Tag Archives: Resentment

Tunnel under resentment

Tunnel under resentment
and take the subway to forgiveness.

…be kind to one another,
tender-hearted, forgiving one another,
just as God in Christ also forgave you.’
Ephesians 4:32

Dear God
Let me be strong enough
to respect every creature around me
and to be a living example of a true Christian,
or serious follower of your only begotten son Jesus,
prepared to forgive those
who did wrong or even do not like me.


Filed under Lifestyle, Prayers, Reflection Texts, Religious affairs, Social affairs


We are bounded by time and our actions in time. We can stay chained by them or being liberated in time.

In our life we always shall encounter easy but also difficult situations and shall get moments that we can get trapped in our own stupidity, making faults, hurting others, coming into arguments leading to nowhere and getting us in problems, but also getting ourselves being hurt by others.

When something went wrong and got us in anger, we either have the choice to stay in that anger or to be more smart and not let this anger ruin our life.
We better let go of our anger, grudge, and desire to get even with the person(s) who wronged us. forgiving does not have to mean you condone with or minimize the harmful words or deeds. Forgiving is your willingness to take a strong position by humbling yourself before the other and showing your willingness to come closer again to him or her. It is your willingness to show that you are willing to take a deliberate decision to release any negative thoughts towards the person(s) who hurt you.

We all should know that “Forgiveness” has many benefits.

Considering these seven (classic) benefits could motivate you to actively choose to forgive someone who hurt you deeply. Forgiveness:

1. Enhances your emotional well-being. When you let go of grudges it relieves you of stress that could sabotage your emotional health.
2. Frees you from the hurt. When you don’t forgive, you are hurt first by the pain of the offense, and then by the bitterness you carry that impacts your emotional and physical well-being. But forgiveness reduces the emotional pain.
3. Gives you peace of mind. Genuine forgiveness replaces feelings of anger, bitterness and resentments with a positive feeling of compassion for the person who caused you harm. This gives you a sense of calm and peace.
4. Improves your physical health. Research indicates that forgiveness could lead to lowered heart rates and blood pressure which could have a positive effect on your overall health.
5. Builds stronger connections. When you learn to forgive you are better able to act in a positive way to people even though they disappoint you. This makes it easier to build healthy relationships and make connections with other people, for example, in your family and at work.
6. Improves your marriage. It is much easier to resolve conflicts in your marriage if you have a forgiving spirit. Relationship expert, Dr. John Gottman, explains that forgiveness sustains long-term relationships.
7. Makes your happier. People who forgive are happier because they have learned to let go burdens of resentment and anger. This restores their freedom and sense of well-being leading to true happiness.


Preceding article:

Time Has A Way Of Healing


Find also to read:

  1. The business of this life
  2. Oh god, this is never going to end!
  3. Patient waiting
  4. A time for everything
  5. Malefactors becoming your master
  6. Putting your feelings into words and sharing them
  7. We all have to have dreams
  8. Doest thou well to be Angry?
  9. A man who cannot forgive others
  10. He who cannot forgive breaks the bridge over which he himself must pass
  11. Be ye angry and sin not
  12. Be holy
  13. The first on the list of the concerns of the saint
  14. Growth in character
  15. She who sows thistles will reap prickles
  16. Love is like playing the piano
  17. Forgiveness is a blessing for the one who forgives
  18. He who smiles rather than rages is always the stronger
  19. Allowed to heal
  20. See the conquest and believe that we can gain the victory
  21. Singing gift from God
  22. Unconditional love
  23. Your Sins Are Forgiven


