Tag Archives: Michael Osterholm

You’ll Probably Get Covid-19 Eventually. But Avoid It for as Long as You Can.

That even people who had two injections of anti-covid-vaccines are not totally safe, was proved by the several who still got infected with the delta variant and the 8 deaths from the elderly home in Belgium.

Dewayne-Net Archives

You’ll Probably Get Covid-19 Eventually. But Avoid It for as Long as You Can.
The next six months of this pandemic may look dispiriting. But that doesn’t mean we’re doomed.
By Melody Schreiber
Aug 6 2021

“Hot vax summer” never quite materialized. For parents, like me, and other caregivers with vulnerable family members, it wasn’t clear what exactly we could do safely. Now, as Covid-19 cases in the United States spike and we learn that vaccinated people may transmit the delta variant to others, we are all donning masks again and gritting our teeth in preparation for more restrictions. And we’re wondering: Will it always be like this?

The science is pretty clear: SARS-CoV-2 is here to stay. It will become endemic, which means the virus will continue circulating through humans and animals in the next few years. Elimination, where the virus is almost entirely quashed, is possible, but…

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