforces it by planting a link between gender and career choice in the minds of young children. The messages sent to toddlers through colours, wording and images remain the same across the board: while girls are encouraged to focus on their appearance and partake in nurturing activities, boys are veered towards more active pursuits. Let Toys Be Toys, a UK-based lobbying group, is advocating label-free marketing and sorting according to themes and interests rather than gender. Created in 2012 by a group of parents galled by the stereotyping of children’s toys, the grassroots movement has already persuaded numerous retailers to make the change, including Boots and Tesco. Let Toys Be Toys campaigner Joanne Watts sheds some light on the group, its goals and the challenges that remain.
  • The Quiet Clash Between Transgender Women And Drag Queens (thinkprogress.org)
    Hillz’s point is at the center of the conflict, because Drag Race is a show that is not about being transgender but that clearly has implications for transgender people — a particularly vulnerable population. People who identify as transgender report incredibly high rates of discrimination across their lives, including in employment, housing, health care, education, and police interactions. The National Coalition of Anti-Violence Program’s recent study found that 72 percent of all violent crimes against LGBTQ people in 2013 targeted transgender women, who also made up 67 percent of LGBTQ homicide victims. One of the most alarming statistics, that 41 percent of transgender people have attempted suicide — compared to just 1.6 percent of the general population — reflects the mental health consequences that result from this discrimination, harassment, and violence.
  • What’s stopping the spread of gender-neutral restrooms? (mydoorsign.com)
    A report by Media Matters collates opinions from 15 experts who unanimously quash the popular theory that trans people are a threat in public, gender-neutral restrooms as baseless and “beyond specious.” The expert group from 12 states includes law enforcement officials, government employees, and advocates for victims of sexual assault.

    In reality, trans people run a higher risk of being attacked in a restroom. Those in the middle of a transition, those who do not transition by choice, those who cannot afford transition, genderqueer, and those who do not live as either male or female are at the highest risk for attack. These people don’t identify with the socially-accepted societal genders and may fear using either single-gender restroom.


Pink Is for Boys

Parents with gender-fluid kids often work with schools, churches, and other institutions to use alternatives to gender for organizing kids in the classroom. Rather than dividing kids by boys and girls, use birth months or sneakers vs. sandals, or some other arbitrary distinction or characteristic. Sometimes schools are willing (and even grateful for the tip, which had often never occurred to well-meaning teachers to be problematic). Other times, schools are really uncomfortable with any implied ambiguity of gender. The same feelings are expressed that commenters here often report feeling:

*Why do you have to make such a big deal about it – are you just trying to attract attention, or letting your kid attract attention to him/herself? *Is this spoiling – no one student should get to throw a wrench in the cogs of the school day for everyone else. *Aren’t kids this age too young to even be thinking…

View original post 383 more words


Filed under Being and Feeling, Health affairs, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs