How do you start your day?

Each morning when the sun rises we should be happy when we can still sea the sun coming up and hear the birds sing.

Whatever we might have to do, we can look at it in the positive or in the negative way. Best we do take the day, like it comes and make the best out of it, wishing it shall attribute something extra to our life. We never know when our life shall end, so we better take every new day as a gift, able to add again something extra to our life and giving us once more the chance to make something of it.

To remember:

Facing the responsibilities of the day ahead = challenge.

Negative thoughts make us feel tired, sick and often stressed-out before we even start our day.

What do you think about when you wake up in the morning?  Are you worrying about something, stressing about all the things you don’t want to do, thinking about how awful the day is going to be?

Greet the day with a rousing, “Hello world.  What an awesome day this is going to be!”

Try to bring some sunshine into your life with positive words.

Keep focusing on positive thoughts, and it will start to make an impact on your mood.

Fill up your brain with positive power, and you will feel more energetic.

Do not wait to develop a new habit, so practice your affirmations daily over and over again until you begin to feel positive.

When you are getting up, dare to say to yourself, your happy and enjoying life. Dare to face yourself and the work you have to accomplish that day.

Do know You can do it.

Don’t compare yourself to others.

Put something on in which you feel at your ease and can be yourself.

Believe in yourself and belief someone believes in you.



  • Is negative thinking sabotaging your happiness? (
    Although we all encounter a host of neutral situations on any given day, we don’t all look at them in the same way.For instance, if a friend calls to cancel an appointment because she’s not feeling well, or someone you’re chatting to stifles a yawn in the middle of the story you’re telling, you could interpret it in two very different ways, depending on your frame of mind.

    “Brooders stubbornly hold onto their habits, almost as if they believe that ultimately they will be able to change themselves by concentrating on their own deficiencies.”

    One way we can work toward unlearning this negative habit is to make a conscious effort to choose a more optimistic view of things whenever there are several ways to interpret a situation or scenario.

    In order to be more present, rather than constantly worrying about what could happen or what another person’s actions might mean, Hertel also recommends working on the development of attentional control through mindfulness meditation.

  • Why You Should Fake a Smile: How Your Emotions Affect Your Student’s Learning (
    Stress causes changes in the hippocampus region that result in lack of neuron cell growth, along with cell death. This can happen as early as the fetal stage of development depending on the stress level the pregnant mother is under, along with outside influences of substance abuse. The pathology of children growing up in extremely stressful environments is affected early in their lives.The limbic system can shut down or go full steam ahead depending on outside factors. If a student feels happy, the limbic system, which involves intuition, math, logic, time, memory, and other learning processes will open up and be ready to receive. If the student is sad or stressed, the limbic system shuts down and the learning stops with it.

    Shaking off negative emotions is difficult, especially for those that are more sensitive than others. Devastating news can be difficult to process, let alone smile through for your students, but you must try to persevere for the children. While some ideas may seem silly or trivial to remove yourself from the stress, it can work to help get you through the day.

    1. Do not forget to eat. It may be the last thing on your mind, your stomach might be protesting the idea, but you need to fuel your body. Lack of nutrients causes the body to shut down, which in turn will cause more stress, negative emotions, and anger.
    2. Take deep breaths, no seriously, try it. Breathing in deeply causes your body to relax by triggering anti-stress hormones in the body. Sit up straight; breathe in deeply for a few minutes before entering the classroom.
    3. Write down one or two positive things in your life on a piece of paper, and tape it to your desk. Refer to it during the day when you are feeling blue.
    4. Think positively. Pushing negative thoughts out of your head will relax the limbic system’s pathological need to shut down. Make it a game; anytime a negative thought comes into your head, throw a positive one right back at it.
  • Study Reveals Link Between Suicide and Sunshine, Study (
    The effect of sunshine on suicides has been known since the early 1800s. In the latest study, the researchers found that lower rates of suicide are strongly linked with daily exposure to sunshine in the prior 14-60 days.According to the researchers, sunlight interacts with serotonin systems in the brain and strongly influences the serotonin-related behavior such as mood and impulsiveness. It is this behavior that plays a major role in affecting suicidal thoughts.
  • A Busy Mom?s Guide to Less-Stressful Life (
    Nothing beats the feeling of waking up to the silence of early morning. This is the best part of the day to work on tasks that demand focus and crucial decision making skills. Remember that majority of successful people have the habit of waking up early. They always make sure that they are up right before anyone else in the house does.
    If you feel like you do not have enough motivation to do something important, then stop looking for motivations. Just do things in a small yet progressive manner. This way, you will find yourself progressing from one task to another even if you do not feel like doing it. Our micro-actions will serve as the best antidote for procrastination. It keeps us moving despite lacking the motivation to do so. Remember that as a parent you do not need to have motivation in everything that you do. It may seem sad but there are indeed times when you need to do things because you need to and find motivation in the thought that you are actually making things happen little by little.
  • Researchers explore postpartum depression now and earlier eras (
    In addition to typical depressive symptoms, postpartum depression may include feeling numb or disconnected from the baby; having scary or negative thoughts, including fear of harming the baby; and feeling guilty about not being a good mother, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
  • Three Affirmations or A Stress- Less Day (
    For affirmations to work it is necessary to be fully present in the moment and connect deeply with feeling rather than staying in the intellect and wishing for change.
  • 20 Common Habits Successful People Consciously Reject (
  • How to Feel Pretty (
    Every morning, when you wake up, go to the bathroom mirror, smile at yourself and say aloud “I am awesome” and “I am happy.” The more you say it the more you will convince your brain that it is true.
  • Guest Post: Breaking The Low Mood Cycle (
    We can spend weeks or months or years in a poor mood, which doesn’t seem quite bad enough for us to call it a mental health problem, or a reason to seek professional help. It’s a funny thing – we don’t really trust our moods as valid emotional states – and really, something as transient and odd as a “mood” doesn’t seem like something that can be treated or cured.But remember how terrible you feel when you’re in a Low Mood? If we’re creative people, we may explain away the apparent drought in our creativity by saying “I’m just not in the mood to write/paint/draw,” while secretly panicking because what if we’ve lost our creativity? If we’re performative people – people who work in food service, retail, performance art, or another field where you need to project happiness and serenity to do your job – then expressing a Happy Mood when you’re in a Low Mood can feel like operating the most exhausting puppet show ever. It’s really hard to “just do you” when you just don’t feel like it.
  • Add an Extra Hour to Your Day (
    A busy schedule prevents many people from going back to college or starting a new project. A lack of free time not only keeps you from achieving your goals, it can also cause stress and diminish your quality of life.But consider: no matter who we are, rich or poor, we all have the same 24 hours in a day. How you budget your 24 hours can be the difference between success and failure.


Are you a morning person or do you have to drag yourself out of bed in the morning?  Mornings are tough for many of us because we just don’t want to face the responsibilities of the day ahead.   Negative thoughts are already floating around in our heads and it makes us feel tired, sick and often stressed-out before we even start our day.

What do you think about when you wake up in the morning?  Are you worrying about something, stressing about all the things you don’t want to do, thinking about how awful the day is going to be?

Before your feet even hit the floor, your negative thinking has already ruined your day and left you feeling tired and miserable.

Try saying some positive affirmations first things in the morning.  When you wake up, greet the day with a rousing, “Hello world.  What an awesome day this is going to be!” …

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Filed under Being and Feeling, Lifestyle, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs

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