Tag Archives: Personal life’s hour-glass

(Poem) Endless Time

Time for some or many may be their side, but for many it also may be against them. For many time can also slip through the shadows and get them frustrated and not knowing where and when to go.

Perhaps an old poet, but that does not mean one has become out of time. Today many companies wanting to get rid of the older persons, forgetting that they have the experience and knowledge. Though it looks like today their time is not any more accounted for. Therefore pleased to find some people not leaving themselves put aside but crawling into the pen and daring to let their voice be heard on the internet.

Today’s guestwriter remarks

We all grow up believing things we are told, to be correct, mostly. If we are told by our parents, teachers or Pastors that this or that is the truth most kids, if they have respect for these people tend to believe them. But you know, sometimes these people are simply incorrect. {Truth}

With the years , passing time, we come to see and experience different things and then time may give that we get more knowledge and insights, if we are willing to grow.

Today’s guest writer got to see that so many things told to him were not Biblical, so he dared to take the time to learn more about it by taking up the Book of books itself. He also writes on his blog

I did a somewhat quick read through the Bible just so I could say I had done it once. But, after I had finished reading through it I realized that these things my Mom had told me “the Bible says”, I didn’t remember seeing anywhere. So, I started rereading the scriptures more slowly and with pen and pad so that I could make notes. {Truth}

This is a good attitude which can bring man to think better about what he reads and about what he hears what should or could be written there – but is not. We always should remember that the others are not always telling lies but do not know the exact truth and have also been part of their time and their generation’s thougths.

After completing time two, I realized that these things Mom had told me weren’t correct, they just weren’t there. I know that Mom wasn’t lying to me, she was just wrong. We can grow old and comfortable with the stories of our youth’s no matter who they were told by, or we can use our own brains to think a little. Parents, teachers, priests, they all have stories they had been told in there youth’s, is it possible that on some items they were told wrong? {Truth}

The Final Testament of the Holy Bible

The Final Testament of the Holy Bible (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

So they and we do have to take the time to come to know more and to correct those things we learned wrongly. By time we have to keep willing to learn and to adapt otherwise we shall become stain or a rock where the fast streaming water runs over and past, making us in a little grain of sand after some time.

We always should remember that time depends how we want to perceive it. When we are young all seems to take such a long time. When we are old all seems to go too fast. And when we look at the time of God

There are several places in scripture where we are told things like “My days are not your days”, and how a human life is like the twinkling (blink) of the eye to Gods time. Even in the New Testament the Apostle Peter told the people that one of Gods days are like unto a thousand of our years. In other words, our days and Gods days don’t match up. Think about it, even in our own orbits of the sun, the planets that are in this orbit with us have different amounts of time that make up their days. {Truth}

And in this world we so often are confronted by people who want to own our time. Often we look at time and wonder what we can do with it or what to do next, or how we missed doing things we wanted or should have done.

Facing the universe we can see that planets that surround us possess their own concept of time on a clock. And while they continue to circle around in the universe our own personal life’s hour-glass as the sand falling down.

English: Readin the Bible.

Reading the Bible. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)



Filed under Knowledge & Wisdom, Poetry - Poems, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Religious affairs