Tag Archives: Pablo Tsukayama

Let South America come to you #1 Reasons to stay away from South America

When you can not go to South America, why do you not bring South America into your home?

Reasons to stay away from South America


2020-2021 was no time to go to South America because of a acute respiratory syndrome virus attacking the population badly. Brazil is the Latin American country affected the most by the COVID-19 pandemic. As of July 27, 2021, the highest number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Latin America could be recorded, and Brazil could be placed third highest in the world, the country had reported approximately 19.7 million cases. It was followed by Argentina, with more than 4.8 million confirmed cases of COVID-19. In total, the region had registered more than 40 million diagnosed patients, as well as a growing number of fatal COVID-19 cases.

As of July 27, 2021, more than 1.3 million people have died due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic in Latin America and the Caribbean. The country with the highest number was Brazil, reporting more than 550 thousand deaths. As a result of the pandemic, Brazil’s GDP is forecast to decline by approximately six percent in 2020. Meanwhile, Mexico ranked second in number of deaths, with over 238 thousand occurrences.

Elena Ruiz, 53, breathes in oxygen with the assistance of a nurse, as part of Ruiz's recovery treatment from COVID-19, in Lima, Peru Peru has more than 2.1 million confirmed cases of COVID-19

Classified as a “variant of interest” by the World Health Organization (WHO) on June 17, the lambda, or C.37, variant of the coronavirus has already been detected in some US states and at least 29 nations — many of them in Latin America.

In Peru, where it was identified in August 2020, the lambda variant accounted for more than 80% of new infections in June, and it is also spreading rapidly in Chile, Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador and Mexico.

Coronavirus lambda variant spreads across Latin America

The WHO classified C.37 as a “variant of interest” after it appeared in a number of countries simultaneously. In Peru, where the lambda variant was identified in August 2020, it now accounts for most of new infections.

Elena Ruiz, 53, breathes in oxygen with the assistance of a nurse, as part of Ruiz's recovery treatment from COVID-19, in Lima, Peru Peru has more than 2.1 million confirmed cases of COVID-19

Classified as a “variant of interest” by the World Health Organization (WHO) on June 17, the lambda, or C.37, variant of the coronavirus has already been detected in some US states and at least 29 nations — many of them in Latin America.

In Peru, where it was identified in August 2020, the lambda variant accounted for more than 80% of new infections in June, and it is also spreading rapidly in Chile, Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador and Mexico.

“So far we have seen no indication that the lambda variant is more aggressive,”

WHO virologist Jairo Mendez-Rico told DW.

“It is possible that it may exhibit higher infection rates, but we don’t yet have enough reliable data to compare it to gamma or delta.”

Alpha (B.1.1.7), beta (B.1.351) delta (B.1.617.2) and gamma (P.1) are also categorized as “variants of concern” by the WHO. The classification indicates that they are more transmissible and more difficult to treat and can lead to more serious illness.

“Although it is possible, currently there is no indication that variants are more dangerous and lead to increased mortality,”

said Mendez-Rico.

“It is likely that SARS-CoV-2 will become more transmissible throughout the course of its evolution but not necessarily more damaging.”

Time to stay away

The Lambda version spread more quickly than variants deemed far more dangerous by the WHO out of the way, even prevailing over the gamma variant, which had run rampant in neighboring Brazil. But with all the variants going around it is not the ideal time to go to South America when you are not really needed overthere.

Virologist Pablo Tsukayama said lambda was more transmissible, which had helped it spread so quickly in Peru.

“With […] the highest mortality rates in the world, we are the country that has struggled most when it comes to the coronavirus,”

he said.

“Therefore, it is probably no wonder that the new variant has gotten its start here.”

By the end of July, COVID-19 deaths in Peru had surpassed 195,000.

“It is very likely that new variants will appear during a third wave of coronavirus infections during the South American winter between July and September,”

said Tsukayama.

 “They may not be any more lethal but they will definitely be more communicable.”

Last month the landlocked country in south-central South America Paraguay registered 18.09 deaths per million, compared with 2.71 in India, 2.2 in South Africa, 1.01 in the US, and 0.14 in the UK.

