What is Existential Ergonomics?

Existence is primarily the problem of either being, having a mode of being, or not able to be. When looking at it, it is also particular and individual— always my existence, your existence, his existence, her existence, but also bounded in time, because one moment a person can be and another moment in time he or she can not be any more.

In these days of lockdown because of CoViD-19 we notice too many people who worry too much about their existence and about the future, as if the present quarantine measures would be able to “kill” them, instead of making use of the now given free time to make something special for themselves.


To remember

“Man is condemned to be free; because once thrown into the world, he is responsible for everything he does. It is up to you to give [life] a meaning.”

–Jean-Paul Sartre

  • “existential” = loaded + defined = “relating to human existence” or, more broadly, “the analysis of existence + ways humans find themselves existing in the world.”
  • “ergonomics”  = not well understood => application of psychological + physiological principles to engineering + design of products, processes, + systems.
  • philosophy of existentialism = concerned with finding one’s self + meaning of life through free will, choice, + personal responsibility.
  • ultimate goal of ergonomics = reduce human error, increase productivity, enhance safety, + boost comfort (specific focus on interaction between human + product or system).



There can only be hope when there is a will to be and say “I am”

The I Am to explore

Our existence..

I and Thou

Be for others or yourself

Being the change that you wish to see


Additional reading

  1. Wisdom Quote #21…..seeking within with Carl Jung!
  2. Self-development, self-control, meditation, beliefs and spirituality


Further related

  1. Brain-in-a-jar: A thought experiment
  2. Persistent Focus
  3. Pie in the Sky
  4. Teasing it Out
  5. Foothold Found
  6. Yes for the U-Turn
  7. Teachings Of A Crisis (II)
  8. Forever would not have been enough
  9. History in The Seventh Seal: Why historical accuracy doesn’t always matter
  10. Lyin’ to Yourself
  11. South Korea is asking residents to remain isolated. The U.S. military reports new cases of coronaviruses
  12. COVID-19: Social media overrun by DIY standing desks during lockdown (The Hindu)
  13. Setting up the home office: Ergonomics in the time of Corona

existential ergonomics

“Man is condemned to be free; because once thrown into the world, he is responsible for everything he does. It is up to you to give [life] a meaning.”

–Jean-Paul Sartre

What if we could wrestle down life’s big questions using the scientific method? What if we could systematically improve human thoughts, actions, and environments in a way that shapes personal meaning and significance? Existential ergonomics is my attempt to explore just that.

The word “existential” is loaded, and “ergonomics” is not well understood, so I’ll offer some perspective.

Existential is defined as “relating to human existence” or, more broadly, “the analysis of existence and the ways humans find themselves existing in the world.” The philosophy of existentialism is concerned with finding one’s self and the meaning of life through free will, choice, and personal responsibility.

Ergonomics, on the other hand, is the application of psychological and physiological principles to…

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