The meaning of life – Finding purpose

To remember

  • When little feeling unless I was there to perceive it, the world did not exist => ended & was created anew every time
  • thought myself to be creator + center of the universe
  • when child > feeling so much more important than a rational thought.
  • India > Landing in multicultural & multicolored chaos = landed on a different planet =>. India must surely seize to exist when I am not there.
  • consecutive conclusion that every single human being must feel the same way > each & every one of us = universe all on our own, made up of silently verbalized thoughts, feelings, mental images, and subconscious impulses.
  • Charles Dickens = master of tapping into all these different universes > each human being that lives, has lived and will live, is a story, a uniquely fantastic story with a unique plot and characters.
  • all made up of the same stardust => one = beautiful human paradox > both sameness, oneness, unity, + absolute + irrevocably unique.
  •  all of us relevant to history of life of human kind
  • When there is not two of the same in a circumstance =>each part important + unconditionally valuable => all have unique creativity, thoughts, imagination, insights +  talents, => important to human kind + its history => gives meaning
  • individualism = selfishness + self-centeredness = opposite of cooperation, generosity +  compassion.
  •  Abraham Maslow psychologist who gave us famous pyramid of human needs > bottom solid foundation of life > cannot live without (food, water + shelter) > top > self-actualization.
  • learned to pin-point our strengths + weaknesses, explore our talents + analyze our personality traits + learned to use this self-insight to expand our empathy =>mental health determined by outer circumstances = key to why individualism is not just a big ego-trip <= believe in oneself & value of one’s life in the world 1°learn to trust  something valuable to bring = self-actualization.

=> the more uniqueness = the more difference to make in the world.


Filed under Being and Feeling, Knowledge & Wisdom, Lifestyle, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Reflection Texts, Social affairs, Spiritual affairs, Welfare matters, World affairs

4 responses to “The meaning of life – Finding purpose

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