Tag Archives: Replace unhealthy habits with better ones

How to Start (and Keep) Good Habits

The Divine Creator has given His divine Word to mankind. He demanded some ‘holy men’ to write down those words so that nobody would have an excuse and would say

I did not know.

He also took care that in a certain way everybody would have the opportunity in life to come in contact with either people or with the words declaring Him. All people are created in the image of God and in a certain way have the connection with the Creator inplanted in the self. God wants all creatures to come close to Him. He also would like that they all would become partakers of a marvellous peaceful world. But all people should take the steps toward God of their free will.

To get to know Him and what He wants, God gave us the Book of books to help and guide us.

When we want to go on a big trip, we also prepare ourselves. We take care that we have the right roadmaps and have everything with us that we need for the trip. Going for a better life, we need to undertake some serious matters. It is fine when we have bought some roadmaps to start our trip, but when we do not use those maps, we are nothing with them. It is the same with the bible; When we have a Bible or Holy Scriptures but do not read it, we are nothing with it.

When having such a Sacred Writings and Bestseller, we best make very good use of them. For reading the Bible we also better prepare ourselves and make some arrangements to read it regularly. We should make it a good habit to regularly go through that Word of God and think about it.

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How to Start (and Keep) Good Habits

Imagine it’s late and you’ve had a long day. You were planning to exercise, fix yourself a healthy meal, then spend some time in God’s Word. Instead, you grab some pizza and binge TV shows.

Without realising it, you just reinforced a habit.

Research suggests we all have “keystone habits,” acquired patterns of behaviour that form the basis of our daily routines. Change those, and you can change your life.

Here are 5 Ways to Develop Healthy Habits:

  1. Remember whose you are. You are called by God and made in His image. Because of His great love for you, you have the ability to become more like the person God created you to be.
  2. Identify the “why” behind your behaviour. Do you eat junk food because you like the taste? Or because you’re tired or bored?
    Once you know why you behave the way you do, it’s easier to replace unhealthy habits with better ones.
  3. Draw close to God. When you prioritize time with God, you’re allowing Him to renew your mind (Rom. 12:2). Eventually, this will help you change the way you live.
  4. Focus on one key habit. Consistently doing one thing well will yield results over time and make it easier to master other habits later.
  5. Give yourself grace. You won’t always get it right… And that’s okay. When you stumble, “fall forward”: learn from your mistakes and keep going. God will still be right beside you, cheering you on.

It only takes a moment to start a healthy habit. Plan everything to come to a regular Bible reading, and let God use that choice to begin transforming your daily routines.

Be convinced that the Bible in itself contains enough to fully inform and educate us to go to God and to find the right path of life to enter the kingdom of God. We must fully trust in it.



“I want to draw closer to God, but…”


Find also to read

  1. To create a great journey
  2. Approachers of ideas around gods, philosophers and theologians
  3. A Book to trust #26 Roadmap for life out of darkness
  4. Bible
  5. Gospel or Good News – Evangelie of Goede Nieuws
  6. Word of God
  7. The Word itself should be enough reason to believe
  8. Absolute Basics to Reading the Bible
  9. Daily portion of heavenly food
  10. Torah hanging on two commandments and focussing on a Mashiach
  11. Expectations for kashrut to meet individual and contemporary norms
  12. Back to back or Face to face
  13. Importance of Tikkun olam
  14. Creator and Blogger God 12 Old and New Blog 2 Blog for every day
  15. Born of the Father
  16. Back from gone #2 Aim of godly people
  17. Imperfect ones to learn from the One Who wants to be our Father
  18. Confidence in times of trial
  19. Today’s thought “God has come to test you …” (February 10)
  20. Today’s thought “Everyone whom the Lord calls to himself” (April 26)
  21. Today’s thought “You stiff necked people” (April 30)
  22. Today’s Thought “Jesus Greater than Moses” (May 31)
  23. Today’s thought “Draw near to God …” (June 9)
  24. Today’s thought “On the eternity of God” (December 17)
  25. A Worldwide Vision for Theological Education

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Filed under Being and Feeling, Educational affairs, Knowledge & Wisdom, Lifestyle, Religious affairs