Tag Archives: Thought

Need to say Peace, be still!

Image source: Andrew Ezeudegbe

Each of us lives under different living conditions. One has it a bit easier than the other, but everyone has their own problems.

In our brain, a lot of thoughts may rush past. Especially now that it is time for autumn storms, where we see the trees swishing back and forth while they have to unload their discoloured leaves.
Even though it can sometimes go wild outside and we hear vultures in the wind, we have to let our thoughts settle in private. As a calm sea, we must float peacefully through life.

Fleeing from all the earthly violence, Swaying on the gentle waves of time, let’s drift further to quiet places where peace can be found.

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Filed under Activism and Peace Work, Being and Feeling, Lifestyle, Quotations or Citations, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs

To learn to master thinking to control behaviour

“If you don’t learn how to control your thought
you will never learn how to control your behaviour”.

Dutch version / Nederlandse versie > Denken leren beheersen om gedrag te beheersen

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Filed under Being and Feeling, Lifestyle, Quotations or Citations

Master of Offense – July 25


“Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all thing, endures all things. Love never ends…” 1 Corinthians 13:4-8

taken___liam_neeson_by_antsupoju1-d4z8mwd“I don’t know who you are. I don’t know what you want. If you have emotional expectations, I can tell you I have limited means to fulfill them. But what I do have are a very particular set of skills, skills I have acquired over a life time. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you walk away, that’ll be the end of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you. But if you don’t, I will be your friend, I…

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Filed under Being and Feeling, Lifestyle, Prayers, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Religious affairs

When you think you have nothing to say or to show


Internet (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

We spoke already about the magnitude of material that can get in front of our eyes to read. The internet may offer lots of interesting but also less or not interesting material. It all depends on what you might like or on what you find interesting, or not. What you might not think to be interesting lots of others may find very interesting. That’s one of the beauties of the internet; it helps connect people with similar interests who might otherwise never find one another.

On this platform we would love to find different people with different interests, but with some connection between all those fields of interests. We would love to find people who do not mind sharing their pen to bring something what might interest our readers or gets to the point which we would like to have internet visitors to have a look at.

As not everything published on the internet is a precious pearl of wisdom that shines a light on eternal truths, on this site we also know we are not able to present all beautiful pearls. But we do hope we can find some hidden treasures and to show little beauties. It does not all have to be masterpieces or very high literature pieces. Just some poems or scribbles, little interesting notes, from some one somewhere in the world, which might be interesting for an other eye somewhere else on this earth.

Some stuff presented here may be very serious or wanting to tackle some serious subject. But life does not have to be all that serious. We would like to put things in perspective, present dreams and hopes, but also look at our universe from the bright site of life.

Lots of people go to the internet for entertainment and are just looking for some fun, or something offbeat, and that’s fine; we can turn to the internet for entertainment as often as we do for education.

It’s okay to write something niche-y. It’s okay to write something light, or to post a photo or two. It’s okay to rant, and it’s also okay to celebrate. No matter what you have to put out there, there’s someone online ready to receive it.

Those who are not sure yet if they can contribute to this site, should not worry if they are interested in trying to create a nicer world for those around him or her. You live, so you are, and you have something that moves you and touches you.  On this site we are mainly interested in things that can touch people, in matters which can concern many, in matters of which many should take consideration, like what we are doing with our environment, what we do with this world, where we want to go in this world.

Just write. Don’t worry about a larger narrative. Don’t worry about engaging readers. Don’t even worry about your spelling. Just write — start describing and experience or sharing an opinion. You can edit or reshape later.

If you doubt you have something to tell, or when you think you could have something to tell but do not know how to start. Do not worry. A cohesive story might start to emerge as you write. Articulating your thoughts might lead to a lightbulb moment that takes you in another direction. You might just tell a good story, no larger point attached. Start writing, and don’t think about publishing. Just get your fingers moving.

And if you do not want to write as such, you do not have to think you can not contribute. Perhaps you like reading more. That’s very fine. But when you like reading more, for sure you shall be able to encounter interesting bits to read. So why keeping them all for yourself? Why not sharing those articles you like, with us? Why would you not reblog a good article. Here we offer you a place to do so.

You read blogs because you’re drawn to the personalities behind them, and that’s why others read your blog. If you publish something that’s a real reflection of you — whether it’s an in-depth analysis of a political issue or a series of haiku about your bicycle — your fans will read and like it. Give yourself some credit — people like you, they really do.

Others are also curious of what you might think or how you might feel. We are living on this earth with so many different people, that it is interesting to get to know how they think and how they act and react. Many may think there are many differences, but they would be surprised how much similarity there might be.

When you think you have nothing to say or to show, start believing more in yourself and not only trust yourself, but also trust those who want to hear from you and who want to read what is on your mind.

In case you are interested in social or environmental issues, relationships and peace-movements, our way of living, cultural affairs, the way we look at things, beautiful nature, language, pictures, than you are at the right address. Here you can find a place where you may ad your thoughts.

Let us hear from you.

see text

see text (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


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Filed under Activism and Peace Work, Announcement, Introduction