  • The Cycle of Thorns &Roses part 2… Getting to the roses… (trilovespeaks.wordpress.com)
    We can be angry at other things, other people and other objects, not knowing it comes from bitterness. All our energy and mind are set in an anger-mode, and we’re affected mentally. There is no joy, no creativity, and no positive power flowing through our lives, because there is resentment there.
  • Forgiveness: 5 Reasons Why You Should Let Go of Resentments (bloguvib.wordpress.com)
    To forgive is somehow associated with saying that it is all right, that we accept the evil deed. But this is not forgiveness. Forgiveness means that you fill yourself with love and you radiate that love outward and refuse to hang onto the venom or hatred that was engendered by the behaviors that caused the wounds. ~Wayne Dyer
    Deep down inside you know Why you should let go and how to let go of it all in order to find peace of mind and be happy. Allow yourself to receive this gift, because forgiveness is a gift you give to yourself, first and foremost. The moment you tell yourself: I had enough, this pain no longer serves me, that will be the moment you will actually understand Why forgiveness is power and why you are the first one to benefit from it.
  • Why Forgiveness Is Worth Fighting For (news.peacefmonline.com)
    There are still scars in my mind and heart, and in the minds and hearts of others who were involved. But for the most part, they are just scars.

    They are no longer gaping, open wounds. They are not as sensitive as they once were. And while I still tread carefully — the memory of the pain is still there, even if the pain itself is not — the effects on my everyday life are minimal.
    focus on what I have, and not what I don’t have or what I no longer have. It’s important for me to work on my own issues and not worry so much about what other people are doing to work on theirs.

  • Why Forgiveness is Power (earthweareone.com)
    I know it’s a lot easier to give back exactly what you receive, and in this case, a lot of negativity, but we don’t want to do what’s easier, but rather what is best for our health, our well being and that of those around us. I know that people can be really mean sometimes, and that they can do horrible things to those they come in contact with, to those they love and care about, but I also believe that people can change, and this is why it’s so important to give up on your personal history that you might have had with those people, and allow them to show you just that.
  • Learn Forgiveness from Your King (Matthew 18:21-35) (christoursaviorchurch.wordpress.com)
    It’s hard to forgive when someone has hurt you, and I mean really hurt you. It’s hard to look someone who just hurt you in the face and forgive them from your heart, as Jesus tells us to do today, with no trace of lingering bitterness, resentment, or anger.

    It’s hard to forgive when, often, the person who hurt you isn’t just some stranger on the street, but someone near and dear to you. It’s hard to forgive when sometimes the people who hurt us in the past seem to misuse our forgiveness as they keep on hurting us, over and over and over again.
    Our King’s forgiveness changes how we answer that question, doesn’t it? What we don’t do is act like this wicked servant in Jesus’ parable. We don’t come into church here on a weekly basis, sit in front of God’s word on a daily basis, hear him tell us that our innumerable sins have been completely forgiven and forgotten, and then walk out that door and refuse to forgive the comparatively small and insignificant sins that others may commit against us. We don’t hold comparatively little sins over the heads of other people when we have had 10,000 talents worth of sins removed from our heads. There’s no more room for grudge holding in our lives. Petty arguments and stubbornness have no place in our relationships.

  • How To Forgive and Speed Up Your Healing (conqueringfearspiritually.com)
    How many times has somebody you know held a grudge against someone for a really stupid reason? “She didn’t bring me a present when we had our housewarming party”, “He said he’d take my son to football, but he never offered to”, “She told me she’d phone me, but she forgot”. Little resentments like this build up over time. When they happen they can be seemingly inconsequential- you can brush them off and put it down to them having a busy day. When you find yourself feeling irritated by the person however, recognise this feeling and know that it is hindering you moving forward, creating hidden negativity, but it is more importantly a huge energy zapper.

Source of Inspiration


Part of cleaning our past
as we move forward on the
path of love, is to make
restitution to those we
have harmed by our
actions or inactions;
our failure to act
with integrity and love.

Examine your conscience;
return what you have
ruthlessly taken, make amends
however you can. Go beyond
paying in kind; be generous, give more,

When those whom you’ve harmed
can forgive you, it is a glorious
day indeed. But even if they
are not able to forgive and
trust you, wish them well,
pray for their healing;
then forgive yourself, last
step of making amends.

We all have failed at times;
restitution is a key to healing;
hand in hand with
forgiveness to all,
including you as well.
Do not wallow in self-hatred
for if God forgives all to
those who are sincere,
sshouldn’twe forgive
ourselves as well?

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Filed under Activism and Peace Work, Being and Feeling, Lifestyle, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs