Tag Archives: Auckland

P5 The Empire we’re in: Individualism & Consumerism

In the previous weeks, the government had made sure that the anti-vaxxers had no reason to demonstrate and/or smash things up.

12-storey floor of retail area inside of Berjaya Times Square shopping mall in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Mainstream churches have also opened their doors to the general public, but as before, the Corona Crisis, the huge shopping centra are and remain the main ‘worship temples’. There, in those shopping malls, people feel most at ease and satisfied that they can buy anything they want to own again.
For them, the big shopping mall is a sacred place to pay homage to their god (Mammon), money.

Consumerism has gone so far that lots of people when they buy something are even not interested in what the ecological footprint might be of what they buy.

Even though most people have become slaves to money, and therefore slaves to their employers, it is up to the Church to make those people realise how they have gone off the rails with their way of life and money-making.

It is up to the believer in the One True God to show people that there are much better ways than the worship of money, by which people are chained.

After the war in the Middle East seemed to have come to an end there was again a new war, the Russians invading Ukraine, we can see that Gog stood up and tries to go south to enlarge its world to get back a Great Russia or USSR. Others wonder who or what that “One World Government” seeking world domination might be.

Many do not want to know about God and His commandments and laugh at the idea of one world government or theocracy. The idea of living in the last days seems for many ridiculous whilst others think we can clearly see the signs indicating we are close to the times of the return of Christ, of experiencing the end of the world, there was something dramatic, inspiring, exciting about it all.




Material gain to honour God

Your position about materialistic desires having conquered the world

Looking for the consummation of presents

The Proper Place of Excess

Earth’s pandemic and T-shirts for young people

The meaning of life – Finding purpose


Additional reading

  1. Looking at an era of international “youth culture”
  2. Looking on what is going on and not being of it
  3. Not everything has to be reciprocated with money
  4. An other trait for faith in Jesus and his God
  5. Good to make sure that you haven’t lost the things money can’t buy
  6. Hamas the modern Philistines
  7. The post-Christian world
  8. Today’s Thought “Flee these things” (May 24)
  9. Today’s Thought “Keep your life free from … ” (June 06)
  10. Today’s thought “Flee these things. Pursue …” (November 23)
  11. Mark 10 – The Nazarene’s Commentary: Mark 10:23-31 – The Difficulty of Money
  12. Not created to be on our own (Our world) = Not created to be on our own (Some View on the World)
  13. Missionary action paradigm for all endeavours of the church
  14. True riches
  15. Count your blessings
  16. Sign of the Times and the Last Days #1 The Son of man revealing
  17. Sign of the Times and the Last Days #2 Wars, natural disasters, famine and false Messiahs
  18. Last days and destruction of the flesh
  19. Hope For, But Not In, Evangelicalism



  1. P1 This might not be the End, but it sure feels like it / A.J. Hendry
  2. What Does Larry Cohen’s THE STUFF Say About How Easily We Are Manipulated and Our Weaknesses Exploited?
  3. America’s Shopping Addiction
  4. The case against consumerism: Part 1 – The real cost of our everyday purchases
  5. Extreme individualism is on the rise
  6. Individualism and Individuation
  7. Individualism in the Age of Social Media
  8. Covid Evidence: Supply Vs Demand Shock
  9. Community or Consumption: Social Ecology in Greater Manchester
  10. Consumerism’s Effect on Creating an Addictive Society – Pt. 3
  11. Time for a radical farewell to overconsumption
  12. Is sustainable consumption fundamentally an issue of inequality?
  13. The Money Problem
  14. The control of money is where the true power lies – but only because of the way we think
  15. On conspiracies, apocalyptic Christian nationalism, and how bad eschatology is ruining the world / Michael Frost
  16. Tightened Covid curbs spark protests, riots across Europe
  17. Be prepared – last-days spiritual warfare is intense
  18. Is this how the End of the World begins?
  19. What Shall Be The Sign Of Thy Coming? And Of The End Of The World?
  20. Food For Thought
  21. A Gate out of hell
  22. In the Miso Soup
  23. Quote of the day (20-Apr-2022)
  24. Make more pies
  25. Which attitude is better for our society?
  26. The importance of the individual and the individual vs the group
  27. Relationships help with resilience, not individualism
  28. 4/1/22 – Individually Individual
  29. Buying Stuff for Stuff
  30. Dang, I shopped.
  31. The Free Gift!!
  32. Green Consumerism: Who Cares About The Environment?
  33. faith in Christ for each other
  34. A Saviour for the world, the Samaritans, and our individualistic selves (Growing Deeper with John 4:27-42)
  35. Saved from what? (And For what?) [Sermon]
  36. Breaking free
  37. How to Buy Less and Buy Better with the Less But Better Method
  38. J.B Mackinnon’s The Day the World Stops Shopping: Book Review

When Lambs Are Silent

This is part 5 in a series where we will be exploring and imagining how faith communities, and our community in general, may need to evolve in order to adapt to our changing times. You can find part 1 herepart 2 here, and part 3 here.

In our last piece we discussed how our society, though regarded as secular, is very much shaped by its own God’s that demand allegiance and require our worship and sacrifice. We named these as Individualism, Consumerism and White Supremacy. In our last piece we dealt with the latter, in this article we will be talking about the former two.

Throughout the lockdown there has been calls to open various shopping centres, lament’s that we have not been free to shop, to browse and buy. And in Auckland last week, as Covid restrictions began to ease, the great Temples of this age…

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