Tag Archives: Matthew 24:4

Time to be prepared and to put your armour on for the coming battle

Coming closer to the end times we notice how things go totally wrong in the world. We have come in an age that we are tested several times. More than once we shall have to struggle not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil.

“11 Put on yourselves the complete armor of The God so you will be able to stand against the deceptive methods of the Devil. 12 Because we are not wrestling against blood and flesh, but against heavenly hierarchies, heavenly authorities, heavenly world-rulers of this darkness, against wicked spirit-beings in the Celestialum.

13 Because of this take up the complete armor of The God so that you might be able to offer resistance in the wicked day, and having worked out everything to hold your stance. 14 So, all of you continue to stand firm with your loins girded about in truth. Also put on yourselves the breastplate of righteousness,” (Eph 6:11-14 MHM)

We have more than time enough. Already for years signs are increasing and should become more clear for everyone to see.

“Put on yourselves the complete armour”: Literally, the panoply. Or, KJV: put on the whole armour of God; KNX: you must wear all the weapons in God’s armoury.

It is a call for us not to go in a real fight but in a spiritual fight. We have to make ourselves strong, standing up straight. We have to clothe ourselves with a battle suit. In verse 11 the Greek word used is  “enduo”, which means “to put on” or to clothe one’s self. In verse 13 the apostle uses “analambano” which means to take up a thing in order to carry or use it.

As such we have to clothe ourselves figuratively that we are “Able to stand against”: Or, PME: successfully resist; TCN: able to stand your ground; BAR: able to resist (Gr. anthistemi: to withstand, resist, oppose).

In a certain way we, by coming into the faith have already put on some new clothes.

“And now that you have put on the New Person, continue to be renewed in complete knowledge in harmony with the image of the One who created [this New Person].” (Col 3:10 MHM)

Coming to Christ, accepting his God as our God, we have Jesus as our mediator, but we can take up his mantle to be as strong as he was in the Garden of Gethsemane, in the time of his trial. Jesus trusted his God. We should do the same.

We do not need to engage in a personal battle, but we need to realise that in the last days the adversary of God will come to battle even more fiercely than he did before. We may, at times, feel personally attacked, but it is about much more than our own personality, namely our faith.

In any case, we must not doze off or allow ourselves to be convinced that there will be no such thing and that we have nothing to fear. Let us certainly not be deceived by those who do not create faith in God and His Words.

“And, Jesus answered them: “Look out no one misleads you.” (Mt 24:4 MHM)

We must be strong in our faith, not tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, in craftiness, after the wiles of error.

“So that we may not remain infants–being tossed about by waves and borne around by every wind of teaching, by the slight of hand of persons always working toward methodical error.” (Eph 4:14 MHM)

God’s opponents will make every effort to dismantle followers of Jehovah and turn them away from their faith. We have to know that the adversary of God is a very powerful enemy who hates God and detests all those who follow Him.

When we know what the enemy of God is up to, we shall be better to handle him. With the help of our God we shall be able to be “clothed properly” to withstand his attacks.  In the end, the battle shall end and the people of God shall win!



Could it be that we are living in the Last Days

Signs of the times – As the Day approaches

How to Find the Meaning of Life and Reach a State of Peace


Additional reading

  1. Matthew 24:4-8 – The Nazarene’s Commentary: The Answer: Part One – Beware Being Misled
  2. Matthew 24:29-35 – The Nazarene’s Commentary: The Answer Part Two – Sign 2: The Parousia. A Sign after the Great Oppression
  3. Matthew 24:42-51 – The Nazarene’s Commentary: Stay Awake!
  4. Living in faith
  5. Running the battle
  6. Making sure to be ready and to belong to the escaped ones
  7. God’s wrath and sanctification
  8. The Rapture Wars
  9. Great Tribulation and Armageddon
  10. Armageddon or the Great Tribulation
  11. Called ones escape
  12. Partakers and sons of the Realm
  13. Reason to look excited about the coming future
  14. Sings of the times giving direction in life

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Filed under Being and Feeling, Lifestyle, Reflection Texts, Religious affairs