Tag Archives: Wind

Natural sounds and a quiet path

”“Wind in the trees, thunder, flowing water, falling leaves, rain, animal voices, birdsong – we live amid a teeming polyphony of natural sounds.

“Add to these the sounds of human activity, from soft footsteps to pneumatic drills, from muted conversation to pounding trains, from jetting fountains to jet planes.”


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Filed under Lifestyle, Nature, Reflection Texts, World affairs

My favourite colour is October – Il mio colore preferito è Ottobre

In the Woods

Before speaking about anything else we just wanted to show you what is going on outside.

Prima di parlare di qualsiasi altra cosa vi volevamo far vedere cosa sta succedendo fuori.

It feels like autumn has arrived a little early this year and already the trees are almost bare, so we just wanted to share with you the beauty of one of the four seasons right here in our home.

Sembra che quest’anno l’autunno è arrivato un pò prima e già tanti alberi sono quasi spogli, quindi volevamo giusto condividere la bellezza di una di quattro stagioni qua, in casa nostra.

We can already feel the cold weather knocking on our door and there have been a few mornings when we woke up to the ground covered in frost. Winter is coming….

Si sente già l’aria fredda in arrivo e ci sono state un paio di mattinate quando ci siamo…

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Filed under Nature, Quotations or Citations, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs

Mei …

“Moge de weg naar boven komen om je te ontmoeten.
Moge de wind altijd achter je rug zijn.
Moge de zon warm op je gezicht schijnen;
de regen valt zacht op uw velden en totdat we elkaar weer ontmoeten, moge God u in de palm van Zijn hand houden. “

(traditionele gaelische zegening)

Vertaling van Engels origineel / English original: May… at Purple Rays: May…..

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Filed under Aanhalingen of Citaten, Geestelijke aangelegenheden, Natuur, Nederlandse teksten - Dutch writings, Positieve gedachten, Religieuze aangelegenheden, Voelen en Welzijn



“May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face;
the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of His hand.”

(traditional gaelic blessing)

Text & image source: Harmony

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Filed under Being and Feeling, Nature, Positive thoughts, Quotations or Citations, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Religious affairs, Spiritual affairs

Zodra het zaadje van het geloof wortel schiet …

Purplerays publiceerde in Once the seed of faith takes root…..

Eens het geloofzaad wortel schiet
 kan het niet worden weggeblazen
zelfs niet bij de sterkste wind.
Dat is een zegen.

– Rumi


Oorspronkelijke Engelse versie / Original English version: Once the seed of faith takes root…..


Filed under Aanhalingen of Citaten, Geestelijke aangelegenheden, Nederlandse teksten - Dutch writings, Positieve gedachten, Religieuze aangelegenheden, Voelen en Welzijn

January Night

Reflections by Doc Arnett

I hear the wind
high and hard above the trees in the back yard,
feel its stony edge hammer through
the thin legs of my dress pants.

It pounds along the ground,
refreezing the thawed mush of the earth.

It pushes through
the seams of woods and brush,
shoving up against the cold brick and rock
in an indifferent rush against the house.

I step into the unlit porch,
welcoming the warmth inside the darkness.

On such a night as this,
it is good to have a place
beyond the wind’s lancet,
a place where love is strong.

I climb the stairs,
still hearing the wind beyond the walls and roof.

I lie down in warm blankets,
close to the one I love,
grateful, kept, held,
knowing and being known.

Together, we sink into sleep
in the keeping of Him who sends both wind and fire.

H. Arnett

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Filed under Being and Feeling, Nature, Poetry - Poems, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs

Very Early Spring

The fields are snowbound no longer;
There are little blue lakes and flags of tenderest green.
The snow has been caught up into the sky–
So many white clouds–and the blue of the sky is cold.
Now the sun walks in the forest,
He touches the bows and stems with his golden fingers;
They shiver, and wake from slumber.
Over the barren branches he shakes his yellow curls.
Yet is the forest full of the sound of tears….
A wind dances over the fields.
Shrill and clear the sound of her waking laughter,
Yet the little blue lakes tremble
And the flags of tenderest green bend and quiver.
Katherine Mansfield, a New Zealand-writer of s...

Katherine Mansfield, a New Zealand-writer of short stories. Picture taken 1912. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)



Get the lenses out to getting closer again

From you have I been absent in the spring (Sonnet 98)

Poetry: “Starlings”


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Filed under Nature, Poetry - Poems

During Wind and Rain

They sing their dearest songs—
He, she, all of them—yea,
Treble and tenor and bass,
And one to play;
With the candles mooning each face …
Ah, no; the years O!
How the sick leaves reel down in throngs!
They clear the creeping moss—
Elders and juniors—aye,
Making the pathways neat
And the garden gay;
And they build a shady seat…
Ah, no; the years, the years;
See the white storm-birds wing across!

They are blithely breakfasting all—
Men and maidens—yea,
Under the summer tree,
With a glimpse of the bay,
While pet fowl come to the knee…
Ah, no; the years O!
And the rotten rose is ript from the wall.

They change to a high new house,
He, she, all of them—aye,
Clocks and carpets and chairs
On the lawn all day,
And brightest things that are theirs…
Ah, no; the years, the years;
Down their carved names the rain-drop ploughs.

(Thomas Hardy)


Written five years after his wife Emma Hardy’s death in 1912.

"Thomas Hardy," oil on panel, by the...

“Thomas Hardy,” oil on panel, by the Scottish painter and engraver William Strang. 17 in. x 15 in. Courtesy of the National Portrait Gallery, London. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Thomas Hardy (c. 1840–1900) English novelist, poet, and dramatist who unites the Victorian and modern eras.

Wrote a.o. the novels: Under the Greenwood Tree (1872),  Far from the Madding Crowd (1874), The Return of the Native (1878), The Mayor of Casterbridge (1886), and Tess of the D’Urbervilles (1891)

Poems:Wessex Poems (1898), Poems of the Past and Present (1902), Satires of Circumstance (1914), Selected Poems (1916), Moments of Vision (1917), Late Lyrics and Earlier (1922), Human Shows (1925) and published after his death: Winter Words (1928).

English: Watercolour painting inspired by the ...

Watercolour painting inspired by the Thomas Hardy novel “Under the Greenwood Tree” (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


Find additional notes:

  1. Thomas Hardy: During Wind and Rain
  2. Poetry Analysis during Wind and Rain by Thomas Hardy
  3. Some Thoughts on Wind and Rain
  4. An analysis of During Wind and Rain by Thomas Hardy
  5. During Wind and Rain
  6. During Wind and Rain – Thomas Hardy [1840-1928]


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Filed under Being and Feeling, Nature, Poetry - Poems