The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted essential health services in most countries and territories in Latin America and the Caribbean, threatening immunization of children and care of expectant mothers and people with chronic conditions, Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) Director Carissa F. Etienne warned.

Attractive New World

For many the New World, the Western Hemisphere, or simply the Americas is something which is very attractive and lets us dream a lot. South America is compact and roughly triangular in shape, being broad in the north and tapering to a point — Cape Horn, Chile—in the south.

Having a total area of about 6,878,000 square miles (17,814,000 square km), or roughly one-eighth of the land surface of Earth it has so much to offer, one needs months or years to properly visit it and to taste all the goodness of it.
Mount Aconcagua, in Argentina, near the border with Chile, is not only the continent’s highest point but also the highest elevation in the Western Hemisphere. The Valdés Peninsula, on the southeastern coast of Argentina, includes the lowest point, at 131 feet (40 metres) below sea level. In relation to its area, the continent’s coastline — some 15,800 miles in length — is exceptionally short. San José Gulf was officially decreed a wildlife sanctuary in 1974.

With a grand total of 12 countries packed into the 4th largest continent in the world, South America easily presents a lot of terrain and culture to cover, though not all places are very safe to visit, because of political and crime- but now also because of health risks.

Notwithstanding all the difficulties many countries of that continent have to cover it is a continent teeming with superlatives. According to some it is also next to New Zealand the most of what our fantastic planet has to offer.

South America may very well be the place to visit to see many wonders of the world, but for sure now is not the time to do it. Colouring ‘red’  it looks like you shall have to wait some time before it will be alright to visit it.

But do not worry, if you want already some taste of it, you can get it (if not today) already tomorrow.


Continues with

Let South America come to you #2 For those with a good taste


Additional reading

  1. Avoiding to get Water at the price of gold #2 Dealing with effects of a changing climate
  2. 2019 was #1 a Year of Raising fire and voices
  3. CoViD-19 Curation
  4. Challenges of the Post-Pandemic period
  5. Looking at: ‘The rich are getting richer, and the poor are… also getting richer’ by Daniel Hannan



  1. This Month’s Region of the World: Latin America
  2. A new Continent – South America
  3. The Pandemic’s Legacy Will Spur New Protests in Latin America
  4. Otras 135 personas murieron y 10.356 fueron reportadas con coronavirus en todo el país
  5. Brazil sees a significant fall in the average number of deaths due to Covid-19
  6. Venezuela Is Without a Vaccination Plan
  7. Murió por coronavirus Gino Renni, el actor italiano que conquistó a los argentinos con su humor
  8. Por fin Logre mi Vecina Argentina Viniera a visitarme , Vean como se sienta encima de la verga y la se la mete entera en la cola
  9. Horse power
  10. Lomas de Lachay
  11. Florianópolis
  12. by Gateway Landscape Photography on Flickr.Avenue of the Glaciers, Beagle Channel, Tierra del Fuego, Chile.
  13. Flora Veloso biography: 10 things about Miss Earth Argentina 2021
  14. On the approach to Fitz Roy in Southern Patagonia, Argentina
  15. My Older Sisters Griselda and Xiomara: Survivors of the Guatemalan Civil War
  16. An Inca highway still benefits people living nearby | The Economist
  17. Why Latin American venture capital is breaking records this year
  18. Happy Peru Day – Feliz Fiestas Patrias
  19. July 30, 2021 Moray and the Moras Salt Mines
  20. Sismo en Perú dejó al menos 41 heridos, tres de ellos en grave estado
  21. Terremoto de magnitude 6,1 atinge a costa norte do Peru e deixa feridos
  22. A 6.1-magnitude earthquake strikes Peru.
  23. Haurez
  24. Informality rate in Brazilian labour market rises to 40%
  25. Belem – Brazil – Icoaracy
  26. Channel-billed Toucan Ramphastos vitellinus
  27. São Paulo Sunday
  28. Rare Snowfall Enchants Brazilian Resort Town
  29. Vídeo: o momento em que uma casa desmorona e cai no mar na Argentina
  30. Río by Lumtz


Filed under Crimes & Atrocities, Headlines - News, Health affairs, Nature, Political affairs, Welfare matters, World affairs