Tag Archives: Northeast Now

Self-care routine

Northeast Now in Asia is convinced that a solid self-care routine is critical to maintaining in this stressful busy life where we don’t get time for ourselves.

Self-care is different for different people depending not just on who you are, but on what you’re going through, how much time you have, what you find makes you feel less stressed and what you can afford.

There are people who believe stress is bad and others who think being busy all the time is actually a good and bad thing at the same time, and in such situations, one can have some form of stress that can motivate to do the things as good as possible. Others do find that one may be happy when there is a feeling of stress. It is true that we got to think about our targets and plan things. Ass such we do have to find the time to do things. A danger of setting our goals or targets in life is that we try so hard to live up to the standards of success created by a money driven competitive society that we get frustrated if we fail to live up to those standards.

In life it is a matter of finding the balance between reaching goals and doing things in a not too burdensome way. Often we forget that

the more you crave to fit into standards created by others, the more you refuse to accept yourself. {Stressed? Be happy by Rashmi S. Malapur}



We can find lots of people who are in a constant chase of reality and identity, many people do want to know who they really are and for what reason they are here on earth living not always such a nice life.

Some people can not cope when they are seeing that things are not going their way or when they do not seem to be capable to reach their goal in the time they set for it themselves. Some of them do not set in some time to relax and by not taking a nap or not having enough sleep they do not notice they become slower and less focused. Therefore, schedule time for recreation to relax your mind and body.

Sometimes it can be good to divert your attention from thinking about things that are going on in your life. But also getting attention to other people around you, noticing how they cope or do not cope with life. It is often wise to look at your neighbour and coming to help him or her. Doing something for someone else will get your mind off of yourself, and by doing so also diminish stress.

Naturally, it also can happen that others are the cause of stress. Their demands or the way how they treat you.
If you find the source of your stress is other people, try giving in, instead of fighting and insisting you are always right. Or when they are bullying, just turn your back on them and walk away, or when it becomes too bad are not afraid to look for outside help.

If the problem is beyond your control, do know that it is better to step away from the problem or try your best to accept it until you can change it.

It beats spinning your wheels and getting nowhere. {Getting a handle on stress}

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  1. Zone out for a while
  2. Connect with a close friend
  3. Keep your Sunday’s for a self pampering routine
  4. Spend 20 minutes clearing clutter
  5. Refill your water bottle hourly
  6. Steep up your morning routine
  7. Create a “Yay!” List

They also say:

Snag a fun new journal to motivate you. It will get you thinking with daily prompts about what inspired you, times you felt strong, and more.



Monthly Self Care

Creating Community and Togetherness

Doing more

The Importance of Self-Care in Today’s Busy World



  1. Worried and Stressed?
  2. Letter to my twenties: A rant
  3. A lil story
  4. A good nights sleep is important!
  5. My Life as a Movie Monday: The Incredibles
  6. Two Tales of in-Tent
  7. Stress – written by someone who thinks it is crazy to think about life and existence in the first place so having thought about our doings in life is certainly normal.
  8. Stressed? Be happy
  9. Getting a handle on stress
  10. STRESS (3). Does my Stress affect others?
  11. Why do I get stressed so easily?
  12. Being overwhelmed
  13. Don’t Get Overwhelmed
  14. The One Thing
  15. The Power of Unwinding
  16. Declutter With These Remarkably Amazing Tips When You’re Actually
  17. Don’t forget to Breathe

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Filed under Being and Feeling, Health affairs, Lifestyle, Social affairs, Uncategorized, Welfare matters