Tag Archives: Radu C. Crahmaliuc

Rabbi Ianki’s dog

In life we do need a laugh. today we can see lots of comedies on television, but when we see the jokes they are nearly always under the belt and many very vulgar.

Dr Roby Parrot from the comedy magazine Skyline Reports

On Skyline Reports we may  find (as a joke) Dr. Parrot who has done his medical studies in the field of psychiatry at Sorbonne, where he studied with the famous Professor Pangrue how to buy expensive and sell cheap. He was also once one of the brave defenders of Independece.

At the time of the last Oriental conflagration I served in the civic guard – Intelligent Bayonet – in the company of the Armenian slum. Heroic times {Civic guard}

His eye and mind may be very bright, him believing that

 On the first day God created the sky and the Earth. For administrative reasons he created the whole Earth in one place to be able to master it better and depends on only the Republicans, which he knew better.

god trump
According to him

Unlike religion, sex doesn’t make you feel guilty.


There aren’t so many rules when you have sex. {Sex and religion}

From September 2, 2017 (or did he have a false start on August the 20th 2017), this parrot is talking and letting him heard, wanting his own Dada at Morning sunset when he saw a

sad tree had a shaggy elephant who liked to smoke seaweed every morning.

sunset sunrise

The tree often told it to quiet smoking as the carbon dioxide concentration of the atmosphere increased, but the elephant did not hear it because it was deaf due to an atomic bomb exploding right next to its left ear during the secret war in the Anophel mosquito’s studio.

This morning the sun had just risen when it had already sunset.

The elephant was reatly surprised by this thig and asked the tree:

„What the hell is that sun ?”

„It’s sick of seasickness because of seaweed you smoke”, said the tree.

„That means the sun is crazy because the seaweed does not contain nicotine !”

For those who do not speak Parrotese they can go to Romania and find stories about the great spy, secret agent and world-renowned general, Florian Coldea, who leaves with a special mission to Moscow. Dr. Parrot also providing the appropriate photographs or interesting pictorial illustrations to proof the value of what he was to witness. though sometimes it might not always  go so well with his spying efforts.

Here he is trying to create a secret intelligence agency. For a while, everything went well, spying seemed a mild task for the Coldea specialist, until one morning at his door three guys called the big cabinet, with tinted glasses and stiff faces.

If you need a doctor, may we advise you first to go along Dr. Parrot. Though we want to warn you, being part of this age where so many use bad language, we also can find some ugly words, like on whenRadu C. Crahmaliuc his text “Student, acuzat de terorism după ce a deschis un geam într-un troleibuz plin cu pensionari” of a Student accused of terrorism after opening a window on a bus.

01 terorist

as the result of the attack, at least 15 people required anti-rheumatic grease rubbing and suckers on their back, the incident being among the worst in America.



Find also:

  1. The Creation of the World – Trump’s vision
  2. Trump’s secret reviews: How to succeed in politics
  3. Indecipherable writing
  4. Civic guard


Rabbi Ianki had a pedigree dog. One day he reads in a newspaper that in Paris for 5,000 dollars  the dog can be taught to talk in just one week. He immediately calls his son Moishole, gives him 5,000 dollars and sends him to Paris with the dog.

In Paris Moishole spends all the money on girls and fun in just two days. All night he did not sleep, being terrified that the Rabbi will kill him for speding the money. The next day Rabbi Ianki calls his son to learn how the dog is evolving. Moishole tells him everything’s going really well.

“How so ? Has it already started to talk ?”

“It doesn’t stop talking. By the way, Dad, are you still having sex with the youg lady secretary ?”

“Who told you that ?”

“The dog !”

“Know something ? Leave the dog at Paris and come…

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