Tag Archives: to Forget

Stop being haunted by the ghost of yesterday

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Filed under Being and Feeling, Lifestyle, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Social affairs

by fire

House of Heart

When the sun is sinking low

the living gather at the river bank.

A widow wails her mantra out and into

the watery grave.

The Moon plays upon the wake of the burning boat

while at the bank mourners chant and dance

their faces obscured by the glow of the fire.

As the pyre disappears beyond the horizon

the young inhale herbs and chew kava

to make it easier to forget.


pyre 3

photo by Day Schildkret

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Filed under Lifestyle, Poetry - Poems, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs

Time Has A Way Of Healing

Human beings are often not patient enough and do not want to give enough time to heal their body and their soul.

In case we would be willing to use the ‘cover of time‘ and the ‘cover of love‘ and understanding we would not have to worry such a long time about arguments we had and words which crossed our paths. Instead of being annoyed such a long time about arguments we had or heavy discussions, we should use the time to think about it and use meditation-time to give us some answers to heal the psychological wounds.

Often it is by lack of love for the other that so many bridges stay blown up and roads do not get repaired. To forgive is for many so difficult that they even can not cope with the thought of it. They should know it is a sort of weakness when you are not able to forgive and not able to swoop the sponge over the arguments you had.

Let us go for the better. We do not have to forget, but we should prefer to leave it as a thing in the past which we would preferred not to have happened. so why to stand still so long by it? Continue your way and reach out to the other in loving-kindness. Show the other you are strong enough to stand up again and to continue your way with him to better pastures.

With our mind we can do much more than we think. Everything is in the mind. and we should know that we do have received our minds to get to know the wonders of the world and to come to a good relationship with everything of the creation. For being able to come to a good relationship we do have to open our minds to the positive things of this life and should mend as we may need help from friends or well intentioned professionals.
“Let love and healing conquer for all of humanity”

And let us not forget:

He who cannot forgive breaks the bridge over which he himself must pass


Find also to read:

  1. A time for everything
  2. Patient waiting
  3. Allowed to heal
  4. Your Sins Are Forgiven
  5. Oh god, this is never going to end!
  6. Putting your feelings into words and sharing them
  7. See the conquest and believe that we can gain the victory
  8. Doest thou well to be Angry?
  9. A man who cannot forgive others
  10. He who cannot forgive breaks the bridge over which he himself must pass
  11. Growth in character
  12. Love is like playing the piano
  13. Forgiveness is a blessing for the one who forgives


  • Living Mindfully for a Healthy Body, Mind, and Heart (goodtherapy.org)
    If this were your last day on earth, how would you spend it? Would you spend it inside an office or with your loved ones? While this may seem like a drastic question, I believe it helps us put things in perspective. Instead of living from a reactive stance where we’re putting out fires, obsessing over the future, or striving to do more, we pause and shift into the present moment. As we connect to body, mind, and heart, we open to our moment-to-moment experience in a nonjudgmental manner. This pausing to intentionally connect with the present moment can be challenging, but it’s an important step toward restoring balance between body, mind, and emotions.
  • Anti-Confusion (avirtuousmetalk.wordpress.com)
    My natural eye can only see what surrounds me. My spiritual eye when focused on God, can see that He is moving on my behalf within every aspect of my life. I no longer choose to be a mute witness or deaf believer. I want to make an alarming and resounding sound in the troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, and thermosphere that signifies my life’s devotion as a living sacrifice to God.
  • Forgiveness (kadalyn.wordpress.com)
    Being able to forgive those who have wronged you is a mark of spiritual strength and confidence. When you forgive, you grow, your heart begins to heal, your back straightens up, your eyes clear so you can see the road ahead.
  • Forgiveness vs. Restoration of Trust by Rick Warren (christianmotivations.weebly.com)
    Forgiveness does not mean the instant restoration of trust. Forgiveness is instant. Trust must be rebuilt over time. Forgiveness is based on grace. Trust is built on works. You earn trust. You don’t earn forgiveness.
    Forgiving a person does not mean you have to trust them. It means they have to earn the trust.
    Restoration of a relationship takes far more than forgiveness. It takes repentance. It takes restitution and a rebuilding of trust. And it often takes a much longer time.
  • Daily Inspiration – Forgiveness is a Wonderful thing. (transformyourlife4ever.wordpress.com)
    Release all your anger, fear and resentment and move forward with a positive frame of mind. Let go of the past as it is impossible to change it, you can only learn from it. When you forgive you release the ties that bind you to hurt, pain, mistakes, heartache and anything that is negative and destructive in your life. When you forgive yourself and others you create a space that allows love and hope to exist.
  • Jesus Heals Broken Hearts (frommyheart2u.wordpress.com)
    The first step to healing is forgiveness. An emotional wound cannot heal without forgiveness. Unforgiveness and bitterness are like an infection;without removing them you will not recover.
  • Forgiveness: An Act of Self Love (consciouslifenews.com)
    When someone that matters to us is hurtful we will naturally feel painful emotions such as anger and sadness. We may find ourselves dwelling on the injustice of the situation and holding grudges. Gradually these negative feelings overshadow the positive feelings in our lives, leaving us filled with resentment. That eventually leads to spiritual paralysis and detrimental physical destruction.
    Forgiveness is a promise we make to ourselves to change our life. It is about releasing ourselves from the grip that hinders our well-being—the negative hold we have essentially allowed the other person to have over us.
  • Is Forgiveness The Key To Happiness? (lifechris.wordpress.com)
    In the pursuit of true happiness, there are many stumbling blocks that the Universe likes to throw our way. If happiness is a choice, should we also choose to forgive those who have hurt and upset us in aid to achieve it?
  • Forgiveness (bishopcraig.com)
    There’s nothing about forgiveness that implies being a doormat or placing yourself or anyone else in danger. In fact, if that’s a jimmy-swaggart-caughtpossibility then forgiveness is inappropriate and premature.

Thursday Phrase Night for Palace Poets

Let Us All Heal
In nature time has a way of healing all wounds,
Unless the wound is fatal or the only cure for certain diseases
Is death, a sad state of affairs
The white blood cells in our bodies do their job  and rightfully so
Compassion for our fellow person should rule our day and
We should really care
Anger consumes many a soul who
Cannot find it in their hearts to forgive
The pain, the madness eating them inside making
Them bitter, no way to live
Of course there are some transgressions that
May be unforgivable but
We must seek out ways to cope
The hardest thing sometimes is searching one’s own soul
A worthy goal  turning hate into constructive hope
The link between physical and spiritual should
Never be forgotten or even discounted
Our bodies for the most part have a miraculous way

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Filed under Being and Feeling, Lifestyle, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Social affairs